
Exposure to the sun soared to 73°C for 5 minutes! Urgent reminder: can't be put down!

One to summer

Cars are like steamers after exposure to the sun

Can you imagine?

No air conditioning

In just 5 minutes, the maximum temperature in the car was nearly 73°C

Lighters, mineral water bottles

and the cooling spray that has been selling well recently

There is a risk of deflagration

Exposure to the sun soared to 73°C for 5 minutes! Urgent reminder: can't be put down!

On July 23, the Hangzhou Fire Xiaoshan Rescue Brigade brought an experiment to talk about the high temperature of the vehicle in summer!

After 5 minutes of exposure to the sun, the temperature in the car was close to 73°C

Not only lighters, but also mineral water bottles can start open flames

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was warm, the outdoor temperature in Hangzhou reached 38 °C, and the vehicle was prepared at the experimental site, and the temperature in the car was close to 50 °C at this time. The reporter sat in the car for more than a minute, and he had already begun to sweat profusely, and his mobile phone was hot.

Five minutes later, the firefighter used a thermometer gun to measure, and the temperature in the car rose to nearly 73 °C, and the reporter had begun to feel obvious discomfort and shortness of breath.

Exposure to the sun soared to 73°C for 5 minutes! Urgent reminder: can't be put down!

Private cars are also many people's "dressing room" and "smoking room", some car owners will leave lighters or perfume on the car, as everyone knows, in the summer high temperature days, these small objects may also become unexpected safety hazards.

At the test site, firefighters placed a lighter under the front windshield. In just the past 4 minutes, the temperature near the lighter has risen to 79°C; Half an hour later, cracks appeared on the surface of the lighter. Firefighters say that the butane fuel in the lighter expands easily at high temperatures and explodes immediately when exposed to an open flame.

Not just a lighter, but a bottle of mineral water can also start a fire, at the scene, firefighters put a bottle of water in the car, the sunlight through the water in the bottle, on the paper towel into a focal point, the temperature gun shows that the temperature here is significantly higher than the surrounding area. "The mineral water bottle here becomes a magnifying glass, concentrating the heat of the light source in one point, which can cause the focus temperature to be too high." The firefighter explained, "Over time, it will accelerate the aging of the interior at least and cause spontaneous combustion of the vehicle." ”

He also reminded that it is recommended that the majority of drivers try not to leave plastic bottles, perfumes, reading glasses, power banks and other items with water in the car, and try to park in the parking lot or under the shade of trees to avoid long-term exposure to the sun and reduce the probability of spontaneous combustion. It is recommended to always have a fire extinguisher in the car, which can play an emergency role in extinguishing the fire in the event of a fire.

Instantly deflagrated, shattering glass for tens of meters

The power of the cooling artifact is so huge

In the scorching summer, all car owners tried their best to "cool off", and some "cooling artifacts" also came into being. Recently, there is a "rapid cooling agent" that has been selling well, and it is said that spraying it on the surface of seats and clothes can quickly cool down, making people feel cool instantly.

Exposure to the sun soared to 73°C for 5 minutes! Urgent reminder: can't be put down!

But is this "cooling artifact" really safe? The firefighters used an experiment to "teach everyone a lesson".

In the experiment, the firefighters simulated the daily use scene, sprayed three cans of cooling spray in the closed car, and "cooled the front and rear seats", and the car was filled with the fragrance of the spray. After the on-site personnel retreated to a safe distance, two heavily armed firefighters stepped forward and reached into the car window with torches nearly 3 meters long.

"Bang", everyone was startled by the sudden explosion, the front and rear windshields of the car exploded dozens of meters, shattered to the ground, the trunk lid was also lifted by the air wave, and an open flame appeared in the car. After the water cannon was poured and cooled, the reporter got closer and saw that the car was in a mess, there were still traces of scorching on the interior, and the roof was blown out of the uneven bulge, which showed the power of the explosion.

Exposure to the sun soared to 73°C for 5 minutes! Urgent reminder: can't be put down!

The firefighter pointed to the ingredient list on the aerosol can and explained that butane, propane, isobutane and alcohol are all flammable and explosive substances, and it is very dangerous to encounter open flames or heat sources during use. Therefore, the general public should read the product description carefully when purchasing cooling spray, and especially need to pay attention to safety tips and use warnings. If you place it in the car, you need to avoid sun exposure, open the window for ventilation in time after use, to prevent excessive accumulation of flammable components in the car, and do not smoke in the car to avoid danger.

Exposure to the sun soared to 73°C for 5 minutes! Urgent reminder: can't be put down!

In addition, the firefighters also want to remind everyone that the temperature in the car is too high in summer, which is easy to cause the pressure in the gas tank to burst due to excessive pressure, and it is not recommended to store such products in the car. In addition to cooling spray, hairspray, nail polish, sunscreen spray, insecticide and other items are not recommended to be placed in the car, and they should also be kept away from open flames when used, and should be kept in a cool place when not in use.

Say the important thing three times

Lighters, mineral water bottles

Perfume, cooling spray

Don't put it in the car

Hurry up and remind the people around you

Source: Hangzhou Daily, China News Network

Producer: Wuhan Radio and Television Station

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