
Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

Proper exercise is one thing that is conducive to physical and mental health, which can not only promote the health of the body, but also help us lose fat and slim down, so many friends who are on the road of fat loss are also paying more and more attention to exercise, because from the perspective of efficiency, the fat loss method of adding exercise is more efficient, and it is easier to maintain after losing weight. However, just because exercise is good doesn't mean that the more you exercise, the better, because there are some negative effects of excessive exercise.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

So, what causes excessive exercise? What are the dangers of excessive exercise? What are the signs that are there when we are over-exercising? How can it be alleviated when there is excessive exercise? Let's talk about these topics.

First: the cause of excessive exercise

When it comes to excessive exercise, many friends will think that excessive exercise will not be too easy to occur, because the amount of exercise we have is too little to achieve excessive state, in fact, it is not, the reason for excessive exercise is not only the exercise itself, but also other factors, such as personal physique, rest quality, diet, etc.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

Excessive exercise, as the name suggests, refers to exercising beyond what the body can handle. However, this range is not defined only by the duration or intensity of exercise, it is influenced by a combination of factors.

First of all, everyone's physical condition and fitness level are unique, and the same amount of exercise may be just a warm-up for some people, while for others it may be the limit.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

In addition, the causes of excessive exercise also include the frequency of exercise, the choice of exercise mode, whether the nutritional intake is balanced, whether the rest is sufficient, and so on. For example, engaging in high-intensity exercise for a long time without proper muscle relaxation and recovery can easily lead to overexercise. Another example is blindly increasing the amount of exercise in pursuit of quick results, ignoring the body's signals and feedback, resulting in the problem of overexercise.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

Second: the dangers of excessive exercise

Speaking of which, compared to the "inactive" state of sedentary and lack of exercise, those behaviors that are so addicted to exercise that they ignore the body's signals and physiological needs actually have greater health risks. When our body is over-exercised, various problems will gradually appear, such as joint wear, muscle strain, and decreased immunity.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

What's more, excessive exercise can also lead to a series of psychological problems. When the body is constantly pushed to the limit, the mind will also be extremely stressed. This stress can lead to emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, and may even trigger some extreme behaviors.

Therefore, we must not ignore the importance of "moderation" when pursuing the health benefits of exercise. Always pay attention to your body's response and adjust your exercise plan in time to ensure that you are in the best possible condition. Only in this way can we truly enjoy the fun and benefits of exercise.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

Third: signals of excessive movement

In fact, during exercise, our body will send some signals to remind us that we are at risk of exercising, so during exercise, we should listen to our body, and when these signals appear, we should be vigilant.

1. Increased fatigue and slackness

If we exercise in moderation, we will feel very good during the exercise, and this feeling will motivate us to be very positive in anticipation of the next exercise, however, if we exercise too much, the body will feel tired and weak, and at the same time, the motivation to exercise will decrease, and even if we barely stick to it, the overall exercise performance will be poor.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

2. Joint pain, muscle soreness

Under normal circumstances, if we increase the amount of exercise or intensity, there will be muscle soreness, which is normal, but if we keep the amount of exercise unchanged, muscle soreness and joint pain, and it is not easy to recover, there is also a risk of overexercise.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

3. Gained weight during fat loss

During the fat loss period, if we are doing well in diet and exercise, then there should be a downward trend in weight, but if you are persisting in your efforts and feel that you are getting fat, this is also a reminder that we have exercised too much, because at this time the body is under a greater level of stress, and a higher level of stress will lead to an increase in cortisol levels, which in turn will lead to difficulty in lipolysis and the occurrence of centripetal obesity, resulting in difficulty in muscle synthesis.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

4. Poor concentration, poor sleep, and easy to get sick

In addition to the above manifestations, these problems such as lack of concentration, difficulty falling asleep, poor sleep quality, easy to wake up, easy to get sick, etc., are also signals sent by the body to us when exercising excessively, so we should be vigilant when these problems occur.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

Fourth: How to improve or alleviate excessive exercise

In the process of exercise, when we find the above problems, we should be alert to the problem of excessive exercise, and we should actively take measures to deal with it. Like what:

1. Adjust your diet

This is more important for friends who are on the road to fat loss, because controlling diet is the premise of fat loss, in the process of controlling diet, the body itself will be under a greater level of stress, will feel fatigue, at this time, if the amount of exercise is relatively large, it will increase the risk of excessive exercise.

Therefore, when we feel that there is a problem of excessive exercise, we should first adjust our diet and temporarily abandon the fat loss plan to ensure our daily nutritional intake, so as to alleviate the situation of excessive exercise.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

2. Reduce the intensity of exercise or stop exercising

This point is relatively easy to understand, when the problem of excessive exercise appears, you should adjust the exercise intensity according to your own situation, find the exercise state that is temporarily suitable for you, that is, the kind that feels good after exercise, if it is really not possible, you must stop exercising, so that the body can get enough rest.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

3. Get rest and sleep

Lack of sleep is also one of the reasons for excessive exercise, good sleep is an important factor in the recovery of the body, so when the problem of excessive exercise appears, it is necessary to pay attention to sleep, regular work and rest, sleep enough for 7 hours a day, and let yourself have a high-quality sleep.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?

4. Relax and regulate your emotions

Stress is also an important factor that causes excessive exercise. Therefore, we must learn to adjust our emotions and learn to release bad emotions, such as listening to music, going out for a walk, etc., stable mood and happy mood can help reduce the stress level of the body, thereby regulating the level of cortisol, and then play a role in alleviating the problem of excessive exercise.

Exercise is good but too much, what are the signs that you are exercising too much?


Excessive exercise seems to be far away from us, but in fact it is very close to us, especially for friends who are on the road of fat loss, so in the process of exercise, listen to the body, when there is a risk of excessive exercise, we must adjust as soon as possible, and when the problem of excessive exercise appears, we must stop and let the body get enough rest, which is not a waste of time, but for better exercise later.

Author: October Zhixing


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