
Watch the Olympics in theaters! The live broadcast of the TV program of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in theaters was launched

Watch the Olympics in theaters! The live broadcast of the TV program of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in theaters was launched

On July 22, the "Cinema Watching the Olympics" - China Central Radio and Television's 2024 Paris Olympic Games TV Theater Live Event was launched in Beijing. Jiang Wenbo, a member of the editorial board of China Central Radio and Television, and Fu Ruoqing, chairman of China Film Group Corporation, chairman and general manager of China Film Co., Ltd., delivered speeches at the event and jointly launched the "Cinema to Watch the Olympics" activity with the guests.

Watch the Olympics in theaters! The live broadcast of the TV program of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in theaters was launched

The "Cinema Watching the Olympics" event was jointly organized by the General Manager's Office of China Central Radio and Television, China Film Co., Ltd., and China Radio Film and Television Satellite Co., Ltd. Starting from July 27, the TV program of the Paris Olympic Games will be broadcast live in more than 800 eligible cinemas across the country, allowing Chinese audiences to enjoy the fun of the wonderful games on the big screen.

Jiang Wenbo said that the live broadcast of the Olympic Games in theaters for the first time is an innovative attempt to promote the integrated development of television and film, and it is also an important measure to keep up with the pace of the times and conform to the development of cultural practice, which is of symbolic significance. It not only provides a new channel for the people to watch the Paris Olympic Games, but also builds a new platform for Chinese audiences to appreciate the style of Olympic athletes, perceive the spirit of sports, and unite national feelings. This open integration and innovation is an innovative practice of Chinese TV professionals and filmmakers who are constantly forging ahead on the journey of becoming a socialist cultural power, opening up more development opportunities for the media industry and creating higher new value of cultural communication.

Watch the Olympics in theaters! The live broadcast of the TV program of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in theaters was launched

△ Jiang Wenbo, a member of the editorial board of China Central Radio and Television, delivered a speech

Fu Ruoqing said that at present, China Film is in full swing to complete the live broadcast deployment, and believes that the wonderful Olympic Games broadcast by China Central Radio and Television will be introduced into theaters across the country in real time, which will definitely bring an unprecedented audio-visual experience to the audience and present an extraordinary Olympic event. This is not only a creative attempt by film technology to empower the Olympic Games, but also a further exploration of the diversified development of the function of China Film to empower the function of non-film content with Taiwan Film, and a cross-border integration of China's film industry and international sports events, and an important step for China Film to expand the new boundaries of culture and promote the development of culture and sports.

Watch the Olympics in theaters! The live broadcast of the TV program of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in theaters was launched

△ Fu Ruoqing, Chairman of China Film Group Corporation, Chairman and General Manager of China Film Co., Ltd., delivered a speech

Table tennis Olympic champion Ding Ning and trampoline Olympic champion Dong Dong shared their memories of participating in the Olympic Games at the event, and sent blessings to the Chinese athletes who went to Paris.

Watch the Olympics in theaters! The live broadcast of the TV program of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in theaters was launched

At present, the live pre-sale of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games TV program theater has been opened, and the audience can make an appointment for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games through the three major ticketing platforms of Maoyan, China Film Movie Pass, and Taopiaopiao. Table tennis, badminton, diving, volleyball, basketball, football and other screenings will also be available for pre-sale in the near future. At that time, the audience will be able to cheer for the Chinese athletes and cheer for their favorite athletes in the ultimate audio-visual environment.

Gong Bo, Director of the China Institute of Film Science and Technology, Qin Zhengui, Director of the Film Script Planning and Planning Center of the Central Propaganda Department, Zhang Hong, Director of the Film Digital Program Management Center of the Central Propaganda Department, Yang Wujun, Director of the National Film Development Special Fund Management Office, Bai Yimin, Chairman of Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Li Shuping, Chief Technical Expert of China Film Co., Ltd., Luo Yang, Deputy Director of the National Film Administration, Hu Guohua, Deputy Director of the Editor-in-Chief Office of China Central Radio and Television, and Tashi Dunzhu, Deputy General Manager of the General Manager's Office, attended the meeting. Heads of relevant departments of China Central Radio and Television and the National Film Administration, as well as representatives of China Film Group Corporation, China Film Co., Ltd., China Radio Film Satellite Co., Ltd. and other enterprises attended the event.

Source: CCTV news client


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