
Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".

Dahe Daily video reporter Li Xin and intern Yu Ruoyun

On July 25, more than 70 young reporters from Dahe Daily walked into the police dog training base of Xinyang Public Security Bureau, and had an in-depth understanding of the training process of police dogs and their important role in maintaining public safety.

Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".

Under the leadership of the base staff, the young reporters first visited the spacious and tidy kennel and saw the police dogs resting. It is understood that the police dog team of Xinyang Municipal Bureau has 12 police dogs, including German Shepherds, Malinois, Springer, Rottweiler, Roddu and so on.

Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".
Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".
Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".

Afterwards, everyone went to the training ground, where the police dogs were professionally trained. Here, the young reporters saw the various training subjects carried out by the police dogs, and also had a preliminary understanding of the work of the police dogs. It turns out that the division of labor of police dogs is different according to different types, some are good at tracking and identification, and some are good at searching, searching for drugs, and searching for explosives. They have developed neural activity, have a keen sense of smell and hearing, as well as a strong ability to endure work, so the use of police dogs is an important means to fight crime, can use police dogs to participate in the investigation and cracking of crimes, patrol prevention and control, anti-terrorism, explosive search and security inspection, drug investigation and anti-narcotics, anti-terrorism and other police work.

Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".
Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".
Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".

In order to give the young reporters a more intuitive feeling, the trainer also arranged a simulated combat training demonstration. With the handler's order, the sturdy and sharp-eyed police dog rushed out of the starting point like an arrow from the string. During the whole obstacle course, the cooperation between the police dogs and the handler was tacit, and the police dogs completed every movement perfectly. Another police dog demonstrated its excellent ability in explosive searching, and it quickly and accurately found the model of the explosives hidden in the bag, which won a round of applause from the audience.

Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".
Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".

"In recent years, the police dog team of the Municipal Bureau has been selected by the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Public Security Department to participate in the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Conference, the Shenzhen Universiade, the Nanyang Agricultural Games, the China-Africa Forum, the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and other large-scale events. In Xinyang, our police dogs are present in the security of the annual tea festival series of activities, the security of important meetings such as the two sessions, and the inspection of guards by important leaders. In the investigation and solving of the case, the police dog has also made many miraculous achievements, finding important physical evidence at the scene of the case many times, providing important clues, and locking the direction of the suspect's escape, among which in a murder case in Luoshan County in 2022, the police dog tracked and directly captured the suspect. ”

Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".
Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".

"This experience made me deeply feel the intelligence and courage of the police dogs," a young reporter said excitedly, "I have only seen the police dogs work on TV before, and today I can see their training with my own eyes, which is amazing!" ”

Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".
Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".
Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".

In addition to watching the training, the young reporters also had the opportunity to get up close and personal with these "Wangxing warriors" and have a simple interaction with them. Through the communication with the trainers, the young reporters learned a lot about police dogs.

Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".

As the "silent comrades-in-arms" of the police, police dogs are indispensable "soldiers" in the police barracks, and they share the responsibility of protecting the family and defending the country with the police. The police dog's indomitable spirit, courage to defy hardships and the obedience and loyalty to the trainers are deeply rooted in the hearts of the young reporters, and at the same time, they have also enhanced their understanding and support for police work, and cherish a peaceful and stable living environment.

Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".
Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".
Dog "Go ahead!" The little reporter of Dahe Daily walked into the police dog base - revealing the "secret" of the training routine of the "Wang Xing Warrior".