
When you first see your parents, you may not like you

Oh, when it comes to meeting my parents at the beginning, it's really heartbreaking. Especially when you have a stable relationship with your partner, when it comes to meeting your parents, you will feel a little apprehensive. After all, this is a possible "family jury" in the future!

When you first see your parents, you may not like you

I remember the first time I went home with my boyfriend to see his parents, the nervousness in my heart was even worse than the college entrance examination. All the way, I wondered, will his mother like me? How do I behave so that they think I'm a good girl?

As soon as I entered the door, I began to put on a variety of "performances": smiling, soft-spoken, and preparing some small gifts. However, his mother didn't seem to be very enthusiastic, her expression was light, and she didn't talk much. I was chuckling and thinking, "It's over, my aunt probably doesn't like me."

Later, when I talked to my boyfriend about it, he told me that his mom was actually a slow burner, not very enthusiastic about anyone, and not aimed at me. It dawned on me that I was thinking too much about myself.

When you first see your parents, you may not like you

So, when we first met our parents, let's not be too nervous, let alone add drama to ourselves. Some awkward situations may not be because the other person doesn't like you, but because they have their own personality and habits.

So, what should parents pay attention to when they first meet them? I think the most important thing is to be sincere and natural. Don't try to show anything, and don't care too much about your performance. Just like you usually get along with your friends, just relax and be yourself.

Also, it's just some small details. For example, remember to say hello when you enter the door, look the other person in the eye when you speak, and don't play with your phone or be absent-minded. These small details can make the other party feel your respect and politeness.

Of course, if you really meet the kind of parents who are particularly picky or difficult to handle, don't take it too seriously. After all, feelings are a matter for two people, and as long as you love each other, nothing else is a problem.

When you first see your parents, you may not like you

Finally, I would like to say that although I was a little embarrassed and nervous about meeting my parents for the first time, it was also a good memory. After all, it's an important milestone in the development of your relationship. So, relax and enjoy the process! Maybe you can get an unexpected family affection because of this!