
Ji County will carry out the 2024 annual road passenger transport and urban passenger transport fire emergency drills

Ji County will carry out the 2024 annual road passenger transport and urban passenger transport fire emergency drills

Recently, the Ji County Fire and Rescue Brigade, together with Ji County Hongyu Public Transport Co., Ltd., Ji County Passenger Station Co., Ltd. and Ji County Hukou Taxi Co., Ltd., carried out the 2024 annual road passenger transport and urban passenger transport fire emergency drills to further improve the safety and prevention capabilities of urban public transportation in the jurisdiction and build a solid safety barrier for the majority of passengers.

Ji County will carry out the 2024 annual road passenger transport and urban passenger transport fire emergency drills

"Buses, taxis and other important means of transportation for people's daily travel, their safety has attracted much attention, and rapid response and emergency disposal in case of sudden accidents are crucial......" According to the actual situation of the passenger transport industry, fire rescue personnel conducted a detailed analysis of the common fire characteristics of passenger vehicles, and demonstrated the maintenance and operation of fire extinguishers for the person in charge, safety production managers and drivers, and told how to guide the evacuation of passengers when a fire occurs, how to extinguish the initial fire, how to save themselves and escape.

Ji County will carry out the 2024 annual road passenger transport and urban passenger transport fire emergency drills

This emergency drill is not only a vivid practical teaching, but also an improvement of the ability to deal with sudden fire emergencies, closely following the risk characteristics of the industry, effectively consolidating and improving the basic fire skills and safety awareness of employees, and laying a good foundation for the safety production of public transportation.

"We will take this drill as an opportunity to further strengthen the construction of emergency management mechanism, increase safety inspection and hidden danger investigation, promote the continuous improvement of the company's emergency response capabilities, and create a safer, more convenient and comfortable travel environment for residents in the jurisdiction." The heads of the companies said.

Source: Linfen Fire Department