
Professor Chung Chun-chun's Q&A mailbox(319)

Professor Chung Chun-chun's Q&A mailbox(319)
Professor Chung Chun-chun's Q&A mailbox(319)

Dr. Zhong Zhenzhen was born in 1950 in Nanjing. He is currently a professor at Nanjing Normal University, a doctoral supervisor, the director of the Institute of Ancient Literature Collation, and a distinguished professor of Tsinghua University. He is also the guiding professor of the "Chinese Culture Research Scholarship for Foreign Scholars" of the China Scholarship Council, the honorary president (former president) of the Chinese Rhyme Literature Society, the vice president of the Global Chinese Poetry Association, the consultant of the Chinese Poetry Society, the general consultant of the CCTV "Poetry Conference", the consultant of the poetry platform of "Listening to the Rain in Xiaolou", and the distinguished professor of the Wenjin Forum of the National Library. He has been invited to give lectures at more than 30 famous overseas universities such as Yale and Stanford in United States.

Professor Chung Chun-chun's Q&A mailbox(319)

Professor Chung Chun-chun's Q&A mailbox(319)

Is the Han poem "Yang Zijiang" in the Qing · Song Dynasty a mistake of "Yangtze River"? (Continued 2)

Yang Zijiang Zhouci (one of the two)

Song Zhihan

The moon is born at night by the river, and the sunlight reflects the water.

The round sand heron flies down, and the fine fire fishing boat is extinguished and regained sight.

Rong Ma Yuntun resigned from the country of Lu, and the drum thunder moved into Wucheng.

Tourists in different places laugh at the sound of wheat in the air.

Netizen Chi An asked: Teacher, is the "Yang Zijiang" here written wrongly? It seems that there is only the "Yangtze River".

Zhong Zhenzhen replied: (Continued from the previous issue) There is no mistake. "Yangzijiang" is "Yangtze River". It has a large number of use cases in ancient texts. Since the Southern Dynasty Song · Liu Jingshu's "Alien Garden" volume 7 "Liu Muzhi tastes to cross Yang Zijiang" (Qing Wenyuan Pavilion Siku Quanshu), down to the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, the use cases of "Yang Zijiang" in the classics of the past dynasties have emerged one after another.

In ancient literature, there are more than one common example of "Yang" and "Yang". Here are some of the most common:

(1) "Yangzhou" can be written as "Yangzhou".

Warring States Qin · Lü Buwei "Lü's Spring and Autumn Period" Volume 13 "There is a Beginning· There is a Beginning" said: The southeast is Yangzhou, and the Yue is also. (Four series of Jingming editions)

Han · Liu Xi's "Shi Ming" Volume 2 "Shi Zhou Guo" said: Yangzhou state boundary is watery, and the water waves are also Yang. (Four series of Jing Ming translated the Song book shed)

The sentence "Rushing to Nanchao" on the "Lu Language" on the fourth volume of the "Lu Language" of Wu · of the Three Kingdoms Wu Wei Zhao "Chinese Wei Zhao explains: Nanchao, Yangzhou Land, the country of Chaobo, is now Lujiang Chao County. (Shiliju Series Book Jing Songben)

Jin · Ge Hong's "Hug Puzi Inner Chapter" volume 20 "Dispelling Confusion" said: Yangzhou envoy Jun heard it and tried to welcome it in Yidu. (Four series of Jing Ming Edition)

Southern Dynasty Song · Fan Ye's Book of Later Han, Volume 6, "Filial Piety, Filial Piety, and Filial Piety Emperors", said: The six counties of Yangzhou, the demon thief Zhanghe, and other forty-nine counties, killed and injured the chief officials. (Engraved by Song Shaoxi)

Southern Dynasty Liang · Jiang Flood's "Jiang Wen Tong Collection" volume 7 has "Let Taifu Yangzhou Mu Table" (engraved in the 26th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty).

Northern Wei · Jia Sixun "Qi Min Essentials" Volume 15 "Bamboo" 曰: "Shangshu" 曰: Yangzhou Yugong Xiaoyu. (Four series of Jingming banknotes)

Press, "箱簜", the same as "篠簜". The original text of "Shangshu · Yugong" is: Huai, Haiwei Yangzhou. He also said: Jigong Weijin Sanpin, Yao, Kun, Shiyun, Tooth, Leather, Feather, Feather, and Weimu.

Southern Dynasty Chen · Xu Ling's "Xu Xiaomu Collection" Volume 6 "Emperor Wu and Northern Qi Guangling City Master Book" said: Yangzhou is lowly wet, the soil is muddy, if it meets Qiulin, it is the same as Jianghan. (Four series of Jing Ming Tu Longben)

Northern Zhou · Yuxin "Yuzi Mountain Collection" Volume 14 "Zhou Shangzhu Guosu Guogonghe Prefecture Governor Putunwei Shinto Inscription" is: Grant the envoy to hold the festival, the military of the capital governor of Yangzhou, and the history of Yangzhou assassination. (Four series of Jing Ming Tu Longben)

Sui · Du Taiqing's "Jade Candle Treasure Book" Volume 6 "June Season Summer" said: "Shangshu · Yu Gong": Yangzhou Tribute Gold Three Products. (Ancient Yi series of books Jing Japan banknote volume)

Press, the original text of "Shangshu · Yu Gong", see the above quotation from the Northern Wei Dynasty · Jia Sixian's "Qi Min Yaoshu".

The fourth volume of Du Mu's "Fan Chuan Collection" of the Tang · has the poem "Sending Yangzhou Han Sui Judge" (four series of Jingming translated the Song version).

Five generations of · Wei Hong's "Talent Mobilization" volume 1 Wang Jian's "Three Lines of Jiangnan" four songs one of the four is: Yangzhou bridge side woman, Chang'an city businessman. (Four series of Jing Qing Qian once described the ancient hall Jing Song banknotes)

Song · Cai Xiang's "Duanming Collection" Volume 3 "Cold Food Pear Blossom Drink" poem: The western capital Yao Huang is one foot high, and Yangzhou Baofu is double-upped. (Song Keben)

Huang Sheng's "Selected Words Since Zhongxing" volume of Yuan Gan's "He Bridegroom · Send Li Boji Prime Minister" said: Ten years of dreaming of Yangzhou Road, relying on the cold, sad about the homeland, swallowing arrogance. (Four series of Jing Ming translated the Song book)

Jin · Hao asked the poem "Lost Mountain Collection" Volume 5 "Walking the Pen After Drunkenness": Waist Jin rides Yangzhou crane, and he never envy the big official sheep. (Four Serials of Keimei Hirojimoto)

Yuan · Dong Shoumin's "Yuan Lazy Weng Poetry Collection" volume "Jian Qianfeng looking for white peony" poem: Famous garden spring color grass fasting, try to find Yangzhou white peony. (Qing Jiaqing Dong Zhan Kui Ke Nian Tang wooden movable type print)

Ming · Chen Bangzhan's "Hehua Mountain House Poems" Volume 5 "From Longjin to Tianningzhou Will Cross the River to Block the Wind Is a Night Drink Chen Shi's Father's Book House as a Song Zhi Feeling" poem: Being a non-Baling Dajia Yangzhou guest, the town is full of sand and waiting for the wind. (Ming Wanli forty-six years Niu Weichi carving)

Qing · Ding Peng's "Fuli Ci" Volume 2 "Fenglou Immortal · Red Bridge Night Play" said: Yangzhou once had a dream, but it is today. (Qing Kangxi engraving)

(To be continued)

Author/Zhong Zhenzhen Editor/Feng Xiao