
Why is potassium bisulfate used in aquaculture? What are the precautions for use?

Why is potassium bisulfate used in aquaculture? What are the precautions for use?

Potassium persulfate refers to the potassium bisulfate complex salt, which is an inorganic acidic oxidant. Potassium persulfate complex salt is a new type of reactive oxygen type disinfectant.

Bactericidal principle of potassium persulfate

Potassium monopersulfate is very similar to peracetic acid, peroxide bonds are connected to sulfur atoms and carbon atoms respectively, and potassium persulfate is an inorganic substance.

Its active ingredient for disinfection is a single persulfate ion, which oxidizes the proteins of microorganisms, resulting in the death of microorganisms.

Potassium monopersulfate is a neutral salt, and the acidity of its aqueous solution is caused by the dissolution of potassium bisulfate in the complex salt to produce hydrogen ions.

However, potassium bisulfate is much more stable under acidic conditions than under neutral conditions, and will decompose rapidly under alkaline conditions.

The compound potassium bisulfate complex salt is a monopersulfate compound salt disinfectant made of sodium chloride, organic acid and potassium monopersulfate.

Why is potassium bisulfate used in aquaculture? What are the precautions for use?

In the aqueous solution, the special oxidation ability of potassium monopersulfate is used to carry out a chain reaction in the water to continuously produce new ecological oxygen, hypochlorous acid, free hydroxyl group, and hydrogen peroxide.

Through the oxidation of new ecological oxygen and free hydroxyl groups, the permeability of the cell membrane can be changed to make it rupture, so as to normalize the protective layer and achieve the purpose of killing bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses.

At present, the domestic market is mainly dominated by 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 50%, of which 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% are tablets and 50% are powders.

50% are mainly used in powder form for sterilization and algae killing; 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% are used to change the bottom, and at present, more of the 20% potassium persulfate containing potassium persulfate is used to change the bottom.

Why is potassium bisulfate used in aquaculture? What are the precautions for use?

As a fifth-generation disinfectant, persulfur has a very strong and effective non-chlorine oxidizing capacity, and its aqueous solution is acidic, which is very suitable for disinfection of various water bodies.

As an emerging water treatment chemical, potassium persulfate complex salt has important application value in the field of aquaculture. The role of potassium bisulfate complex salts is discussed in detail below:

Substrate improvement

Oxidation and detoxification: potassium bisulfate complex salt has strong oxidation ability, which can oxidize the organic matter in the water body and sediment, reduce the oxygen consumption factor, thereby reducing the oxygen debt of the sediment and realizing the improvement of the substrate.

Degradation of harmful substances: The substance can oxidize the divalent iron in the water body into ferric iron, divalent manganese into manganese dioxide, nitrite into nitrate, hydrogen sulfide and other sulfides into sulfate, effectively eliminate the harm of these substances to aquatic animals, and repair the black and odorous phenomenon of sediment.


Unique bactericidal mechanism: potassium persulfate complex salt oxidizes microbial cell wall proteins by releasing new ecological oxygen and free hydroxyl groups, resulting in the inactivation of microbial protein molecules, so as to achieve the purpose of killing bacteria and viruses, and will not produce drug resistance.

Bactericidal effect: In aquaculture, potassium persulfate complex salt can be used to kill pathogenic bacteria that cannot be killed by chlorine preparations or surfactants, which is helpful for disease treatment.

Water quality improvement

Replenishment of reactive oxygen species: potassium persulfate complex salt has strong oxidizing properties, which can supplement the lack of reactive oxygen species in the water body, and oxidize the organic matter, ammonia nitrogen, sub-salt, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful substances accumulated due to insufficient oxygen supply.

Elimination of algal toxins: Potassium bisulfate complex salts can eliminate algal toxins and other biotoxins produced by plankton such as algae, and are often used in the treatment of drinking water for humans and livestock and poultry.

Detoxifying effect

Degradation of ammonia nitrogen: The potassium bisulfate complex salt can quickly degrade ammonia nitrogen in the water body, protect fish, and effectively detoxify the toxins produced after algae death.

Reduce stress response: After application, it can reduce the stress response of fish caused by adverse environments such as weather changes, sudden changes in water temperature, and rainy days.

Why is potassium bisulfate used in aquaculture? What are the precautions for use?


Improve pond dissolved oxygen: After the application of potassium bisulfate compound salt, it can decompose a large amount of foam gas, and the dissolved oxygen will be immediately increased, which is used for first aid when fish are hypoxic.

Remove the oil film

Decomposition of oil film: The oil film produced by the aging of the pool water will cover the surface of the pond, and the oil film can be quickly decomposed after the application of potassium bisulfate complex salt.

Water purification and bottom improvement

Improve water quality: After the application of potassium bisulfate compound salt, it can effectively flocculate the organic matter and particles in the water body, make the water body clear, and increase the transparency.

Improve bottom heat: For the problem of pond aging and bottom heating, the problem of bottom heating can be solved after applying potassium persulfate compound salt.

Stabilize water quality

Lower pH: For high pH value of water, it can be quickly lowered and play a role in stabilizing pH value.

Improve bottom heat: After applying potassium bisulfate complex salt, the problem of bottom heating of the pond can be solved.

Why is potassium bisulfate used in aquaculture? What are the precautions for use?

In addition, when using potassium bisulfate complex salts, it is important to pay attention to the following:

When using, strictly follow the recommended dosage of the product instructions and avoid overdose.

Use with other water quality improvers, such as Bishui Jie Toxin, amino acid fertilizer, etc., to exert the best effect.

It is best to carry out a small-scale test before use to confirm that it is harmless to the aquaculture water body and aquatic animals before applying it in a large area.

When storing, avoid mixing with flammable and explosive materials, and keep it ventilated and dry.

Overall, potassium persulfate complex salts are widely used in aquaculture, and their unique chemical properties make them a multi-effector water treatment agent. Through rational use, it can effectively improve the environment of the aquaculture water, promote the healthy growth of aquatic animals, and bring good economic benefits to farmers.

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