
The captain of the ship arrived in North Korea (283) and the North Korean girl's phone was unanswered, which made people anxious

The captain of the ship arrived in North Korea (283) and the North Korean girl's phone was unanswered, which made people anxious

The government took his pants and went to the bathroom, and asked me to call the captain quickly. In fact, I wanted to call the captain for a long time, but unfortunately the government affairs person was too clingy and didn't let me go of the opportunity at all.

Fifteen minutes later, I decisively left the government room and went directly to the conference room. I didn't call the captain, I called Xiaomei directly.

The captain told me when he went down, and he would say good things for me as long as he went. In terms of time, the captain is almost here now, and if the captain says good things for me, then Xiaomei's attitude towards me will definitely ease a lot.

At this time, I had already dialed Xiaomei's phone, but Xiaomei's phone rang for a long time and no one answered. I'm wondering if Xiaomei is talking to the captain about government affairs.

In order to find out if the captain had really arrived at her house, I looked up my aunt's phone. This is one of the few times I can call my mother, otherwise I wouldn't have called North Koreans easily.

The phone rang, and my aunt's phone never answered, and I began to realize that something was wrong, and I always felt that something was going to happen.

In order to find out, I didn't care so much, and after explaining something to the second officer, I went down with government affairs behind my back.

I haven't even reached the unloading deck when I'm seen by the government. When the government saw that I was about to leave the ship, he shouted to me directly on the deck of the living quarters, "First mate, what's the matter with you, the captain is not on the ship, if you go down and something happens on the ship, you can't afford to take this responsibility." ”

I didn't care so much, I didn't even look back, I went directly to the dock to talk to the People's Army. At this time, the People's Army, who was carrying the captain in front, came back, and when they saw that I was going out, they hurriedly asked me, "Comrade, are you going out too?" What about your captain who had an accident on the way and was taken to the hospital? ”

What the hell is going on?

When I heard the news of the captain's accident, I was completely wrong. I hurriedly asked the KPA, "What's going on?" Aren't you all right? Why did something happen to my captain? ”

The KPA looked at each other and said, "No, comrade, my colleague also went and has not returned yet." Just now, it was a colleague who drove your colleague there, and we received a call from the village, saying that something had happened to the People's Army, and we found out. ”

It seems that the KPA on the dock has changed, and I thought that the KPA who had just taken the captain with him had returned.

When I learned that something had happened to the captain, I quickly reported the matter to the government administration. In order not to cause trouble on the ship, I still chose to call Xiaomei.

If I can't get through once, I hit twice, and I can't get through twice, and I hit three times.

To my surprise, I was anxiously waiting for news from the captain, and the eldest lady and her son came to the dock.

They didn't inform me, they went directly to the side of the boat, and it was the sailor on duty who told me that there were people on the dock, so I hurried out of the living quarters to have a look.

It turned out to be the eldest lady, and it immediately lifted my spirit. With a feeling of curiosity and fear, he took three steps and hurried to the unloading deck.

When I came to the unloading deck, the lady had already come up to the main deck. I saw that the eldest lady was a little sad to see me, and I hurriedly asked the eldest lady, "Comrade eldest mother, I have called you a lot, why didn't you connect?" ”

The eldest lady said in a panic, "Yo, I was in too much of a hurry to go out and forgot my phone at home, did I hear my son say that Comrade Captain was injured?" What's going on now? ”

The eldest mother's doubts made me even more confused. I asked the eldest lady in turn, "No, didn't Xiaomei go to you?" My captain has gone to the village to look for you. ”

"No, no, no, they didn't even arrive, and something happened on the road. After the accident, Xiaomei immediately rushed to the scene from my house and called me again to say that she was injured, and I thought that Xiaomei sent the captain back to the ship for treatment. The eldest lady explained.

Hearing my aunt say this, I panicked even more. I thought to myself, "Captain, Captain, you're not going to have an accident, are you?" ”

With this doubt, the eldest mother also hurriedly asked her son to take her to the hospital to understand the situation. I'm wondering why my eldest son's son didn't call the People's Army and just ask?

The eldest mother forgot her mobile phone when she went out, and the eldest mother's son also left the mobile phone at home. What a coincidence it was that they both forgot their phones at home.

At this time, I have a lot of doubts in my heart, even if I forget it at home, my mother's husband should be able to hear it and answer my calls, what is going on?

With this doubt, I asked my eldest son's son to quickly drive me to the hospital to find the captain.

We were about halfway through the way to the hospital when my phone finally rang. When he saw that it was Xiaomei, he immediately picked it up and asked, "Xiaomeier, what's the matter with you?" I haven't answered my phone calls, and I'm dying. ”

Xiaomei was not in a hurry, and said, "I'm busy, your captain is injured, and he is still in the hospital to treat his wounds." ”

"What's going on? The captain was injured while walking in a good manner? I quickly asked.

At this time, Xiaomei said to us, "The captain met a wild boar on the way, was arched by the wild boar, injured the back of his leg and buttocks, and is now lying in the hospital to treat the wounds." However, don't worry, it's all some fur, just handle it simply, and it won't be fine in a few days. ”

This is too unbelievable, how did he meet a wild boar in a good manner, didn't he go in the car of the People's Army?

I hurriedly asked Xiaomei, "Did I hear that the People's Army was also injured?" ”

"Yes, he was picked up by his colleague and should have gone to the military hospital, and since the captain was brought to the hospital by me, I have been helping to take care of it." Xiaomei explained.

In that case, I chose to go to the hospital to see the captain's injuries and ask him what had happened.

Hung up the phone, the eldest lady was the first to stand up and express her doubts, questioning, "What's going on?" I have lived in a North Korean village for decades, and I have never encountered such a tragic injury from wild boars. ”

Just when everyone was still questioning this question, we met the KPA car carrying the captain to the village on the road, and the eldest lady's son honked the horn and stopped the military vehicle, and asked the driver, "What's the matter, didn't you just carry the captain comrade down?" Why is it okay not to protect even a person? ”

When the People's Army saw the colonel, they greeted him politely and politely, and deliberately jumped off the station to explain at the door of Captain Li's car.

I didn't know much of the Korean language, so I was confused, probably because the captain encountered a wild boar in the toilet halfway down. At that time, the KPA did not notice that the wild boar was coming, and he hid behind the car and smoked a cigarette.

It's incredible, can't two big men still be able to scare a wild boar?

When they had a good conversation, we continued to the hospital. On the way, my aunt and I said, "It's the season when the crops are starting to bear fruit, and the wild boars are starting to go out in groups." It can only be said that the captain was really unlucky, and he was injured when he encountered a group of wild boars. ”

Then I can't understand it, the People's Army has a pole on its back, and it can be done with a single bullet, why are wild boars not afraid of people, but people are afraid of wild boars?

It seems that we still have to find the captain to find out about the matter to know the real situation. I now began to have a new thought, "If the captain is injured at this time, and the government requires him to take a vacation in North Korea, then there will be a lot of trouble." The matter of the captain and Xiao Li's female crew has not been dealt with yet, the matter of repairing the ship on the ship has not yet been resolved, and the matter of the captain's investment in Qingjin has not yet been settled? ”

These things are very important to the captain, and government affairs play a key role at this time, as long as the government affairs say a word, it is possible to let the captain go home directly.

I'm sure the captain at this moment must be in a hurry.

When we arrived at the hospital, the captain was lying on his stomach, covered with gauze. The captain felt a little embarrassed when he saw us coming, and hurriedly asked me, "Why are you here?" Did the government affairs on board also know about this? ”

The captain was really worried that the government affairs would let him go home on vacation.

I hurriedly comforted, "Don't worry, the government affairs don't know your specific situation yet." Now the key question is, can you still do it yourself? Is the wound serious? ”

"The doctor said that there was no major problem, and it would be fine within a week. I look at the ship's repairs, and it's about the same time. The captain said calmly.

In that case, I have to ask him what he has been through, how did such a serious situation happen?

The captain sighed and said, "It's all my fault for diarrhea, I asked to stop and find a sheltered place to go to the toilet, but I didn't expect to encounter a group of four wild boars at once." At that time, I didn't even wipe my buttocks, and ran straight to the car. Who knows, the car door is locked, and the KPA itself is hiding and smoking. Instead of pulling the trigger, the KPA ran away, which is a shame. ”

"Helplessly, I can't outrun the wild boar, and the People's Army has not escaped this catastrophe, which directly caused both of us to be arched. After the accident, I called Xiaomei, and Xiaomei thought that you had followed me down, so she drove to me in a hurry. After seeing the situation, he immediately drove him to the hospital, so it was like this. The captain explained.

I was very touched by the captain's statement, and Xiaomei thought I was injured. Hearing this, I am in a much better mood, it seems that Xiaomei still has me in her heart, otherwise she would not be so anxious. These days, Xiaomei and government affairs are in trouble, and the story between the two women is really inseparable, I never expected such a result.

Xiaomei looked at me at the scene and turned to leave. I chased it out to find out that Mei was crying, and Mei looked at me sadly, and sat on the bench alone and cried. Seeing that I came to the scene and pretended to be strong, seeing her scene, I was confused, Xiaomei, what's going on? Isn't that okay with me?

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