
Green Bamboo Yiyi: Essays on Bamboo Culture (Part 2)

Bamboo Poetry Appreciation

Author: Lu Zhongren (Professor)

Green Bamboo Yiyi: Essays on Bamboo Culture (Part 2)

From "Playing Songs", "Book of Songs" and "Chu Ci" to today, Yongzhu poetry can be described as full of sweat and cattle, which cannot be counted, and even a special poetic style "bamboo branch words" has appeared. Since there are so many bamboo poems that we can't put it into words, we can only explain them from the colorful aspects of the form of bamboo poems.

From the perspective of the types of Yongzhi bamboo, there are Yongci bamboo, Yong bitter bamboo, Yong spotted bamboo, Yongshui bamboo, Yongfang bamboo, Yongpalm bamboo......

From the place where Yongzhizhu is located, there are bamboos on Yongshan Mountain, bamboos by the water, bamboos in Yongyuan, bamboos in Yongtemple, bamboos next to Yongdao, and bamboos in front of eaves......

Judging from the mood of the bamboo sung, there are the bamboos under the sun, the bamboos under the moon, the bamboos in the wind, the bamboos in the rain, the bamboos in the snow, and the bamboos under the frost......

Judging from the number of Yongzhi bamboo, there are Yong single bamboo, Yong double bamboo, Yongzhu Cong, Yongzhu forest, Yongzhu garden, Yongzhu mountain, Yongzhu sea、......

The bamboo described by the poet from multiple directions, dimensions and angles can be described as numerous, dazzling, dazzling, and innumerable. Let's select 8 ancient bamboo poems and some bamboo poems for a review.

Green Bamboo Yiyi: Essays on Bamboo Culture (Part 2)

▲ Xie Hao's poem "Yongzhu".

1. Appreciation of bamboo poems

1, Xie Hao (Southern Dynasty) "Yongzhu":

In front of the window, there is a clump of bamboo, verdant and strange.

The south strip crosses the north leaves, and the new bamboo shoots are mixed with old branches.

The moonlight is sparse and dense, and the wind rises and falls.

It is believed that the symbol of Yongzhu literary works in the strict sense of the word is this Yongzhu poem by Xie Hao, a famous poet of the Southern Dynasty. This poem describes the verdant and strange bamboo in front of the window under the moonlight. The south and north leaves of the clump bamboo intersect, and the new bamboo shoots and old branches are mixed with each other. The green bamboo under the moonlight is both sparse and dense, the green bamboo is swaying, and the moon shadow is mottled. At this time, the breeze rises, the wind curls the bamboo bushes, the bamboo poles shake gently, and the branches and leaves fly...... Dissolving the moonlight, the sound of bamboo, the poet depicts the bamboo under the window in the courtyard as infinitely beautiful.

2, Wang Wei (Tang), "Shen 14 Picks Up the Writings of the Hsinchu Students' Bible Reading Office and Zhu Gong":

Living quietly in the day, cultivating bamboo from Tanluan.

The tender knots are left with remnants, and the new bushes come out of the old ones.

The twigs are chaotic, and the moonlight is cold.

Yuefu cuts the dragon flute, and the fisherman cuts the fishing rod.

How is it like the door of the road, verdant and immortal altar.

(檀栾,tan luan,美好。 箨,bring,笋皮。 阑,lan,同栏。 乐府,朝廷音乐机构。 龙笛,竹笛。 )

Wang Wei is worthy of being a master of poetry, calligraphy, painting and music, the shape and color of this poem, bamboo shoots, tender knots, fine branches, bamboo sounds, breezes, sparse shadows, moonlight, bamboo flutes, fishing rods, Taoist gates, fairy altars...... Written along the way, the imagery is rich: the bamboo palace, the green fairy altar, the environment is ethereal, and the Tao is ethereal. Reading it, let people be infinitely fascinated by the swaying bamboo cultivation in the Taoist temple under the moon. Wang Wei also has a song "Bamboo Pavilion": "Sitting alone in the secluded fence, playing the piano and howling." People in the deep forest don't know, and the bright moon comes to take pictures. This work is poetic and full of Zen.

Green Bamboo Yiyi: Essays on Bamboo Culture (Part 2)

3, Li Qiao (Tang) "Bamboo":

Gao Yan Chu Jiang, Chanjuan with a dawn atmosphere.

Hundreds of flowers shake the phoenix shadow, and the green festival moves the dragon text.

The leaves are southeast of the day, and the branches are northwest clouds.

Who knows that on the water of Xiang, tears are alone.

(簳,gan ,竹。 濆,pen, 涌起。 )

The poem says that the tall green bamboo stands on the side of the Xiangjiang River where the sun rises in the east, the branches and leaves of the bamboo in the hundred flowers are like phoenix tails in the exhibition, and the green bamboo poles are like green dragons dancing. The bamboo poles are green and the branches and leaves are slender. The bamboo leaves flying in the air are like sweeping the sunlight in the southeast, and the bamboo branches are like piggybacking on the clouds in the northwest...... The sight is beautiful. In the end, the poet turned his pen and said that seeing this beautiful bamboo scenery by the river, it reminded people of the sad story of the Xiang concubine crying and the tears making the bamboo spots, showing a kind of infinite melancholy and sadness. The poem uses the famous image of dragon and phoenix metaphor bamboo and the image of spotted bamboo, which is not only very beautiful in poetry, but also subtle in poetry.

Green Bamboo Yiyi: Essays on Bamboo Culture (Part 2)

▲Du Fu "Yan Zheng Mansion with Yongzhu"

4, Du Fu's "Yan Zheng Mansion with Yongzhu":

The green bamboo is half of the seeds, and the new shoots are only out of the wall.

The color invades the book late, and the shade is cold over the wine bottle.

The rain washes and the wind blows the fragrance.

But there is no cutting, and the clouds will be long.

(帙zhi, book jacket, also refers to books in general.) )

In this poem, the poet uses a series of beautiful imagery such as: green bamboo, bamboo shoots, new shoots, books, wine bottles, courtyard walls, drizzle, breeze, emerald color, high clouds...... He also uses a series of adjectives such as: green, new, clean, cool, fragrant, long-......, virtual and real are born together, and the combination of movement and stillness shows the beauty of the bamboo of Zheng Mansion vividly and vividly. In particular, the beautiful couplet: "The rain washes Juan Juan, and the wind blows fine fragrance." Yongzhu's famous sentence is also!

5, Wei Yingwu (Tang) "To the New Fence":

The new green buds are beginning to solve, and the tender bamboo shoots are still fragrant.

The dew gradually soothes the leaves, and the bushes grow slightly from themselves.

Under the pavilion in the early morning, I love this secluded fence.

The poet uses adjectives such as "new green", "tender air", "still fragrant", "early morning", "secluded" and other verbs and words such as "initial solution", "dew", "soothing leaves", "pumping bushes", "lone love" and other verbs to describe the beauty of the secluded grate, which is creative and novel, unique in technique, poetic and full of emotion.

Green Bamboo Yiyi: Essays on Bamboo Culture (Part 2)

▲ Su Shi's "Frost Yun Pavilion" fan

6, Su Shi "Frost Yun Pavilion":

Xie Xinhuan is not self-sustaining, and Chanjuan is already old.

To see the intention of the frost, you must wait for the autumn wind to fall.

The poem says that the bamboo shoots that have fallen off the skin of the bamboo shoots have become newborn bamboos, which seem to be unable to support their bodies when they stand on the ground, indicating that the new bamboo is delicate and petite. And the poet went on to say that although Chanjuan (tender bamboo) is petite, she can already see her awe-inspiring demeanor in the cold season in the future. And to really see her dignified demeanor before the frost, you have to wait until the autumn wind is bleak and the bamboo powder falls. The poem writes the image of the new fence that will resist the autumn frost and cold wind and express the awe-inspiring demeanor. But the poet's writing is circuitous, which makes the psalms both interesting and reasonable.

7, Zhu Yuanzhang "Yongxue Bamboo":

The snow pressure bamboo branches are low, although they are not muddy.

The red sunrise of the Ming Dynasty is still with the clouds.

The emperor's bamboo poems are different in the end, and Emperor Zhu's snow bamboo has both strong (jiang, stubborn) spirit, and heroic spirit, and even domineering. Covered with heavy snow, the bamboo branches hang low, and although they hang low, they do not stick to the soil. The brilliant red sun brought to the Ming Dynasty rises from the east, and the low-hanging bamboo branches will still rise high, along with the cloudy sky. Reading this poem, we seem to see the strange self-reliant, heroic and unrestrained figure of the powerful emperor from his snow bamboo, and see his spirit of "wanting to compete with the heavens". (The sentence is from Mao Zedong's "Qinyuan Spring. Snow") "Shangshu" says "poetry and words", and Zhu Yuanzhang's bamboo poem is a superior work of words.

Green Bamboo Yiyi: Essays on Bamboo Culture (Part 2)

▲Zheng Banqiao's poem "Bamboo and Stone".

8, Zheng Banqiao "Bamboo and Stone":

Insist that the green mountains are not relaxed, and the roots are in the broken rocks.

Thousands of blows are still strong, and the wind blows from east to west, north and south.

Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo and Stone" is also a work of "responding to the feeling of things, feeling the spirit of things". (Southern Dynasty Liu Xian's "Wenxin Carving Dragon. This poem shows the author's wonder of overcoming tribulations, his proud personality, and his tenacity and perseverance to resist blows. It's awe-inspiring to read. Confucius's Analects . Taber recorded a sentence from his high-footed Zengzi: "A scholar can't fail to Hongyi." I think the word "Hongyi" can best summarize the core spirit of Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo and Stone".

Zheng Banqiao also wrote another poem of compassion for the people - "Weixian County Bureau Painting Bamboo Chengnian Bo Bao Dazhong Chengguo", which shows the poet's compassion and benevolence spirit of caring for the people's suffering, and excerpts for appreciation. The poem says:

Yazhai listened to Xiao Xiaozhu, suspected to be the voice of the people's suffering.

Some small Caozhou county officials, one branch and one leaf are always concerned.

("Cao", the official office of the ancient branch office, "Wu Cao" in Zheng's poem, refers to "us of the official office".) )

Green Bamboo Yiyi: Essays on Bamboo Culture (Part 2)

2. Examples of bamboo verses

There are many poems describing bamboo in history, and there are a few excerpts for a brief comment.

1. The Book of Songs. Kiao:

Zhan Bi Qiao, green bamboo.

Look at the shore of the Qi water, the beautiful green bamboos are green, and the green clouds are curling.

2, Yu Xi (Northern and Southern Dynasties) "Seeing the Riverside Bamboo":

The wind is sassy, and the snow is also rampant.

The green bamboo by the river, in the wind, the sound is rustling; In the snow, emerald forests.

3, Shen Yue (Northern and Southern Dynasties) "Bamboo in front of the eaves":

The wind moves and the dew drips, and the moon shines unevenly.

The green bamboo in front of the eaves is dripping in the breeze and mottled in the moonlight.

4, Cen Shen (Tang) "Fan Gongcong Bamboo Song (and preface)":

If you can clear the case and see it under the curtain, you should look out the window of the piano book.

The verdant green bamboos are faintly visible under the curtain of the case; What a suitable reading to the bamboo window fuqin!

5, Yuan Zhen (Tang) "Hsinchu":

Only the Tuan Tuan Festival, the same loyalty.

The bamboo knots on the new bamboo poles are equally strong and loyal.

6, Liu Zongyuan (Tang) "Xun Gongyuan Bitter Bamboo Bridge":

Divide the bitter festival and embrace humility.

The bamboo shoot shell bursts out, the bamboo knots appear clearly, and the bamboo is hollow, holding an open heart. This is the "gentleman's demeanor" of bamboo's "modest and modest".

Green Bamboo Yiyi: Essays on Bamboo Culture (Part 2)

7, Southern History (Tang) "Seven Sons Order. Bamboo:

Chenglin is full of clouds, and bamboo shoots are drawn every year.

Green bamboo, when the bamboo shoots are drawn, it is as crystal as jade every year; When the forest is formed, it is piled up everywhere.

8, Jia Dao "Title Zheng Chang Attendant Hall in Front of the Bamboo":

Outside the sparse shadow screen window, in the Qingyin Baoser.

Jia Dao's bamboo, clear shadow reflecting the screen window, Miaoyin and Bao Se, ethereal and ethereal.

9, Yang Juyuan (Tang) "Chishang Bamboo":

Cuiyun into the sparse willow, the clear shadow of the round lotus.

Under Yang Juyuan's pen, the green clouds are sparse and willows are covered, and the clear shadows are round and the lotus are intertwined, charming and charming.

10, Zhang Wenji (female Tang) "Chishang Bamboo":

In the turquoise green waves, the days are endless.

The bamboo written by the poetess is another beautiful scenery: the green bamboo by the pond is green and verdant, and the bamboo color is shining, rippling in the water day by day.

11, Ouyang Xiu (Song) "Bamboo Pavilion":

The sound of the qin is in the mountain wind, and the high voice is immortal.

The bamboo sound written by "Wenzong" in the Northern Song Dynasty is like a sound qin, like a mountain wind, like a heavenly sound, like a fairy music...... Ethereal and lofty.

12, Lu You (Song) "Ten Rhymes of Gifting Bamboo":

Even Lin Juanjuan is clear and dewy, and the tall branches are shaking green smoke.

Forest bamboo forest, clear dew and dripping; High bamboo branches, green smoke curling and swaying.

Green Bamboo Yiyi: Essays on Bamboo Culture (Part 2)

Editor: Yan Jingping "White Waves"

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