
The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

Poussin, the father of France painting, his paintings shine like stars, reflecting the long river of art. Twenty-four masterpieces, elegant and solemn, with a variety of colors, lead us into the art world of Poussin and feel the eternal charm of his pen.


France seventeenth-century painting reached its peak under the rule of Louis XIV, forming a classicist style, characterized by the supremacy of reason and the admiration of ancient art, represented by Poussin. They pursue the perfection and solemnity of the picture, and their works are mostly based on mythology, history and religious stories, with stable, quiet and sublime artistic characteristics.

Below we enjoy the France painter Nicolas. Poussin's classic paintings

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

Nicholas · Poussin (1594-1665), the founder of Baroque and Classicist painting in France in the 17th century, led the development of the France School. He was deeply influenced by the Renaissance masters and was fascinated by ancient Greece-Roman art. His works are mostly based on mythology, history and religion, and the composition is rigorous, and the characters are solemn and elegant, full of philosophy. Poussin's paintings are cold and affectionate, showing his calm artistic thinking and sublime artistic characteristics.

Nicolas · Poussin, a prominent figure in France painting, has earned worldwide acclaim for his rigorous composition, elegant tones and exceptional technique. He was involved in a wide range of painting fields such as religion, mythology, history and portraiture, laying a solid foundation for the development of classical painting in France.

Poussin's works are often based on classical stories, and although they are small, they embody endless wisdom and emotion. His figures are solemn and elegant, full of sculpture, and the composition is serious and philosophical, conveying a stable, quiet and sublime artistic atmosphere. His clever use of triangular composition, combined with rich chiaroscuro and tonal variations, makes the picture both rigorous and vivid, full of infinite charm.

Representative works such as "Dionysian Festival in front of the statue", "Madonna on the Steps", "Shepherd of Arcadia", etc.

France painter Nicholas · Poussin's "Dionysian Festival in front of the statue".

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Dionysian Festival in Front of the Statue" oil on canvas, 100 cm long and 142.5 cm wide, painted in 1631-1633, is a masterpiece of France classicism in the 17th century, inspired by Titian, showing an ideal scene. The painting is composed of three main lines, combining diagonal, vertical and horizontal lines to construct a poetic space. The characters are bold and romantic, and they are one of Poussin's masterpieces, now in the National Gallery in London, United Kingdom.

France painter Poussin's "Madonna on the Steps" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

The France painter Poussin's Madonna on the Stairs is his masterpiece, with the Madonna and Child in the center, surrounded by Santa Anna and others. Although the painting is religious, there is no sense of mystery, and the figures resemble stage actors, solemn and static. It is harmonious and symmetrical, highlighting Poussin's dedication to the norms of classical art. This work successfully integrates religious themes and unique styles, and is a classic in the history of world art.

France painter Poussin's "Shepherds of Arcadia" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Shepherd of Arcadia" is about 85 cm in length and 121 cm in width, this painting was painted in 1638~1639 and is now in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Ranked 95th among the world's top famous paintings. Set against the backdrop of a tranquil wilderness under the sunshine, it depicts three shepherds and a statue-like woman in ancient Greece, exploring life and death. The composition is simple and poetic, rich in symbolic elements, and warm and bright colors. This work is not only a representative of Poussin's classicist style, but also reflects the pursuit of classicism in the 17th century France painting circle, which can be called a classic in art history.

France painter Poussin's "Poet's Inspiration" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin, "The Poet's Inspiration", oil on canvas, 182 cm long and 213 cm wide, painted in 1629, collection of the Louvre Museum, Paris, France. It depicts scenes where Apollo guided the poets in their creations, highlighting the charm of classical art and Baroque influence. The picture is rich in symbolic elements, such as the solemnity of Apollo and the laurels of the poet, conveying reverence for creation. Poussin's compositional and colour techniques are exquisite, creating a three-dimensional and vivid picture. This work not only reflects the Poussin artistic style, but also reflects the classicism of the 17th century France painting scene.

France painter Poussin's "Diana and Endymion" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Diana and Endymion", oil on canvas, 122 cm long and 169 cm wide, painted in 1630, collection of the Detroit Institute of Art, Missouri, United States. It depicts the affectionate encounter between the moon god and the beautiful boy. The characters in the painting are sincere in emotion and exquisite in technique, showing Poussin's fluent artistic style. This work symbolizes the combination of nature and beauty, the pursuit of love and beauty, and at the same time reflects the yearning for human freedom and love. The work combines ancient Greece and Roman culture with France characteristics, showing the cultural atmosphere of the society at that time.

France painter Poussin's "Plundering the Sabine Woman" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin, "Plundering the Sabine Woman", oil on canvas, 1634-35, 154.6 cm long and 209.9 cm wide, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. It depicts a scene of ancient Roman raids, with Roman soldiers and Sabine women facing off fiercely, with the herald calmly watching and the old man trying to stop it. The work is presented in a classical style, with rigorous composition and calm colors, vividly showing the solemnity and nobility of ancient Rome. At the same time, it also reflects Poussin's thinking on human nature and animal nature, as well as the influence of ancient Greece and Roman culture on France art.

France painter Poussin's "The Death of Germanicus".

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin, "The Death of Germanicus", oil on canvas, 148 cm long and 198 cm wide, painted in 1627, collected by the Minneapolis Academy of Arts, United States. The painting depicts the death of Germanicus, a member of the Roman royal family, with a dignified and elegant figure and a perfect composition. This is Poussin's first depiction of the tragedy of classical history, and it is also one of his most well-known works. Poussin was influenced by classical art, and this work reflects his profound knowledge of classical art.

France painter Poussin's "Dancing with the Music of the God of Time" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin, "Dancing to the Music of the God of Time", oil on canvas, 82.5 cm long and 104 cm wide, painted in 1634, Wallace Collection, London, United Kingdom. It shows the graceful scene of dancers dancing to the music, and the stage with a dimly lit background symbolizes the night. The circle in the painting symbolizes the cycle of time and the cycle of life, and the dance symbolizes the pursuit of human life. Poussin conveys thoughts on time, life and human existence through this work, and the painting is full of philosophical meaning and artistic beauty, showing the vitality of life and Poussin's artistic style, which is a precious artistic masterpiece.

France painter Poussin's "Man Bitten to Death by a Snake" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Man Bitten to Death by a Snake" depicts the life-and-death struggle between a man by the river and a snake, showing the horror and pain of death. The symbolism of the man and the serpent is profound, highlighting the fragility of human beings and the power of evil. The painting, 119.4 cm long and 198.8 cm wide, is housed in the National Gallery in London, revealing themes of death and tragedy with delicate brushstrokes, reflecting Poussin's deep thinking on human life and destiny.

France painter Poussin's "Diogenes in the Mountains" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Diogenes in the Mountains", oil on canvas, 160 cm long and 221 cm wide, painted in 1647, collected by the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The painting depicts Diogenes traveling through the forest, with the figure small and integrated into the landscape, and the detail of Diogenes discarding the bowl shows his philosophy of abandoning the world and returning to nature. The painting is not only an artistic presentation, but also a profound interpretation of the core of Diogenes' spirit.

France painter Poussin's "Eliezer and Rebecca at the Well" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin, Eliezer and Rebecca at the well, oil on canvas, 118 cm long and 199 cm wide, painted in 1648, collection of the Louvre Museum, Paris, France. Showcase their artistic prowess. After arriving in Rome in 1624, he was deeply influenced by Venetian art, and his works were brilliant in color and free in composition. A few years later, Poussin developed a unique artistic style in Rome and spent the rest of his life in Rome, except for a brief return to Paris.

France painter Poussin's "Apollo and the Muse" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin, "Apollo and the Muse", oil on canvas, 125 cm long and 197 cm wide, painted in 1633, collection of the Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain. The painting explores the ideal beauty of ancient Greece and Rome, and through its unique style and composition, it elegantly and vividly presents historical themes, reflecting the painter's profound pursuit and understanding of "beauty".

Appreciation of France painter Poussin's "Escape to Egypt".

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Escape to Egypt" religious painting, 97 cm long and 133 cm wide, painted in 1657, Lyon Collection, Musée de Lyon, France. It is also an interpretation of a religious scene in an ancient way. It tells the story of the Virgin Mary, Joseph and Jesus who fled to Egypt under the guidance of angels. Because the army of King Herodes of the Jews wanted to eradicate Jesus, and all children under the age of two were to be killed.

France painter Poussin's "Scene of Two Fairies" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin, "Scene of Two Fairies", 1659. This picture depicts a colorful landscape as a whole. This is also the influence of the Renaissance. Poussin completed his apprenticeship in Rome, where he studied the works of the classical artists of the time, modeled on the works of the masters of antiquity and the Renaissance. The results of these studies are evident in his first masterpiece, The Death of Germanicus.

France painter Poussin's "The Sleep of Santa Maria" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "The Sleep of St. Mary", oil on canvas, 69 cm long and 98 cm wide, painted in 1648, collection of the Cress Museum in Washington, United States. At the age of 29, Poussin painted "The Sleep of St. Mary" for Notre-Dame de Paris, which was well received. After the establishment of the year, Poussin went to Rome to develop. The period between 1630 and 1640 saw the peak of Poussin's production, which also allowed his fame to expand rapidly.

France painter Poussin's "Orpheus and Eurides" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin, "Orpheus and Euridais", oil on canvas, 124 cm long and 200 cm wide, painted in 1648, collection of the Louvre Museum, Paris, France. The blue color in his work is named "Pousin Blue". Poussin once said, "The colors in painting are the bait of the eye and the beautiful verses." "His paintings not only show excellent craftsmanship, but also leave a valuable artistic legacy for future generations with their unique color language.

Appreciation of France painter Poussin's "Mana Party".

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Mana Party", oil on canvas, 149 cm long and 200 cm wide, painted in 1637, collection of the Louvre Museum, Paris, France. Born in Normandy, he moved to Rome at the age of 30 and became a creative force. At the age of 46, he was invited by the King of France to be the chief painter of the court, but court constraints deprived him of creative freedom and returned to Italy. Despite being mostly in Italy, Poussin is known as the "father of French painting".

France painter Poussin's "Three Wise Men Come to Dynasty" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Three Wise Men Come to the Dynasty", oil on canvas, 160 cm long and 182 cm wide, painted in 1633, collection of the Old Master Gallery in Dresden, Germany. At the end of the thirties of the 7th century, Poussin was hired by Louis XIII as a court painter, responsible for decorating the royal residence, designing the Louvre gallery and altarpieces, and designing book illustrations. In 1642, Poussin returned to Rome, where he spent the rest of his life, leaving behind a rich artistic legacy.

France painter Poussin's "The Miracle of St. Francis" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin, The Miracle of St. Francis, oil on canvas, classicism, 1641-1642. In the 1640s, Poussin continued to depict the serene pastoral scenes, but on the other hand, he began to produce works that were crisp, structurally rigorous, and well-composed.

France painter Poussin's "St. John on the island of Patmos" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin, St. John on Patmos, oil on canvas, 1640, collection of the Art Institute of Chicago, United States. Turn to poetic lyrical landscape painting. The classical France "ideal landscape painting" he established was lined with biblical and mythological stories, with dense trees, towering peaks, and changing skies, full of life, showing his unique artistic pursuit in his later years.

France painter Poussin "Spring" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Spring" oil on canvas, 117 cm 160 cm, 1660-1664. Bringing harmonious compositions and subtle ideas of Italy art to the France parterre, inspiring young painters. As a famous painter in France, he introduced new artistic ideas and had a profound influence. Charles · · Brun, the founder of the France Academy, also studied under Poussin and continued to pass on his artistic spirit.

Appreciation of France painter Poussin's "Summer".

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Summer" oil on canvas, 118 cm long and 160 cm wide, painted in 1660-1664. Poussin was born into a poor military family in France and studied painting in Paris as a teenager. In 1630, he arrived in Rome, a turning point that changed the course of his life and art. His "Summer" work shows his unique artistic talent and has a profound impact on later generations.

France painter Poussin's "Autumn" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Autumn" oil on canvas, 118 cm long and 160 cm wide, painted in 1660-1664. Now he has a profound classical artistic attainment. He was deeply influenced by the ancient Greece-Roman heritage and Renaissance masters, forming a unique classical painting style. Poussin integrates the principles of classical formal beauty into his creation, pursuing the unity, harmony, solemnity and perfection of the picture, and his works are full of classical charm.

France painter Poussin's "Winter" appreciation

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

France painter Poussin's "Winter" oil on canvas, 117 cm long and 160 cm wide, painted in 1660-1664. The final work in the Four Seasons series, created in 1660-1664, reflects his philosophical reflections on nature. Despite suffering from hand tremors in his later years, Poussin created this masterpiece. Poussin was the founder of the classical school in France, and his work shows the power of the Louis XIV era. Rome gave him artistic life and inspiration, making him an outstanding representative of France painting.

Poussin's work is breathtaking, and he conquered the world with his rigorous compositions, elegant tones and virtuosity. His works cover a wide range of subjects, including religion, mythology, history and iconography, and embody the essence of classicism. He is known as the founder of classical painting in France, and his works are a perfect combination of art and history.

Appreciating the paintings of famous artists, enjoying a calm life. Readers, you have watched Nicholas as Tingyue shares for you. What do you think of Poussin's above works? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area~

The Stars of France Painting: An Appreciation of the Works of Nicholas · Poussin (Part I)

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