
"Snail Travel", "Kitten Paw Flying Squirrel", "Through Time and Space", "New Car"

Snail Travels

Wang Guanqing

Snail Lele and Snail Xuexue finally looked forward to the summer vacation, and they were determined to have a happy time, but they didn't know where to play, so they wanted to play first.

"Why don't we go to the city first, and then go to the countryside to play, why don't we stay in this small mountain villa?" Lele suggested. "yes, that's it, let's go today." After speaking, she took Lele's hand and set off.

They crawled onto a lush meadow. Here, they meet Mimi, a lively and cute rabbit. "Hey, Mimi, do you know how to get to the city?" Xue Xue asked politely. "Go ahead and see an intersection and turn right." Mimi replied. "Thank you." After thanking them, they continued on their way.

They climbed and crawled and climbed to the beach, and there was no way to go, and Le Le saw this, and said, "There is no road, and besides, I am still tired, so let's go back." "No, I must go to the city, and if you are tired, go back first." Xue Xue retorted. "Alright then, I'll wait for you at home, I wish you a nice trip." Lele shook his head helplessly. Xue Xue turned around a few times and didn't find the way, so he was ready to take a break first. Coincidentally, a penguin came, and when Xue Xue saw this, she hurriedly stopped the penguin: "Sister Penguin, do you know how to go to the city?" You're going to the city?" Penguin asked uncertainly. Xue Xue nodded. "Cross the river, go straight ahead, and you're there." The penguin was about to leave. "Wait, Sister Penguin, can you take me across the river, I can't swim." Xue Xue asked for help. "Well, I was going to cross the river to find my sister." Penguins readily agreed.

The penguin led her across the river, thanked Xue Xue, and then hurried off again.

Xue Xue climbed and climbed to a bustling place, where there were high-rise buildings and cars, and she knew that this was the city, so she decided to take a break and play again. Then she didn't find a clean place to rest, because the ground here was full of garbage, so she had to go and play first, and she went to the stream, where the stream was not clear at all, but very dirty, and she saw the little girl next to her who threw the garbage into the river, and she went to the hillside again, but the grass on the hillside was pulled by the naughty children. Oh, my God! The environment here is not good at all, I should go to the countryside, maybe it is better than here. Xue Xue thought.

Xue Xue came to the countryside after a lot of hardships, she still rested first, she thought that it would be like last time, it would be difficult to find a place to rest, but to her surprise, because she quickly found a place to rest, after she rested, she went to the village stream, the stream here is completely different from what she thought, the stream is crystal clear, and you can see fish swimming around under the water. She went to the hillside again, and the grass on the hillside was very dense and green, much better than the city.

A few days later, Xue Xue returned home and told Lele what she had seen, and Lele regretted it: If I hadn't been tired at the time and persevered to the end, I could have experienced so many interesting things and seen so many beautiful scenery.

"Snail Travel", "Kitten Paw Flying Squirrel", "Through Time and Space", "New Car"

Kittens catch flying squirrels

Xie Yutong

One day, the owner of the kitten said to it, "Oh! Oh, my God! Why haven't you caught this pesky flying squirrel yet!" The kitten glanced at the owner who was holding a broom to fight flying squirrels and went back to sleep. You dead cat! I'll give you three days, and if you can't catch it again, fuck me off!"

Its owner yelled, which scared the kitten into a clever one, and immediately got up to catch the flying squirrel.

"Stop!" The kitten roared.

"I won't!" The flying squirrel grimaced as he ran.

The kitten jumped up and down to chase the mouse, and trampled on all the furniture, but it was so tired that it stopped chasing it.

The kitten ran out of the house and pulled out a newspaper from the gate, which said "Professional Mouse Catcher, Flying Squirrel". When the kitten saw it, not to mention how happy it was, she hugged the newspaper and kissed it. It finally found the specialty shop, but it was dark, and it dared to open the door and run inside.

Oh! You rude cat, don't you know how to knock on the door?" A witch said.

"Sister, what makes you so angry? Oh, a cat? Don't you think it can do us a favor?" Another witch came down from upstairs.

"I'm just here to learn how to catch flying squirrels." The kitten said scaredly.

"Who told you this is the place to learn how to catch flying squirrels, I don't mind turning you into a flying squirrel!" A witch said.

"Angus, you can't say that, it needs to clean the room!" Another witch said.

"Is this Miss Annes's home?" A space mailman asked.

"Yes!" Ann Lei Si stepped forward to greet her.

"Kitten, come up!" Anger said to the kitten, "Come on my broom!"

The kitten immediately sat down.

"Catch it!" Angus chirped and rushed out.

After a turn, she threw the poor kitten on the ground, "From now on, you will be in charge of cleaning this place." "

As soon as the witch was gone, she looked here and there, and then the furniture spoke, "What a poor kitten."

"Why are you able to talk?"

"It's not those two witches, I used to live a good life, but because I broke the window, I was turned into a teapot.".

"We don't want you to be like that."

"Thank you, but I can't catch a flying squirrel, and I can't get out when I come here."

"Catching flying squirrels? Oh! So that's it, you just have to stay in one place and catch the flying squirrel when it comes. "

"But how do I get out?"

"You can fly back on a broomstick."

"Thank you!"

So, the kitten flew back on a broomstick.

When it got home, it squatted on a stool, and as soon as the flying squirrel came, it jumped up and bit the flying squirrel, held it in its mouth, and showed its owner to see it.

Since then, it has become a carefree kitten again.

"Snail Travel", "Kitten Paw Flying Squirrel", "Through Time and Space", "New Car"

Tortoise and hare race

Fourth grade, Du Yixin

Since the last time the tortoise won, the rabbit has been lying down every day, ready to save some face for the rabbit family. This time, the rabbit was fully prepared, so he challenged the turtle and invited the fox to be the referee.

When the tortoise heard the news, he was in a hurry, because since the tortoise had won, his brothers had come to him to study, and since then the tortoise has been eating and drinking at home every day, and his body has gained a lot of weight.

The turtle was at home trying to figure it out, and it turned left and right, and suddenly the turtle came up with a clever idea. He went to the fox with a check for a million dollars. The turtle took a check for 1 million yuan and went into the fox's house, and the fox said, "It's all here, what money do you get?" The turtle smiled and said, "Big brother, this is a little bit of my heart, please accept it, I want to ask you for a favor." The fox said, "What's the hurry?" The turtle said, "As for the race, please help me to get to the first place." The fox said, "This is easy, go back and prepare first." ”

The race began, and the referee fox shouted: "Ready, three, two, one, start." The rabbit runs forward like an arrow off the string. But the rabbit did not expect that when he saw the end, the turtle had already slept lazily there, and the rabbit was so angry that his face was red.

The game was over, the turtle was victorious, and the fox gave it a gold medal. The fox and the tortoise come to the superlative hotel to celebrate the tortoise's win. The turtle said while eating, "Big brother, I just ...... Just ran a few steps, how did you ...... How can I run into the river? The fox said, "Brother, I didn't expect that the turtle lying at the end of the line was a robot turtle." The turtle said, "Big brother, you are really good, I admire you so much!" ”

What he didn't expect was that their conversation was all overheard by Sheriff Black Cat, and it was recorded and handed over to the judge. Because this behavior of the fox is a crime, it goes directly to prison for more than three years and up to five years in prison. The tortoise's gold medal was confiscated and all the family property was handed over to the state.

The rabbit has finally reached the championship with his own strength!

"Snail Travel", "Kitten Paw Flying Squirrel", "Through Time and Space", "New Car"

Travel through time

Xie Yutong

Wow! Big brother begs to be released!" Guess where I am now, uh, I said I was in the dinosaur area of the primitive times, do you believe me? Don't believe it! I'm really here! What's going on? It starts from the beginning.

One day, I wanted to test my newly invented travel machine. Who knows, I just finished going to the toilet and came back to see that the drone had fallen to the ground. I hurriedly went up and picked it up, looked left and right, and after making sure it was okay, I let out a long sigh: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay!" I couldn't wait to click on the Tang Dynasty again, and in the next second, a golden light flashed, and between the electric sparks, I came to the Tang Dynasty. Next, it's time to find Li Bai, right? I thought to myself.

"The sunshine incense burner rises purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs in front of the river. The flying stream went straight down to 3,000 feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen for nine days!" Yo! Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here! Isn't this Li Bai? And Yaxing writes poems! Lifting the pen and moving the ink, a series of actions are completed in one go. Good poetry! Good poetry! But when I think of the poems we have to memorize later, hey!

I hurriedly stepped forward and threw Li Bai a mobile phone.

What is this?" Li Baidao.

"This is a magic weapon, which I asked for from the holy mountain." I replied calmly.

"Look at what you're wearing, you're not an ordinary person."

"Naturally, I was ordered by the emperor to give a magic weapon to Li Bai in the world, if I guessed correctly, you are Li Bai."

"Yes, it's Li Bai below."

"Come here."

"It's called a mobile phone, this game is called "Egg Boy Team", and this is called "Fifth Personality", do you understand?"

"Got it, but how do they get it?"

"Watch the tutorial." Okay, that's it. Then go to the dinosaur area and take a walk.

In the next second, I came to the dinosaur living area in the primitive period, and at this time, "To Alice" sounded around. Just as I wondered if the drone had broken down, a huge shadow appeared behind me. I remembered that when I was in danger, I felt like I would play a song. I turned my head and looked, it was okay, it was okay, it was just Mamenxi Dragon. Then a strange scene came, and it actually spoke: "You are human?" I was so frightened that I jumped up directly, and my heart was full of noise: "If you have something to say, if you have something to say, don't eat me." "

"I'm a vegetarian, don't worry. Are you new here? I'll take you around. "

"Yes, yes." So, I climbed on its neck and sat on top of its head for sightseeing.

At this time, there was a Tyrannosaurus rex, what else to do, run, but is the Tyrannosaurus rex really the same as in the relics park? I just looked back, and a bloody mouth was biting us....

If you want to know what will happen next, and listen to the next episode, the excitement continues. (Scan the QR code, open a membership to see it, pay 10,000)

"Snail Travel", "Kitten Paw Flying Squirrel", "Through Time and Space", "New Car"

New types of cars

Fourth grade, Du Yixin

I was doing my homework when suddenly the power went out in the classroom and it was pitch black. Suddenly, a huge hand reached out to me and grabbed me, and I came to another dimension.

The people in this space will make cars, and the robot who took me away said, "I'm going to give you some materials to make cars, and I'm asking you to go back and make them now, and give them to me when they're ready, and then you can take these technologies back to your original space." ”

I immediately sat down and carefully read the drawings he gave me and meditated on the fabrication. Relying on my 250 IQ brain and super hands-on ability, it didn't take long for me to get it right. In addition to the one given to the robot, I also took one to the earth in vain.

Let me tell you, the car I built has a cool shape, and it is made of alloy throughout, which is strong and durable, and even if you meet a naughty child, you can't scrape it with a knife.

Because almost everyone in the world now has a car, there are very few parking spaces on the street now. And I don't have to worry about parking spaces for the car I build, because the car can be bigger and smaller, and the small one can fit into my mother's pocket!

Now the price of oil is soaring and very expensive, but I don't have to worry about this problem with my car because my car absorbs carbon dioxide to maintain power! The exhaust of my car is fragrant with the smell of flowers, and the whole city is like a big garden.

This kind of car also has an automatic driving function, so that the driver's eldest brother can also be a passenger, and this car also has an evasion function, which is very safe.

What do you think? Do you want it? Come and buy it!

"Snail Travel", "Kitten Paw Flying Squirrel", "Through Time and Space", "New Car"

Golden sunshine, let your dreams fly

Open it and you will be touched by the power of innocence;

Read it and you will walk with the dignity of your child!

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