
"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

Yesterday, the hot search of "300,000 students studying abroad and 5,005 returning to China" detonated major social media;

The classic topic of "whether studying abroad can return to the original cost" has once again aroused heated discussions.

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

Especially for art and design majors, the cost of tuition and materials is generally higher than that of other majors.

Recently, GradSchool, which focuses on the employment of international students with master's degrees, released the "Top 20 Design Industry Salary Rankings".

It unveiled the truth about the "return rate" of design majors.


Product design, win hemp again

The list released by GradSchool this time is aimed at the salary package of master's graduates, and the product designer finally won the first place.

Not long ago, in the "31 Design Positions Salary Report" released by, the world's largest recruitment website, after screening out high-level positions such as design management and design director, product design is also the first among ordinary positions:

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

So, why is product design the most profitable?

Because the product design covers the widest range and the widest upward channel.

Different from the inherent impression of many people, in the GradSchool list, stage design, furniture design, jewelry design, which sound lofty, are the lowest average salaries.

This is because they are designed for very specific objects, have their own unique set of design methodologies, and are difficult to migrate to other fields.

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

On the contrary, the top-ranked professional positions, such as product designers, architects, digital designers, etc., are not limited to a single field.

In particular, product designers can transfer their design methodology to almost all products in life, and the output is no longer limited to physical products, but also includes virtual products, such as digital products.

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

There is no industry that ignores product design thinking

Attentive students may have noticed that the salary of industrial design positions, which are often confused with product design, is actually much lower than that of product design.

Theoretically, both industrial design and product design need to consider the appearance aesthetics, material structure, and use scenarios of the product.

However, product design also needs to further investigate the degree of functional realization of the product, user experience, and the difficulty of mass production implementation.

And this kind of design thinking can also be extended to any other design field, in other words:

Those who can do jewelry/furniture design may not be able to do product design; Those who can do product design can also do jewelry/furniture design with similar thinking;

So much so that when many non-product design industries recruit designers, they will also write product thinking in the recruitment notice:

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?


How to become a high-paying product designer?

It should be noted that the salary range given in this list of GradSchool is "the average salary after graduating from a master's degree".

As a traditional design industry, many art students applying for a master's degree will encounter various problems when applying:

  • It's easy to get started with common software, but it's not enough to make a project!
  • The product design is called design, how to require a science and engineering background?
  • Product design? Industrial products? Innovative products? Product engineering? Integrate products? … What's the difference between these majors?
"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

In fact, the probability of success in applying for a change of major in product design is very low, because this is a subject that has been specially corresponding to the course since a long time ago - 3D design!

Many applicants start to learn basic product design thinking from the IGCSE stage, and then go through the A-Level stage, the undergraduate stage, and step by step to the master's level.

They already have a "portfolio awareness" from the IGCSE stage, starting from how to conceive, how to choose materials, how to start a topic, how to produce, and have their own set of methodologies.

When it comes to applying for a master's degree in product design, everything falls into place;

Therefore, if you want to successfully enter a master's program in a prestigious product design school, you must start preparing as early as possible.

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

In order to help students develop the thinking of 3D project production in advance at IGCSE and A-Level levels, and also to help everyone cope with the exams,

Wenlan Art has set up a special [3D design] course in both IG and AL stages, and is personally taught by senior tutors with background from the University of the Arts London!


Why do you recommend the Wenlan 3D Design course?

  • IG/AL+ portfolio, for product design professional application
  • Lunyi background: 1v1 personal tutoring by senior art tutors
  • Self-learning + dismantling of previous successful cases, less detours
  • The Shanghai area provides offline learning venues and provides a variety of resources

In fact, not only 3D Design courses, but also IGCES Art, A-Level Art Design, and Portfolio courses can be studied offline at our Learning Center in Shanghai M50 Creative Park:

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?
"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

Here, we have set up special classrooms for offline teaching, design experience, and college planning.

Students can experience a variety of learning resources and equipment that are difficult to access in ordinary classrooms, which is convenient for project output.

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?
"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?


Product design: choose a country, choose a school

As a traditional design major, there are many colleges and universities in almost every country that offer product design majors.

However, in order to improve the success rate of the application, we still recommend that students try to "apply for multi-country joint application":


United Kingdom

First of all, as far as comprehensive universities are concerned, product design majors from universities such as the University of Edinburgh, Kingston University, and Goldsmiths College of the University of London are highly recommended.

Brunel University, located in west London, is also known for its product design:

Brunel University's product design major is deeply tied to engineering or other disciplines, and attaches great importance to school-enterprise cooperation.

It maintains strategic partnerships with international manufacturers including United Kingdom Airways, Bentley Motors, Dyson, Samsung, etc., to provide students with convenient internship opportunities.

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

As far as art schools are concerned, including the Royal College of Art and the Glasgow College of Art, they are all known for their product design, and the most well-known of them is the product design of Lunyi-Central Saint Martins.

As the flagship program of St. Martin's, the Master of Product Design is divided into three large units of study over the course of two years:

Unit 1: Design Methodology and Critical LearningUnit 2: Positioning and Professionalization PracticeUnit 3: Self-Driven Design Research

His research interests include: enterprise-oriented product design, public-oriented product design, service-oriented product design, and academic-oriented product design.

So what is the real experience of Lunyi? How can I successfully get a ticket to Lunyi?

Live lectures


At 19:00 on July 30 (Tuesday), Amy, a student of Wenlan Art and a current student of Lunyi, will be a guest in the live broadcast room of Wenlan Art, and will share with you Ms. Eva, the teaching supervisor of Wenlan Art, who is also from the background of Lunyi:

  • Lunyi's real study experience and campus anecdotes
  • Successfully won the collection of Lunyi's work to share
  • Preparation process for the Lunyi undergraduate application interview

Scan the code to register in advance▼


United States

Among the art schools in the United States, the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) in Georgia is the largest design school in the United States, focusing on industrial/product design.

SCAD product design majors are based on the concept of improving people's quality of life, and professors will ask students to design products that can adapt to the environment, be pleasant, be fun, make life more convenient, and improve communication between people.

In addition, compared to the highly-ranked art schools such as Art Center School of Design and Rhode Island School of Design, SCAD is much more difficult to apply.

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

In addition to the School of Arts, the biggest advantage of studying product design in United States is the comprehensive polytechnic university.

For example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has a Design Lab, where product design students can research the world's most cutting-edge topics and easily access other science and engineering learning resources.

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

Similar universities in the United States include:

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Cornell University, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), New York University (NYU), Washington University in St. Louis, etc.

What are the application requirements for these universities? How do I prepare my portfolio and essays? Do I need a science or engineering background? Please scan the code to add WeChat, and customize your own product design plan!

"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?
"300,000 for studying abroad and 5,500 for returning to China", can I return to my original cost of studying abroad?

👉 Study Abroad Application / Portfolio Tutoring / Art Internship 👉 Alevel/EPQ/GCSE course score improvement

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