
The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

A real horror film is on the · circuit

"Summer Vacation".

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

The parents of the chicken baby posted the bill:

Research, make-up classes, interest classes, after a summer vacation, if you want your child not to fall behind, you have to burn at least 40,000 yuan.

The Buddhist sect broke the jar and broke it:

One child has swept up the savings and is useless; The second child is simply free-range.

Regarding catching dolls, we have long been nervous.

What to do?

Finally, she appeared in time to show us what it means to "catch a doll"

Childhood in a foreign land 2

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

is still the little gentleman we are familiar with.

In the first season, she went to Finland, Japan, India, Israel, United Kingdom.

Let us sigh that it is not only "other people's children" that people envy.

It's even more ...... Childhood in someone else's country.

School ends before 4 o'clock.

You don't have to do exercises, and you spend a lot of time at school.

I haven't seen what the exam looks like since I got to elementary school......

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?


Of course, this show isn't meant to give you fodder specifically for dreaming.

In the second season, many viewers smelled the "familiar taste"

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?
The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?
The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?
The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Well, seeing other people's children so tired, I can't help but feel a little balanced helplessness in my heart.

Where is this?

Singapore, which is dominated by Chinese:

This is the first grade

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?


Is it really as said in the barrage, "Chinese all over the world are rolling"?

From a distance, it seems that there is no way to escape the exam.

If you look closely, it's still different.

The new season of "Childhood in a Foreign Country" discovers that how a country raises its children represents what kind of attitude it is prepared to stand in the world.



What comes to mind when you think of it?

Oh, it seems like they're all keywords that will fight:

The system is strict, but the technology is developed;

Highly civilized, but culturally traditional.

What about education?

Singapore people will tell you, well, we're afraid of losing......

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?
The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

△ The picture book "Mr. Afraid of Losing" that has been popular in Singapore for decades

Because I'm afraid of losing.

From an early age, children should be taught to write test-taking essays.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Because I'm afraid of losing.

It costs nearly 10 million yuan to buy a school district house near the prime minister's primary school of the same style.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?
The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Because I'm afraid of losing.

Elementary school students are picked up by cram school teachers as soon as they leave school, and then they are dominated by cram school and have no full rest days......

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

A five-year-old boy is taking the first grade course early.

But you see.

He had little interest and was absent-minded.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Zhou Yijun was puzzled: I will learn in advance now, so what will I learn in the first grade?

The teacher smiled helplessly:

It's still a first-year course...... But parents just feel that they must learn in advance.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Zhou Yijun was stunned

I thought Singapore would teach students according to their aptitude.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

In fact, today Singapore is indeed trying to reform meritocratism

After school at two o'clock and no homework, it belongs to "burden reduction".

The more important institutional safeguards are:


From kindergarten to elementary school, a genius class exam was designed, and those with top IQs were selected and focused on training.

Elementary school is divided into three categories according to ability: general academic, general technology, and through train (direct to university after graduation).

However, technical children are not isolated from the university from now on, but can continue their studies, but the direction is biased towards science and engineering technology and applied practice.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

But in the minds of many parents.

My child is a genius, and he still has to squeeze into a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops.


You must start from the first grade and cannot lose in the Primary 6 exam.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Singapore is the third most densely populated country in the world.

There are many people and few places.

The people are also mainly Chinese.

Volume, it seems to be an inescapable fate.

There is an existential fear from top to bottom.

In the 60s, Singapore was forced to become independent from Malaysia.

In the 70s, he became the head of the four tigers, but the economic miracle that soared all the way still did not wash away the fear of survival in his bones.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Because to this day, Singapore's natural resources are still scarce, such as the most important drinking water, and it still depends on Malaysia's imports.

There are not many resources

We are a small country

Everything is on your own

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Chinese studying in Singapore said:

The first lesson in Singapore is civic education. The course always emphasizes how difficult it was to Singapore the founding of the country in the first place, and how much devilish diligence and self-discipline this country has relied on to get to where it is today......

As a developed country with a sound system.

Some scholars say that the essence of education in Singapore is "a game for middle-class children".

And the current concerns are:

The children who have cleared the customs do not seem to be happy.

One is said by international students:

It's full of honor students, but there are very few people who have fun.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

The other is what psychologists are worried about:

The heavy academic pressure and low fault tolerance social atmosphere make young people bear an unbearable burden.

Suicide is the leading cause of death among young people in Singapore

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

The talent distribution system according to ability, emphasizing the social culture of "suffering hardship, only by suffering hardship, can be superior", can ensure the high-speed operation of Singapore and take the lead in international competition.

But here's the thing

These are domesticated by the "standard of excellence" of the masters......

Do you really believe that you will have a bright future?

Whether it's East Asia or Singapore.

The end of the volume seems to be the same end

In 2023, Singapore's birth rate hit a 63-year low.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?


If we say, the key words of Singapore education are fear of losing and excellence.

Then Germany is

Make mistakes and punctures.

Let's start with what the Chinese are most afraid of.

When did you know how to choose a condom size?

And when did you know what the internal structure of the pussy looks like?

Sir believes that most people will have a numb scalp and a red face just by reading these questions, let alone know.

But in Germany, a fourth-grader might know more than you do.

Everybody will laugh

This is a condom meter

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

According to statistics, the average age of first sexual activity in Germany is 17.2 years.

Sir doesn't know if there are relevant statistics in China, after the results come out, everyone will discuss what: whether to discuss pre-sex education, or ...... Continue to increase the "de-adultization" of pop culture?

Anyway, the Germans said

Let the storm come sooner.

The Federal Government of Germany stipulates that the education system of the sixteen states can be self-determined, but it must be guaranteed that all children must receive sex education at the age of 10.

Many people want to say: the hair has not grown, this age is too young.

However, a 50-year-old mother said: Please, this is not our era, the Internet is so developed, you are really a fool to be your baby?

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Sex education is not just about teaching children to protect their bodies.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

It is also to establish a more avant-garde and neutral gender concept:

Boys don't have to be strong, they can choose not.

And girls, of course, can also like trucks and guns.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Look, this is a fourth-grade boy simulating what it's like to be pregnant.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Just to preach ...... Mother's love is great, but women's suffering?


Letting them feel pregnant is also telling them

Sex, what does it mean exactly?

It is the passion of intercourse, and it is also the birth of life.

It's like the first lesson of sex education, it's not about sex, it's about:

Love, first and foremost, is responsibility.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

△ In Germany sex education classes, children are free to ask questions they want to know

Oh yes.

The Germans are still wonderful

Contraceptive pills are given to girls between the ages of 14 and 22.

Seeing this, I believe you have the same worries as Zhou's mother:

This...... Are you sure it's not a disguised way to encourage underage sexual intercourse?

The German expert shook his head: This may be our attitude. We believe that the more generously you talk about it, the less taboo you feel about sex, which in turn will better protect your child's safety.

There may be no standard answer to this question.

But the numbers don't lie

Germany has the lowest rate of early pregnancies in the European Union because of earlier sex education.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

And when it comes to taboos.

The Germans do not hide it

They educate their children about World War II reflection from an early age.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Historically, the Nazi massacre of millions of Jews in Germany was a notorious and unforgivable totalitarian tragedy.

So the Germans reflect on this

In the heart of Berlin, the Holocaust Monument Square was built, with 2,711 monuments.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

But history education doesn't just mean mourning and life.

Can you believe it?

Children are allowed to play and chase freely in this heavy place......

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Does this really teach children to reflect?

"Other Country" captures an extremely precious accident:

The little boy cried and complained to the teacher, and one of his classmates pushed him to the ground and broke his school bag with a shield......

Zhou Yijun homeopathic interview: What do you think war is?

The boy replied: War is when two people want to fight, but the other party doesn't want to.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Another girl from Iraq, who experienced the war, said:

It turns out that when my compatriots are suffering in their homeland, in another part of the earth (Germany), there will be people who care about their fate and will educate people not to start wars from the perspective of all mankind.

What exactly is history education?

It's to tell the kids

People can face the real history.

People can also learn lessons from history.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?
The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?


Back to the opening words:

Education is about how the country wants to influence the world, and what kind of citizens we want to cultivate.

It should spring and rain, moisturizing things silently.

And where does silence come from?

Sir touched the deepest scene

The German teacher took the children to see the monument and saw the armed police in the square.

Because the president of Turkey was in Berlin at this time, and they were afraid that there would be protests, demonstrations about the war.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?


Sir understood

I want to be the future owner and have a sound personality.

You can't just say, just teach.

It's about letting them feel that what they learn in school is consistent with real life.

The school can say that you are the master, but have you become the master in life?

The school says that the spirit of science is to question authority, but can you question all authority?

The school says you want to be an honest person, but have you turned a blind eye to the lies?

Bad education is not bad for teaching bad people.

It's that it teaches you "good," but you grow up to find that books and reality are so separated......


Sir thought that "Childhood in a Foreign Country" was just an introduction to the education system of other countries.

But gradually I found out.

It turns out that the innocent world we longed for in our childhood has long since become a foreign land that we can't go back to.

You may not be convinced.

Is there no way at all?

Let's take a look at Singapore, which is a little closer to our culture.

They also love to catch dolls.

But the details and ways of catching the doll will make you incredible

For example, some elementary schools deliberately do not install air conditioners, either because of insufficient funds or because they are struggling to do so.

You say, isn't this a proper frustration education?

But Zhou Yijun said that although there is no air conditioning, the classroom is very ventilated, at least there is no unbearable heat, and at the same time, the school also arranges physical education classes in the first period, so that students are not so hot.

Other words:

Although it is hard, it is humane enough.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

For example, Singaporeans attach great importance to learning, so chess scores are drawn on the table in the canteen so that students can have wholesome entertainment after meals.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Even the entertainment is planned......

Isn't it hegemony?

But you can also see that although the school loves to put up slogans, it will dress up as the children like.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

At the same time, Singapore's physical and mental care for children has also reached the level of detail madness

Each primary school requires a separate professional dental clinic.

The school canteen will always only allow low-sugar drinks to be sold.

The most annoying thing is that the Singapore government will also pay for primary school students to travel abroad for free......

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?
The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?
The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Zhou Yijun once asked a pointed question to a Singapore expert:

Singapore people focus on critical thinking, but sometimes, they demand obedience from their children...... Isn't that a contradiction?

The professor explains:

Of course, we will have the influence of Confucian culture, such as respect for elders. But critical thinking is not about criticizing and rejecting everything.


Our government will always be ready for questions from the public.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

Singapore education, of course, has parts that cannot be understood.

For example, flogging.

And from the doll: rattan education.

You spoil them

Later the government beat them

It's too late

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

But there is really no one-size-fits-all answer to education.

Germany's economic development strength and century-old industrial history of manufacturing give them enough financial resources and confidence to let children explore freely and cherish uselessness.

Even if you study literature, your parents won't be too crazy.

Germany has the lowest youth unemployment rate in the EU.

They can indeed give the next generation a social promise of "being yourself", so they believe that tolerance of mistakes and learning from mistakes is the greatest wealth in life.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

The geographical location, history and culture, and competitive pressure of Singapore ...... Let them not trust the "sense of relaxation", but can only use the most scientific way possible, so that the country's greatest wealth, talent, should take fewer detours and make fewer mistakes.

The mode of education may not be our turn to choose freely.

It is rooted in a soil that has been irrigated by its predecessors for too long to be modified at will.

But the possibility of education remains.

Because of the best education.

It is always an adult who does not give up his curiosity about the world, the study of human nature, and the revision of the system.

There are three times of growth in this life

Respectively, to discover your parents


Your child

It turned out that they were all ordinary people

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

The last of the last.

You may still want to refute Sir, after saying so much and reading so much, is it useful, and it's not business as usual?

All right.

Perhaps this is the starting point of the sadness of catching a doll

We can't catch anything else, so we can only catch the dolls.

The teen suicide rate is soaring year by year! This country is more volatile than China, and elementary schools have begun to be graded?

The picture in this article comes from the Internet


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