
When preparing for the establishment of New China, Mr. Chen made a suggestion, and the prime minister replied: The suggestion is very good!

Marshal Chen Yi was a person with great foresight and comprehensive consideration of issues, and was one of the leaders of the party who had a strong sense of the overall situation.

This was as true in war years as it was in peacetime.

When preparing for the establishment of New China, Mr. Chen made a suggestion, and the prime minister replied: The suggestion is very good!

In June 1949, after the preparatory meeting of the new CPPCC was held, the work of preparing for the new CPPCC meeting and new China was carried out by the Standing Committee of the preparatory committee and the six groups led by it.

Delegates to the new CPPCC must be broadly representative. When he was studying the list, Chen Yi was in Shanghai, but Zhou Enlai did not forget him and wrote to him to ask for his opinion. On July 23, Chen Yi called Zhou Enlai and Li Weihan, suggesting that the enlightened gentry of the old liberated areas should be taken care of among the deputies of the new CPPCC.

When preparing for the establishment of New China, Mr. Chen made a suggestion, and the prime minister replied: The suggestion is very good!

In the message, Chen Yi said: "This large number of people have spent two wars with our party, and many of them also recognized the leadership of our party in the land reform in 1947. In addition, for the old staff members, such as those who have made meritorious contributions in protecting the factories, people in the navy and air force, people in state-owned factories and enterprises, and those who have extremely technical management ability, they should consider having someone join the new CPPCC for future construction. ”

Chen Yi's proposal was very comprehensive and took into account the broad representation of the new CPPCC personnel who were preparing for the establishment of New China. The next day, Zhou Enlai and Li Weihan replied to Chen Yi:

"The suggestion is very good and should be heeded."

Zhou Enlai also instructed Chen Yi: "If there is a suitable person in this regard, please put it forward immediately." ”

When preparing for the establishment of New China, Mr. Chen made a suggestion, and the prime minister replied: The suggestion is very good!

Subsequently, Chen Yi recommended some lists of enlightened gentry that he was familiar with to participate in the new CPPCC.

After Chairman Mao learned about this, he said: "We were negligent in representing the enlightened gentry in this regard, and we did not have it before. Comrade Chen Yi was right in reminding that he considered the problem in a more comprehensive way. ”

Chen Guanren's "The Ten Marshals of the Chinese People's Liberation Army: The Little-Known History of the Ten Commanders of the People's Liberation Army" published by the CPC History Publishing House recounted the incident, which recounted the battles and life legends of the ten marshals, which was the society's annual bestseller and once ranked first on China's military book best-selling list (pictured).

When preparing for the establishment of New China, Mr. Chen made a suggestion, and the prime minister replied: The suggestion is very good!

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