
Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

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Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

The 2024 Olympic Games are just around the corner, and this time the host city is Paris, France.

This was supposed to be a cause for celebration, but the France government was very dissatisfied, it turned out that 80% of the goods at the Paris Olympics were made in China, and made in China once again showed its edge in the world.

With the Olympic Games about to begin, preparations for the "romantic capital" of Paris are also well underway, but Paris seems to have encountered some problems.

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

One of the organizers' resolution, which drew global attention, was that the Olympic Village would not be air-conditioned, a move that the France government claimed was to save energy and protect the environment.

Looking back at the Olympic Games in the past, the Paris Olympics were the first to choose not to install air conditioning, which is really an incomprehensible operation.

How can athletes rest well when they return to the Olympic Village without air conditioning after a tiring day of competition?

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

Although it is true that not turning on the air conditioner is a way to save energy and reduce emissions, it is not an excessive requirement to install air conditioning, which can be dispensed with, but it is a bit excessive if there is no one.

In the face of this situation, the mainland directly shipped a batch of air conditioners to Paris, France, since you do not install air conditioning for our athletes, then we install it ourselves, this measure directly makes athletes from other countries express envy.

The mainland's attitude toward solving problems is in stark contrast to Western countries, which only pay lip service, while the mainland is really capable of doing practical things.

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

In addition, there is a very big problem in the Paris Olympics, and that is the environmental pollution of the Seine.

Many of the events of the Olympic Games take place on the Seine, so the environment of the Seine must be protected so that the athletes participating in the competition can be held accountable. But the environment on the Seine is still not as good as it could be, according to reports.

As early as Paris in preparation for the Olympic Games, the France government began to purify the water quality of the Seine. It's a bit ridiculous that the water quality of the Seine has not been tested for so long, and it has not met the standards of the competition.

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

Paris is the fashion capital, and it is a big joke that the Seine River actually exceeds the standard of E. coli.

Although the France government has begun to rectify the situation, the results are still not satisfactory. The start of the Olympic Games is approaching, and it remains to be seen whether the Seine will be able to meet the standards of competition.

In the face of the environmental problems of the air conditioning in the Olympic Village and the Seine River, which have aroused heated discussions around the world, the France government seems very calm.

However, on the issue of dominating the screen made in China at the Paris Games, they can't sit still.

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

According to reports, more than 80% of the goods at the Paris Games were all made in China, which made the France government very unhappy.

Although France is a developed country and has a developed manufacturing industry, it has a big drawback. That is, the manufacturing cost is too high, and many products will be very expensive to produce in France.

And the France Olympic Organizing Committee naturally also took this problem into account, the funds in their hands are limited, how can they spend small money to do big things?

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

They set their sights on China, where the total volume of trade between China and France is rising every year, imports from China are commonplace, and goods made in China are cheap and cheap, so the Organising Committee chose to buy a lot of goods from China.

Made in China is a synonym for China, with China's growing strength, the mainland's manufacturing industry has advanced to the world-class level, high quality and low price is a golden sign made in China, and goods around the world have the shadow of Made in China.

The last Qatar Games had a large number of Chinese manufacturing, and the France Olympic Organizing Committee also learned from experience and imported goods from China.

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

Therefore, most of the various sporting goods and even mascots at the Paris Games are made in China, and France is a capitalist country, and importing goods from China is also for greater profits, and they are looking at the low-cost advantage of Chinese manufacturing.

But this act soon drew the resentment of some France.

Some people think that other sporting goods are imported from China, and the mascot of the Paris Olympics contains the history of France, and it is also made in China, isn't this a thing that hurts the dignity of France?

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

Obviously, a mascot has no technical content, and it can be made by France's local manufacturing industry, so why give it to China?

This question did not have any substantial impact, everything is for profit, import from China can be more profitable, why spend a lot of money to manufacture from France?

For France, this is also a helpless thing, France manufacturing is also very developed, but in recent years there has also been a decline, after all, the cost is too high, can not make a big profit.

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

On the other hand, China's manufacturing is in full swing, and the lower cost gives him a greater advantage than developed countries, so many developed countries have directly given up their own production and imported directly from China, just two words, cheap.

Why is it so good made in China?

China's vast land, abundant resources, and dense population are the basis for industrial development, and the mainland has the most complete industrial system in the world.

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

The raw materials and labor required can be solved in China, so the cost is naturally low and the price is low.

For some developed countries, although their manufacturing industry is also developed, they have few domestic resources, rely on imports, fewer people, and high labor costs.

The capitalist countries are more interested in profits, and it is clear who is more valuable, so for some low-tech goods, the developed countries are more inclined to buy from the mainland.

So, is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

For the mainland, this is certainly a good thing, which shows that the mainland's industrial manufacturing level has been in the world's first-class, and it can be said that it occupies the top position in labor-intensive industries.

All countries are willing to put the manufacturing link on the mainland, which provides a large number of jobs for the mainland on the one hand, and promotes the economic development of the mainland on the other hand.

But this also illustrates a problem, the mainland is not strong enough in technology-intensive fields, and can only undertake the manufacture of products without technological content.

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

Developed countries have mastered the R&D and manufacturing technology of many high-tech products, and they will not easily disclose them to the mainland.

The mainland should not be blinded by the prosperity in front of it, after all, simple manufacturing can only feed many people, and high-tech technology can make the country strong.

Behind the swiping screen of Made in China at the Paris Games, it is actually showing a voice.

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

That is, the tide of economic globalization is unstoppable, and the mainland has seized this opportunity to let Chinese manufacturing go to the world.

But we can't stop there, we should continue to work hard to make China's science and technology go global.

Reference Sources:

Olympic outpost丨The "Chinese technology" behind the Paris Olympics--CCTV News

When the Paris Olympics met Made in China--China Overseas Chinese Network

Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied
Made in China in the Paris Olympics "kill crazy"! 80% made in China, causing France to be dissatisfied

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