
Within three days, five more teacher ethics incidents broke out on the Internet, which is a milestone in Renmin University's strict punishment of sexual harassment incidents

Within three days, five more teacher ethics incidents broke out on the Internet, which is a milestone in Renmin University's strict punishment of sexual harassment incidents

On the evening of July 21, 2024, a woman at Station B who is "Wang D, a doctoral student of the People's Congress Rights Protection", posted a 58-minute video reporting Wang Guiyuan, former party secretary and deputy dean of the School of Liberal Arts and doctoral supervisor of the Chinese University of China, "forcibly molested him during work and study, and was retaliated against by the other party after being refused, and threatened him with not being allowed to graduate."

The next day, Renmin University issued two circulars in succession, expelling "Wang Moumou" from the party, revoking his professorial title, canceling his qualifications as a graduate supervisor, and revoking his qualifications for teaching positions at Renmin University Chinese and terminating his employment relationship. At the same time, report to the administrative department for education at the higher level to revoke their teacher qualifications, and report the clues to the relevant organs in accordance with the law. At present, the public security organs have handled the matter in accordance with the law.

As commentator Xie Xiaowen said in "The female doctor who has no choice but to report sexual harassment and threats has actually shown mercy to her doctoral supervisor and Renmin University?" "Follow-up to the incident of sexual harassment and threats to female doctors by the doctoral supervisor of the National People's Congress, I will give Chinese Renmin University a big move!" The article pointed out that Renmin University's handling of the incident of sexual harassment and threats against female doctors by doctoral supervisors has been a landmark incident. It must also make many similar traitors and criminals who have been or are doing evil in various fields tremble in their hearts, and it is also more conducive to giving important warnings to new people with similar behaviors, so that they can stop in time.

Sure enough, as expected, within three days, there were 5 similar revelations on the Internet, and these detailed reports were only briefly listed in order to avoid causing discomfort.

Within three days, five more teacher ethics incidents broke out on the Internet, which is a milestone in Renmin University's strict punishment of sexual harassment incidents

First, on the same day, some netizens broke the news that as early as more than ten years ago, a tragic case caused by sexual harassment by a tutor occurred at Renmin University. At that time, a female doctor in the Faculty of Arts committed suicide by jumping off the building because of her tutor's playing with feelings, and the female doctor left a suicide note, and her family pulled a banner in front of the Mingde Building, complaining with tears in their eyes: "Li Moumou, a doctoral supervisor of Renmin University, was dressed as a beast and persecuted female students to commit suicide." ”

Second, on the evening of July 23, a blogger posted that a female graduate of Shaanxi Normal University had previously publicly reported teacher Wang Moumou in the alumni group for suspected sexual harassment, saying that she had touched students' buttocks many times and sent indecent photos to students.

On the evening of July 24, Shaanxi Normal University issued a statement saying that the school had reported the case to the local public security department, and now the police have intervened in the investigation. During the investigation, all work of the teacher was suspended.

Third, on July 22, some netizens broke the news that a teacher surnamed Wang from Hekou Middle School in Huoqiu County, Lu'an City, Anhui Province sent a confession message to a student through WeChat, with no shortage of content "You are my life, I love you, forever!" "You will always be in my heart, you will never grow old, until the earth is old and the sky is desolate" and so on. After sending the above message, the teacher sent another message saying: "If you don't want to see the above, just ignore it!" ”

On July 23, the Huoqiu County Education Bureau in Lu'an City, Anhui Province, issued a notice saying that according to the preliminary investigation results, the situation was true. The county education bureau has ordered the school to immediately remove Wang from his post as director of the political and educational department and transfer him from his post, and at the same time has handed over the clues to the county discipline inspection commission and supervision committee in accordance with regulations.

Fourth, on July 23, a report post about the perennial PUA student of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology Yang, raping students, forcing students to jump off buildings, and even domestic violence against his wife and daughter, caused widespread attention on the Internet. The whistleblower not only published the detailed chat logs, but also wrote a statement, hoping to take the opportunity to get more victims to speak out.

Fifth, on July 24, Lu Lu (pseudonym), a female high school student in Zibo City, Shandong Province, reported Cao, a teacher at Shandong University of Technology, claiming to be unmarried and in love with her and having a relationship. Cao told Lulu that he was from 1996, but it was actually from 1990, and Lulu searched for his WeChat profile picture through Cao's phone and found that his WeChat profile picture was a wedding photo, and there was also a recording in which the other party also admitted to lying to her.

At about 7 o'clock on July 25, the official Weibo of Shandong University of Technology issued a notice saying that after investigation, Cao seriously violated party discipline and school rules and teachers' professional ethics. After research, it was decided to expel Cao from the party, revoke his administrative position, revoke his qualifications for teaching positions, and terminate the teacher's employment contract. At the same time, follow the procedures to report to the revocation of their teaching qualifications, and report the clues to the judicial organs in accordance with the law.

This series of events shows that this kind of problem may not be a universal problem, but has a certain tendency and tendency to spread. Some important social issues were revealed.

First, the problem of teachers' ethics and style in the field of education is relatively prominent. In particular, in colleges and universities, whether famous schools or ordinary schools, many teachers have been reported to have sexual harassment, improper relationships and other behaviors that violate teacher ethics, which shows that there are indeed some morally corrupt individuals in the ranks of educators, which seriously damages the image of teachers and the reputation of the education industry. Not only does their behavior violate professional ethics, but it is also likely to have a long-term negative impact on students' physical and mental health. It can be said that "a few rats spoiled a pot of soup".

Second, there are loopholes in the supervision of schools and educational institutions. Some incidents may have lasted for a long time, but they were not taken seriously and dealt with until they were reported, especially through the use of online revelations, which reflects the imperfection of the school's internal supervision mechanism and the lack of effective restraint and supervision of teachers' code of conduct. For example, if the female doctor jumped off the building more than 10 years ago at Renmin University, if the misconduct of the supervisor could have been discovered and dealt with in a timely manner, the tragedy might have been avoided.

Third, students' awareness of self-protection and channels for rights protection need to be strengthened. Many students may fail to speak out in a timely manner due to fear, shame, or lack of understanding of how to defend their rights, resulting in continued abuses. Society's support, understanding and tolerance for victims are insufficient, and a benign supportive environment has not been formed. For example, students in Lu'an, Anhui Province, may not have a clear channel to reflect the problem at the beginning after being inappropriately confessed by the teacher, and they dare not reflect it easily.

This time, the female blogger victim of Renmin University was forced to publicly report the incident of sexual harassment and threats on the Internet by her doctoral supervisor Wang Guiyuan in the form of real-name reporting. The report is well-founded, the evidence is sufficient, and at the same time, I do not forget to express my recognition of Chinese Renmin University, believing that its alma mater carries the red gene, and I am grateful for it.

This report was dealt with quickly and strictly by the school, and was widely supported by netizens, which can be said to be a major landmark rights protection incident. At the very least, it is conducive to the formation of such a strong deterrent and sympathetic social environment for the weak.

Within three days, five more teacher ethics incidents broke out on the Internet, which is a milestone in Renmin University's strict punishment of sexual harassment incidents

There is no good way to deal with these problems. It is to strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and style, clarify teachers' codes of conduct and professional ethics, and carry out warning education through typical cases. The most important and urgent thing is to rectify it well, strike hard, catch a few typical examples from time to time, deal with it at the top level, and beat the "water dogs" to form a strong deterrent. Let relevant education managers, practitioners, etc. dare not think, dare not do, and cannot do this.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the education and guidance of students, distinguish between the mainstream and the secondary, and take a correct view of the educational environment. At the same time, it further improves students' awareness and ability of self-protection, so that students know how to correctly and effectively defend their rights when they encounter violations.

Of course, I would like to make a reminder here that we must not only protect this kind of forced and helpless rational rights protection, but we must also not encourage some misinterpretation and slander, especially the fabrication of facts, malicious retaliation and other behaviors. Do not wronged good people, and do not let go of the "black sheep". It is necessary to truly safeguard one's own legitimate rights and interests and give fair support to those who really need it, and not condone the indiscriminate use of social resources and destroy the entire ecology of public opinion.

There is still a long way to go to effectively curb the occurrence of such incidents and create a healthier, safer and more harmonious educational environment, as well as the corresponding social environment, but there is also more and more hope. Because Internet technology is becoming more and more developed, the degree of social "transparency" is getting higher and higher, and the process of building the rule of law is also accelerating.

If there is no way to do any of the above, take 10,000 steps back and say, "If virtue is not matched, disaster will be necessary", "If you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself", "It's not that you don't report it, the time has not come"......

(The picture comes from the Internet)

Xie Xiaowen: Strategic scholar. He mainly commented on current politics, business, railways, and culture. WeChat public account: zgmjply (commentator Xie Xiaowen)