
"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much": how to stop internal friction for highly sensitive people?

I don't know, do you have such a problem?

With a look from others, you can see the deep meaning; A word from someone else, you will think of the reason behind it.

No matter what the occasion, you can read the air of the moment.

The ears will also be more sensitive than the average person.

It's just that there are a lot of "accusations" that follow.

"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much."

It seems that if you don't improve your blunt sensibility, you can't get along in this society.

You also try to change in the past, but sometimes it's really out of control.

will even fall into a situation of self-doubt and continuous internal friction because of inner contradictions.

However, it's not your fault that you're hypersensitive.

On the other hand, it's a gift from God.

It allows you to see more colorful life and hear the cries that are hidden.

"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much": how to stop internal friction for highly sensitive people?

For a while, #INFP最差人格#的话题上过热搜.

Sentimental, indecisive, overly pleasing and sensitive......

It seems that all the negative labels about "high sensitivity" have been pasted on the bodies of the "little butterflies".

When questioned and accused, they don't even argue.

Instead, they fell into deep self-scrutiny.

Am I really that useless?

Am I really bad?

Like, it does.

What follows is a long period of self-denial and low mood.

Although I also want to pull myself, I always fail.

"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much": how to stop internal friction for highly sensitive people?

Sometimes, they will torture themselves in internal friction and emotional rumination, and fall into deep pain.

In addition to emotions, all kinds of perception abilities in highly sensitive people seem to be equipped with a magnifying glass.

It amplifies smells, it amplifies sounds, it amplifies touch, it amplifies other people's thoughts.

Netizen @海棠 once said that his perception always seems to be more sensitive than others.

Bright light can affect your ability to fall asleep.

Without the earbuds, it's hard to create.

In public places such as movie theaters, high-speed trains, and airplanes, large or small movements will make her feel restless.

What's more, hyperolsmia also caused her to have physical symptoms.

Any complex or strong smell would make her dizzy and nauseous.

So, she was afraid of summer, of the stench of sewer backwater, of the smell of humus from the sweat of her armpits......

"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much": how to stop internal friction for highly sensitive people?

This kind of "squeamishness" seems to have made her an outlier in the crowd.

Some people will ask, is she sick?

But in fact, hypersensitivity is just a personality classification.

Moreover, data shows that 25% of people are congenitally highly sensitive.

This is, just like blood type, which is a part of the human body that needs to function properly.

Compared to people who are not sensitive, their "amygdala" and other parts will be more reactive.

They're like a higher-pixel camera that gets more information than a low-sensitivity person.

Therefore, they can always be very sensitive to the changes around them.

And emotional changes are just one way for them to protect themselves.

If you are surrounded by highly sensitive people, don't talk about being fragile and hypocritical.

Before you define it, he may have struggled with himself for a long time.

"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much": how to stop internal friction for highly sensitive people?

Having said all this, it seems that highly sensitive people only deserve to suffer?

But in fact, sensitivity and dullness are like two sides of the same coin.

There is no right or wrong, and there is no superiority or inferiority.

The so-called high sensitivity is just a gift that life has given you.

Singer Mao Buyi is a highly sensitive person.

He doesn't like to go out and he doesn't like to deal with people.

Because, deep down in his heart, he is afraid that others will trouble him, and he is also afraid that he will bring trouble to others.

Even, as a nurse, he was afraid of pricking patients with needles.

Maybe it's because of responsibility, maybe it's because of anxiety.

In a state of high tension, it is obviously a well-recognized blood vessel, but he will still prick it wrong.

It's just that his delicacy and clumsiness have found an outlet from music.

He recorded his feelings about life with lyrics, and quietly poked the hearts of others.

"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much": how to stop internal friction for highly sensitive people?

As an intern at the hospital, he often had to work "three shifts".

He had to wake up at 6 o'clock for the morning shift, and he wanted to sleep in.

So in "Ordinary Day", there is such a sentence:

"I wake up at half past seven every morning."

After his night shift, usually in the wee hours of the morning, he would go to a food stall near the hospital to buy fried rice and chicken feet and chat with the stall owner.

"Steaming night stalls, couples dating under street lamps, dark nights with light fog, and unfinished happiness and mundane regrets......"

These pictures have become the lyrics in "City Evening".

Sensitive, as if it gave him more tentacles to perceive the world, and also gave him more talent and perspective as a creator.

Listening to his songs, I always feel that they are delicate, comfortable, simple and poignant.

A netizen once commented on him:

Sensitive but not extreme, lazy but persistent, has ideas but no strong desires, has a little confidence in my heart, is willing to pursue, but does not deliberately force it.

You can see that he is still very shy and a little cowardly, but there is no element of inferiority.

"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much": how to stop internal friction for highly sensitive people?

Indeed, highly sensitive people have a rich inner world, are good at observing the world, and have strong empathy.

It also makes them good at creative work.

Poet, writer, painter, musician...... There is no shortage of highly sensitive people.

They have a stronger experience of the world and a richer processing of information.

Even, the smell of flowers, the red wine they drink, in their world, can be different.

Even the writer Pearl Sai once sighed:

In any field, true creative thinking is initiated by a person who is gifted with extraordinary sensitivity.

This is probably the strong connection between art and sensitivity.

"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much": how to stop internal friction for highly sensitive people?

Some people say that hypersensitivity is a kind of "big late personality".

When he was young, he was deeply troubled by his sensitive personality;

But in the later stages of their lives, they gradually learn to play to their character strengths.

You can shine in your own field.

So, don't be anxious, relax a little, you're far better than you think.

1. Think a lot, and it's easy to think deeply

"Easy to think too much" is many people's first impression of highly sensitive people.

However, if you are delicate, don't think that this is a shortcoming.

Because, when you are immersed in thinking, you can think more and you can think deeper.

Zhang Ailing, that's exactly the case.

Everyone said she was lonely, but everyone praised her for being sober.

She said: "Life is like a beautiful robe crawling with lice. ”

It is not only a delicate observation of life, but also a profound insight into life.

So, don't be afraid that you're the one who thinks too much.

Sometimes, the depth of thinking is the depth of success.

"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much": how to stop internal friction for highly sensitive people?

2. Heartbreak, like happiness, can bring energy

People who are highly sensitive will always amplify their emotions.

In their world, both happy and unhappy seem to be doubled.

On the happy side, people are happy to see.

In fact, there is no need to hide the sad side.

Because heartbreak, like happiness, can bring energy.

In life, many memorable moments are accompanied by heartbreak.

It was growth, and it was an epiphany.

So, if God gives you a little more emotional experience, embrace it and feel it as much as you like.

This is perhaps the most unique moment of being a human being.

"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much": how to stop internal friction for highly sensitive people?

3. Giving warmth to others can also give yourself strength

People who are highly sensitive and have a very strong ability to empathize.

Because of its delicacy, it is always very sensitive to the emotions of others.

Because of their kindness, they are always committed to being a savior.

Therefore, highly sensitive people are often jokingly called "Our Lady".

In this era, the "Virgin" was alienated.

But there is nothing wrong with kindness and gentleness in itself.

So, to those who deserve it, please release your kindness as much as possible, which will open you up and make friends.

It's just that when you empathize with others, don't forget to take care of yourself.

The premise of friendliness is always not to let yourself be hurt.

"You're too sensitive, you're thinking too much": how to stop internal friction for highly sensitive people?

In the book "The Power of Hypersensitivity", it is written:

No matter what you do, no matter how you do it, there will always be people who will criticize you. So, please do what you want, please be yourself.

Everybody wants to get better.

But, sometimes, your heart is quick, and sometimes, your brain is fast.

We all need to leave some time, some space, for ourselves.

Don't deny yourself 95% of your efforts just because 5% disapprove.

When the sun shines in, there is light, and there is shadow.

When we have the courage to face up to the fragility of our hearts, the world will be a wider place.


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