
After losing IG, the RNG jungler pattern officially announced its retirement! I regret that I shouldn't have come to RNG to play professionally

After losing IG, the RNG jungler pattern officially announced its retirement! I regret that I shouldn't have come to RNG to play professionally

Real Hammer Jun

2024-07-26 03:18Posted in Jilin game creators

Lei Sports Information:

RNG is definitely one of the most failed LPL teams in 24 years, and when the lineup was first officially announced in the spring, many viewers were struck by the fact that these older generation players could lead the royal family back to glory. It's a pity that reality slapped the face too quickly, whether it was changing the lineup, changing the coach, or changing the players, it couldn't stop RNG's defeat.

After losing IG, the RNG jungler pattern officially announced its retirement! I regret that I shouldn't have come to RNG to play professionally

This is still the case after the start of the summer season, and many permutations and combinations are sold to buy players, but it has no effect. Become the bottom of the league, and the threshold of the playoffs can't be touched. Especially recently, he also lost to IG, which is also a declining old giant, and after the game, the jungler pattern broke the defense on the spot, and said a lot of insiders.

After losing IG, the RNG jungler pattern officially announced its retirement! I regret that I shouldn't have come to RNG to play professionally

The pattern said that it was a mistake for him to come to RNG, and he was fined 50,000 yuan, not to mention, and he kept losing the game. After the next fight, he will retire voluntarily from the pit position, not giving his opponent a chance to play the jungle. The pattern even ridiculed RNG for nine dishes and one soup for one meal, and it was really unacceptable to eat well but not win a game.

After losing IG, the RNG jungler pattern officially announced its retirement! I regret that I shouldn't have come to RNG to play professionally

This player was a well-known streamer before coming to the RNG base, and he was also a former royal fan. Now after being educated by reality, he is completely disheartened. At the same time, it can also be seen that LPL is indeed in short supply, and the mentality of newcomers is very impetuous, and they choose to escape and give up after several setbacks, and they do not have the fighting spirit of the older generation of e-sportsmen.

After losing IG, the RNG jungler pattern officially announced its retirement! I regret that I shouldn't have come to RNG to play professionally

Since the royal family boss Bai Xing announced that he would abandon his investment, RNG has not welcomed a day of good news. If we continue to follow this trend, then this former e-sports giant may really disappear in the LPL. What do you think?

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  • After losing IG, the RNG jungler pattern officially announced its retirement! I regret that I shouldn't have come to RNG to play professionally
  • After losing IG, the RNG jungler pattern officially announced its retirement! I regret that I shouldn't have come to RNG to play professionally
  • After losing IG, the RNG jungler pattern officially announced its retirement! I regret that I shouldn't have come to RNG to play professionally
  • After losing IG, the RNG jungler pattern officially announced its retirement! I regret that I shouldn't have come to RNG to play professionally

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