
Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office

Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office
Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office

Not long ago, we shared with you some small ways to "restore energy" after work.

But at this moment, in the afternoon, you are sitting in your office, already in a trance, exhausted.

If you can't wait to recharge after work, try these "relaxation and stress reduction tips" that you can do in the office:


1. "Grimacing" at a computer screen

You can find a mirror or make a grimace 😜 or exaggerated expression 👻 at the computer screen.

First of all, in the process, you will relax your muscles, which tend to be in a state of tension (just look at the expression you usually look on at work). By grimacing, you can relax and stretch your facial muscles, relieving tension and fatigue.

There are also psychological studies that have shown that changing facial expressions can affect our emotional experience (Strack, Martin & Stepper, 1988). People who make themselves smile will be happier than those who frown.

So make a grimace between work. But be careful not to let the boss see it.

2. Pretend to go to the toilet

Pretend to go to the bathroom, but in fact take a slow walk down the hallway, relax your breath, and briefly leave the table to regain your energy.

This behavior can be seen as an emotion regulation strategy (Gross, 1998) that can help calm emotions and reduce stress and anxiety by taking short breaks from the work environment, relaxing breathing, and moving around.

3. Pretend to hit bugs

Use your hands to make a quick slap in the air and pretend to hit flying bugs. It looks funny, but it can quickly shake off some of the tension.

The action of hitting bugs is similar to a simulated fight response, which is an instinctive way of coping with stress (Cannon, 1915). By making this fighting stance, you can temporarily get rid of the feeling of being "trapped" physically and psychologically, and gain a sense of control.

4. Silent screaming

Find a place where you won't be seen (such as a toilet), or scream silently with your lips closed while still facing the computer screen.

Even without making a sound, the act of simulating a scream can feel an opportunity to release and express emotions, which in turn reduces inner stress (Lange, 1890).

But be careful not to scream.

Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office

▷ This can be shouted out and heard by the boss

5. "Chair Dance" at the workstation

If you have a separate office, or if you have a partition around your desk, you can sneak a few seconds of "chair dancing" at your desk: quickly twist your shoulders and body to release your pent-up energy.

It's a blessing for the lazy, you don't even have to stand up and move.

▷ Express version

Physical activity releases stress hormones in the body, along with joyful hormones such as dopamine. It also boosts blood circulation, burns off excess energy, and helps relieve physical and emotional tension.

In addition, if other colleagues are also involved, the working atmosphere can be more relaxed and harmonious, and the working environment can be improved.

6. When you can't stand it, "scold" appropriately

Psychological research has shown that swearing is not only good for emotional catharsis and stress reduction, but also has many additional benefits. Like what:

▨ Enhance pain tolerance: Studies have found that swearing when people feel pain can raise an individual's pain threshold, and even when the body is hurting, using swear words can reduce the perception of pain (Stephens, 2009).

▨ Can improve people's strength and physical performance: Research has shown that there is a certain link between language use and psychological state, and appropriate language expression can motivate and improve an individual's physical performance. When people swear during high-intensity physical activity, it can increase their expressiveness (Stephens, 2009). ▨ Enhance social connection: Studies have found that in some social situations, the use of swear words can be used as a sign of group identity to enhance the intimacy and casualness of interpersonal relationships.

But despite these potential positive effects, there are a few things to keep in mind when using this strategy in the office:

◍ Try not to scold or let others find out; ◍ Pay attention to moderation;

◍ Consider the occasion and impact to avoid damaging your social image;

◍ When collectively "scolding", make sure to find close and trustworthy colleagues;

◍ Be aware of the company's policy on the use of language, which is subject to the company's rules and regulations (doge).

7. Freezing time

Set a "freeze time" of a few minutes to stay motionless and watch as colleagues pass by to see how they react.

Social psychology believes that in a social environment, people have certain expectations of the behavior of others. By staying still in the office, participants are actually challenging and breaking these social norms, and this perverse behavior may cause curiosity and surprise among colleagues.

8. Say hi to colleagues you don't know or don't know well and smile at them

Take advantage of the "crazy" and say hello to colleagues you don't usually know and don't know! Or when facing each other in the hallway, a friendly smile is a great way to break up the awkwardness.

Psychology has shown that even a brief greeting can make people feel connected and cared for, reducing the loneliness they feel in a work environment.

And when you take the initiative to say hello, you may encourage others to take a positive interaction as well, creating a virtuous cycle of interaction and promoting a positive atmosphere in the overall work environment.

Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office

▷ "Naoki Hanzawa"

9. Fancy drinking water

Drink water in weird poses or dance moves, and try to challenge yourself to see how many funny ways you can make drinking fun.

Behaviorist theories in psychology have a concept of positive reinforcement, which enhances the probability of a particular behavior by providing a pleasant stimulus or reward (Skinner, 1948).

By combining the act of drinking water with emotional states such as fun and joy, the frequency of drinking water can be increased. This positive reinforcement reinforces this behavior, making people feel pleasure while drinking water and forming positive habits.

10. Funny selfies

Bring funny props (such as sunglasses, hats, etc.) and take a selfie in the office to give yourself a light-hearted and funny moment, and a smile to eliminate stress.

Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office

▷ Provided by a colleague

11. "Tear apart" your annoying colleagues, customers, and bosses!

I'm talking about "tearing paper."

Tearing paper in the office can be a small way to decompress, and it can bring:

▨ A sense of control: In the face of uncertainty or chaos, tearing paper can give a sense of control. You can decide the shape, size, and state of the paper, and this sense of control can bring some psychological comfort (Rotter, 1950s).

▨ Symbolic acts: Tearing paper is sometimes seen as a symbolic act that represents letting go of something or protesting against certain issues. By tearing up the paper, individuals sometimes feel that they have somehow "abandoned" the burdens of the past.

However, it is necessary to:

◍ Pay attention to the occasion and the feelings of colleagues, and do it moderately;

◍ Save paper, do not tear off the printed important materials;

◍ Environmentally friendly: Ensure that the torn paper can be recycled, and keep the office clean and environmentally friendly.

12. Practice writing and scribbling on sticky notes

Take out a small piece of paper and scribble while you're busy. Simple doodles can help release stress and spark creativity.

There is a specialized art therapy in psychology, which is a relevant, safe, and gentle way to help individuals express their emotions and reduce anxiety and stress by creating works of art.

"Go crazy" in the sea of art openly and reasonably, and find a place to rest for the restless soul within.

13. Keep some "boundary" greenery on your table, such as cacti

Studies have shown that greenery can help reduce stress levels, and just looking at plants can make people feel more relaxed and calm.

Cacti are no exception, with low water and maintenance needs, suitable for growing in indoor environments such as offices, and can also help purify the air.

In addition, the cactus thorns also symbolically convey a certain boundary, which not only visually makes your workstation appear more independent, but also provides some psychological sense of boundary, reminding others to respect your personal space.

However, it's important to make sure you don't pose a safety hazard to your co-workers, especially if you're in an environment with small children or pets.

Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office

▷ AI-generated schematic diagram for reference 14.Blackening into a "dark personality"

"Blackening" here refers to a humorous, entertaining way of expressing dissatisfaction or showing another personality in a light-hearted way by playing a role or exhibiting abnormal behavior. Although it is done in a playful way, it may still help to reduce stress and promote interaction between colleagues.

Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office

▷ "The King of Comedy"

For example, you can:

▨ "Villain" role-playing: Choose an extreme, somewhat hilarious "villain" (such as the villain in the movie) and appropriately imitate the words and actions of these characters in the office environment. For example, respond to everyday inquiries with exaggerated expressions and voices.

▨ Send "blackened" memes: Use fun "blackened" memes in the team chat tool to add a relaxed atmosphere and also serve as a way to express emotions. ▨ Arrange a "blackened" clothing day: everyone dresses up in a dark style to create a different working atmosphere. This allows colleagues to relax and interact with each other.

Equally take into account the acceptance of colleagues, office culture, and environment, among other things. "Moderation" is the key!

Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office

▷ "Dark Glory"

15. Write a humorous "resignation letter"

Pretending to write a hilarious resignation letter about your dream of becoming a "professional couch tester" or a "professional hugger" can be fun and stress-relieving.

If you accidentally get seen by your boss, you can just go down the slope and ask for a real resignation (bushi).

An AI-generated resignation letter for reference:

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing this letter to formally inform you that I have decided to resign from my position. In a way, the decision was like having a cup of black coffee on a Monday morning to me – I might not have been so reluctant at first, but after a while, I realized it was a really good idea.

Over the past few months, I've been thinking hard about my career path. After much deliberation, I will shift my career in a warmer, more caring direction, focusing on providing hugging services to everyone who needs warmth.

Here, I would like to thank the company for every opportunity it provides, especially those moments in which I pretend to be listening carefully in the meeting. If one day I could write a best-selling book about boring meetings, I would be deeply grateful for the inspiration you provided me!

Rest assured, I will ensure that all the work is handed over smoothly in the next two weeks, so that the people who will replace me will have less "surprises" left by me. At the same time, I try to stay a little longer to make sure that my desk is cleaned like new, and even job interviewers won't believe I've ever worked here.

Finally, I would like to wish you and the team all the best, and I hope you can understand my determination to pursue my dreams. Maybe one day when we meet, I'll give you a deep hug exclusive to VIPs!

Best wishes

[Your Name]

Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office

🤪 What other office "crazy" tips do you have? Share in the comment area

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Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office


Strack, F., Martin, L., & Stepper, S. (1988). Inhibiting the facial feedback hypothesis: A case of a facial feedback hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(5), 768-777.

Gross, J. J. (1998). The emerging field of emotion regulation: An integrative review. Review of General Psychology, 2(3), 271-299. doi:10.1037/1089-2680.2.3.271

Stephens, R. (2009). The psychology of swearing. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 28(2), 226-238.

Author: Birdman Editor: Han Bing

Cover image source: "Naoki Hanzawa"

Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office
Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office
Can't get through it? 15 small ways to "go crazy" in the office

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