
How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? In today's era of multimedia interweaving, the MP3 format has long gone beyond the boundaries of simple entertainment, it is like an all-round companion, penetrating into every corner of our study, work and even life, however, this ubiquitous audio format will occasionally bring us a trace of trouble The lack of volume is not only a small regret in the sense of hearing, but also a complex challenge under the interweaving of multiple factors such as equipment performance and file quality.

Imagine that you are immersed in a moving melody on a quiet afternoon, only to find that the volume is as thin as a gossamer, and it is difficult to capture that delicate emotion, at this time, we can't help but ask, what steals the volume of the MP3? Perhaps, it is the audio engine inside the device, the audio driver behind the scenes, the hero behind the scenes occasionally takes a nap, or it doesn't fit well with your device, causing the audio output to seem inadequate, on the other hand, the MP3 file itself may also hide secrets, negligence during recording or overly strict compression algorithms, which can make the original full sound shriveled and weak. In this article, the editor will introduce you to several ways to increase the volume of MP3 files, and if you are interested, come and take a look!

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Method 1: Use "Uber Audio Processor" to increase the volume of MP3 audio


Step 1: To increase the volume of MP3 in this method, you need to use the "Yousu Audio Processor" software, so please download the software to your computer first, open the software after the download is completed and select the [Volume Adjustment] function.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Step 2: After selecting the above functions, you need to import the MP3 file into the software, you can choose to click the [Add File] button to select and import the MP3 file, or you can choose to drag the MP3 file to the middle blank space to complete the import operation.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Step 3: After the MP3 file is imported, the [Volume Multiple] setting will appear in the lower right corner of the software, at this time, you need to drag the volume bar of the setting to the right, the more to the right, the volume will be increased, and the maximum number of words can be increased to twice as much.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Step 4: After successfully increasing the [Volume Endorsement], please click the [Start Conversion] button in the upper right corner of the operation interface, and the software will increase the volume of MP3 according to everyone's needs.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Step 5: After the software completes the volume adjustment operation, it will automatically open the output folder of the software, at this time, you can find the MP3 file after the volume is raised in the open folder, you can listen to it when you operate it yourself, if you are not satisfied, you can follow the above steps to operate again.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Method 2: Use Mingqu Audio Processor to increase the volume of MP3 audio

Step 1: If you have never used a Bright Audio Processor, please download the software first, open the software after the download is completed, and select the volume adjustment option at the top of the main interface.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Step 2: After clicking on the above options, you need to import the MP3 file into the software, the import method is very simple, directly drag the MP3 file to the blank area of the operation interface to complete the import operation.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Step 3: After the MP3 file is imported, you need to turn up the volume multiplier on the right side of the file, the higher the multiplier here, the higher the volume of the MP3 file, remember to click the All Adjust button in the lower right corner to start the volume adjustment program of the software.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Step 4: When the software successfully adjusts the MP3 volume, it will display the Open Folder button on the right side of the file, click this button to open the output directory of the software and find the MP3 file with the volume adjusted.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Method 3: Use HBVRT online volume manipulation tool to increase the volume of MP3 audio

Step 1: The use of the online tool is very special, first of all, you need to find the website of the tool first, and click on the audio to modify the volume function on the main interface of the website after finding the website.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Step 2: After clicking the function, the tool will jump to the page, at this time, you need to click the blue upload button on the new page, click this button, you can select the MP3 file you want to change the volume and upload the file to the tool.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Step 3: After the MP3 file is uploaded, please drag the volume bar in the lower left corner to the right, the volume of the MP3 audio will increase significantly, after adjusting the volume, remember to click the arrow button in the lower right corner to start the volume adjustment program of the tool.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Step 4: When the tool successfully completes the volume adjustment operation, a download button will be displayed below a new pop-up window, and then click this button to download the MP3 file after adjusting the volume.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Method 4: Use HBEW software to increase the volume of MP3 audio

Step 1: Download and install HBEW

Download HBEW: Visit HBEW's official website or other reliable sources to download the appropriate installer for your operating system. HBEW is free and open-source software that supports multiple platforms such as Windows and Linux.

INSTALL HBEW: Once the download is complete, follow the installation wizard to install HBEW on your computer.

Step 2: Open HBEW


Step 3: Add the audio file

Import MP3 files: In HBEW's interface, click the "Add File(s)" button and select the MP3 file you want to increase the volume of. You can also drag and drop files into the MP3Gain window.

Step 4: Analyze the audio file

Analyze audio files: Once you add files, HBEW automatically analyzes the volume levels of those files.

Step 5: Adjust the volume

Select Target Volume: On the HBEW interface, you can see the option "Target 'Normal' Volume". You can set the desired target volume level by dragging the slider or manually entering a value. A standard 89 dB is generally recommended, which is a relatively safe gain level.

Step 6: Apply the gain

Apply Gain: After setting the target volume, click on one of the "Track Gain" or "Album Gain" buttons at the bottom of the interface. Typically, "Track Gain" is chosen, which applies the gain on individual files, while "Album Gain" is adjusted for the volume of the entire album.

Wait for processing to complete: HBEW will start processing the file and display the processing progress and results when it is finished.

Step 7: Save the processed file

Save the processed file: After processing, HBEW does not modify the original file, but generates a processed copy in the same directory with the "_gain" suffix in the file name. Check and confirm that the gain-processed audio file is as expected.

How do I increase the volume of MP3 audio? These methods of extracting volume are worth collecting!

Adjusting the volume of MP3 audio to a fuller level can undoubtedly add a pop of color to our listening experience, making every detail of the music come to life, but the delicate balance behind this act is worth pondering. We need to bear in mind that while pursuing powerful sound, we must avoid stepping into the minefield of "volume overload", and at the moment of adjusting the volume of MP3, we should become a careful tuner, not only considering our own listening enjoyment, but also taking into account the suitability of the occasion and the feelings of others, choosing a volume that can not only immerse ourselves in the world of music, but also will not interfere with the surrounding environment, is responsible for ourselves, but also a manifestation of respect for others. So far, the specific article "How to increase the volume of MP3 audio?" That's it, thank you all for reading this article!

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