
The distinctive style of Deng Xiaoping's literary style

"The style of writing is like a person", the article is a mirror, which can show a person's thoughts, style and wisdom. Deng Xiaoping's style of writing, like his style, was concise, plain, and innovative.

The language is concise and the subject matter is clear and to the point

The most distinctive feature of Deng Xiaoping's style is that the language is concise. His articles and reports are always concise and to the point.

From the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation to the early days of the founding of New China, Deng Xiaoping always presided over the work of a strategic zone alone. In a tense and difficult environment, he was not only good at effectively implementing the instructions of the central authorities, but also always wrote materials on his own, and was good at putting forward policy and strategic opinions of universal significance to the central authorities' decision-making in a concise and clear report that went straight to the point. Mao Zedong praised Deng Xiaoping's report many times, saying that reading Deng Xiaoping's report was like eating a gourd with rock sugar, and fully affirmed his crisp, clear, and readable style. In August 1944, Deng Xiaoping, then acting secretary of the Northern Bureau, used a telegram of more than 700 words to concisely and clearly reply to Mao Zedong's 10 questions about all aspects of the work in the anti-Japanese base areas. After reading it, Mao Zedong commented: "This newspaper is very good. As for how to unite people outside the party, Deng Xiaoping reported: The method of adjustment is: When holding meetings on the production movement and production labor, senators and some gentry who are good at running production should be invited. We will improve the methods for rectifying the work style of people outside the party in the regime. Add more education on current affairs, don't be reluctant, and correct the blunt way...... A few words, clear and clear. So Mao Zedong wrote to Deng Xiaoping again a few days later, affirming the report: "The content is excellent. In addition to being copied to many comrades here for reading, it was also forwarded to various places for reference. ”

Later, Deng Xiaoping presided over the work of the Central Committee and demanded that important meetings, reports, documents, and speeches within the party should be concise and clear. As early as 1956, when discussing the drafting of the report and speech of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he said: "The speeches of the Eighth National Congress should be wonderful, vivid, diverse, and short. In 1975, Deng Xiaoping returned to preside over the work of the State Council. On 26 August, when discussing with relevant comrades the outline of the report drafted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he said: The draft is too long, and it is impossible for the comrades of the Central Committee to read it. The government work report of the Fourth National People's Congress drafted by Deng Xiaoping was concise, only about 5,100 words, and it was the most concise government work report since the founding of New China.

Deng Xiaoping said: "To learn Marxism-Leninism, we must be refined and effective. Long things are read by a small number of professional people, how can the masses read them? In 1987, the Central Literature Research Office submitted a draft of his 1950 "Report to the Southwest Region Press Work Conference," and after reading it, he pointed out that the content was okay, "but it is a little wordy, and it is better to cut it in half." In the summer of 1993, Deng Xiaoping reviewed the third volume of "Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping" article by article, and solemnly said: This is a relatively good book, there is no empty talk, and it must be published quickly. The book is rich and profound, containing a total of 119 articles, the shortest of which is less than 100 words, and answers many important questions of understanding that have long bound people's minds.

Simple and plain, good at analysis and reasoning

If the length of the text is only in form, then in terms of content, Deng Xiaoping's style is simple and plain. His speeches and articles are all in the vernacular, and most ordinary people can understand them. He was adept at using the words of the masses to speak deep truths.

The style of writing is plain because the material of Deng Xiaoping's articles is taken from real life and from the vivid practice of the party leading the people in revolution, construction, and reform, so it is simple to understand and easy to understand. During the War of Liberation, Deng Xiaoping wrote the "Instructions of the CPC Central Committee on Land Reform and Party Rectification," proceeding from the reality of the Central Plains, formulated a set of specific policies suited to the work of land reform and party rectification in the newly liberated areas, and cited specific experiences and examples. Mao Zedong forwarded it to the Central Bureau, sub-bureaus, and former committees, saying that "with the Central Plains Bureau, the Central Committee does not need to issue such documents anymore."

Deng Xiaoping's essay was plain in language, but he was good at analysis and reasoning. The "Report on Amending the Party's Constitution," which he delivered at the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, is one of the most important works in which our party has comprehensively summed up and expounded the theory of party building since it became the ruling party. Together with articles such as "The Communist Party Must Be Supervised" and "Building a Mature and Combat-Capable Party," this article profoundly expounds on the new tests that the party will face after taking power, the party's democratic centralism and collective leadership, and the party's unity. Through reasoning and analysis based on facts, the persuasiveness and influence of his ideological viewpoints have been greatly enhanced. Later, articles such as "Advocating In-depth and Meticulous Work" and "The Important Thing is to Do a Good Job in Regular Work" were Deng Xiaoping's speeches on how to implement the party's mass line in all aspects of specific work, and the titles reflected his core viewpoint. He stressed: "Our mass line is not satisfied with the bustle and excitement, but the main thing is to do regular and meticulous work and to be a human being." Such a method and style of work is of universal guiding significance to the work of the whole party and the whole country.

The simple style of writing is in line with Deng Xiaoping's pragmatic style of seeking truth from facts. He believed that Marxism was a very simple thing and a very simple truth, and he often applied it in his daily life, leaving us many famous sayings that the masses of the people like to hear and are familiar with. "Crossing the river by feeling the stones," "grasping with both hands, both hands should be firm," and "poverty is not socialism" -- these easy-to-understand words are both strange and far-reaching, and they imply profound truths.

Great theories stem from profound insight, and Deng Xiaoping was able to put forward "golden sentences" that were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, because he was always good at seeing the essence of things in the midst of complex things, and expressing grand ideas and profound ideas in plain language. "Development is the last word," "Reform is China's second revolution," "Science and technology are the primary productive forces," and so on, the concise and powerful language expresses theoretical viewpoints with rich connotations.

Focus on innovation and closely link with reality

The most fundamental thing about Deng Xiaoping's style of writing lies in its innovativeness. Deng Xiaoping's articles do not stick to the old ways and do not have a fixed thinking, but always have a strong realistic relevance and a fresh spirit of innovation, and have new words, new ideas, and new contents.

As the chief architect of China's socialist reform, opening up, and modernization, Deng Xiaoping was always filled with a kind of courage to reform the old and bring forth the new, and a kind of sharp spirit that was good at creative thinking and good at opening up new situations. He said: "If a party, a country, and a nation proceeds from its roots, its thinking is rigid, and superstition prevails, then it will not be able to move forward, its vitality will stop, and it will be doomed to the destruction of the party and the country." If you see it, you will try it boldly and break through boldly." "If you can't take a new path, you can't do a new business." This is the fearless spirit and extraordinary courage of a proletarian revolutionary.

Deng Xiaoping's articles are always clear-cut and innovative. The third volume of "Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping" is a collection of Deng Xiaoping's most important and original works in the process of forming, developing, and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and is full of the distinctive spirit of the times and the spirit of the nation. Articles such as "Wholeheartedly Engaging in Construction" and "Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" have vividly expounded how the mainland has adhered to the principle of "one central task and two basic points" and followed the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics in practice. Articles such as "Talks After Returning to Beijing from Inspecting Jiangsu and Other Places" and "Running Special Economic Zones Well and Increasing the Number of Cities Opened to the Outside World" are Deng Xiaoping's overall arrangements for further deepening the cause of reform and opening up after conducting a large number of on-the-spot investigations and visits and grasping first-hand materials. Articles such as "Science and Technology Are the Primary Productive Forces" and "China Must Occupy a Place in the World's High-tech Field" provide strategic guidance for the mainland's rapid narrowing of the gap between its overall scientific and technological strength and the world's leading level.

Deng Xiaoping Theory, with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as its main founder, has answered a series of major theoretical and practical questions with a completely new look. Deng Xiaoping made it clear that he should follow his own path and build socialism with Chinese characteristics. He pointed out: "The most fundamental task in the socialist stage is to develop the productive forces" and "one public ownership occupies the main body and one common prosperity is the fundamental principle of socialism that we must uphold." His summarization of the essence of socialism and his exposition on the "three advantages" for the first time systematically and preliminarily answered a series of basic questions on how to build socialism and how to consolidate and develop socialism in an economically and culturally backward country like China, profoundly revealed the essence of socialism, and made another historic leap forward in integrating Marxism with China's reality.

Deng Xiaoping's style is unpretentious but profound, just as he admired a simple, highly pragmatic personality. Studying and studying his style of writing, appreciating his broad-mindedness and personal style, is still instructive.