
In his later years, General Karen Mok still remembers the way his military rank was conferred in 1955. In the eyes of many military and civilians, with his overall qualifications, he is enough to award the rank of founding general,

In his later years, General Karen Mok still remembers the way his military rank was conferred in 1955. In the eyes of many military and civilians, with his overall qualifications, he is enough to confer the rank of founding general, but he is only a lieutenant general at the deputy corps level. The most critical thing is that as early as 1949, Mo Wenhua had successively served as the political commissar of the two corps of Siye, and was later designated as a "deputy corps-level" cadre, which is indeed a bit inexplicable. Mo Wenhua recalled that there was a specific reason for his low military rank, because he offended a certain senior surname leader who had served in the northwest and northeast. During the Anti-Japanese War, he did not support this person as the political commissar of the left-behind corps of the Eighth Route Army, and was hated. Of course, this is General Mo's own statement, because of this reason, when the cadre was graded in 1952, he was rated half a level lower, which affected his later military rank. Some people think that they can hold on to the founding of the People's Republic of China and are luckier than many of their comrades-in-arms who sacrificed, and it seems that they should not be too entangled in the rank of the military. But one is one, two is two, and the general's doubts are also justified. @史源历史专栏

In his later years, General Karen Mok still remembers the way his military rank was conferred in 1955. In the eyes of many military and civilians, with his overall qualifications, he is enough to award the rank of founding general,
In his later years, General Karen Mok still remembers the way his military rank was conferred in 1955. In the eyes of many military and civilians, with his overall qualifications, he is enough to award the rank of founding general,
In his later years, General Karen Mok still remembers the way his military rank was conferred in 1955. In the eyes of many military and civilians, with his overall qualifications, he is enough to award the rank of founding general,

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