
79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

The former "underworld boss" has now been reduced to living in a village house.

How did this martial arts star, who once stood side by side with Bruce Lee, become like this in his later years?

Chen Huimin, as the last of the Hong Kong community, is the most capable gold medal fighter.

He once played a camel in "Crazy Boy", and he was dominant.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

His own experience is also like in the film, left and right, mixed in black and white.

In this context, it is really not easy for Chen Huimin to enjoy his old age in peace.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

Recently, some netizens posted a video of visiting Chen Huimin, but I didn't expect him to become like this!

Two years ago, he just got married to his wife and was diagnosed with brain cancer and lung cancer.

Spent tens of millions of family property to escape the pain, and his current mental state is worrying.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

How did Chen Huimin get to where he is today?

Netizens visited

Chen Huimin is a clear stream in the Hong Kong bigwig world.

Not only can he retreat from the rivers and lakes, but he also doesn't mess with the relationship between men and women.

Nowadays he rarely appears in public, only seeking inner peace.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

At the beginning of July, some netizens posted photos of themselves visiting the boss Chen Huimin on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, it aroused heated discussions among netizens, but he didn't expect him to live so miserably.

As can be seen from the video, Chen Huimin is really old.

At 79 years old, he is not as good physically and mentally as he used to be.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

He walked to the door to greet netizens, perhaps because of the fight against cancer, he looked very thin.

It felt like his whole body was supported by bones, and a gust of wind could make him fall.

Chen Huimin's dress is also very plain, with white short sleeves and black pants, and plastic slippers on his feet.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

He looks like an ordinary old man, and he doesn't look like a martial arts star at all.

Maybe it's because he spent all his family property because of cancer, otherwise why would he wear slippers for more than a dozen yuan?

is completely opposite to the TV series that netizens watched before, the sharp image.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

Chen Huimin in the video looks very vicissitudes and haggard.

When he invited netizens to visit, his face was full of friendly smiles.

Especially in this profile photo, the face is full of wrinkles and the hair is thinning.

Chen Huimin's skin was so loose that it was about to fall to the ground.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

Contrary to what everyone imagined, Chen Huimin's home was very shabby and not as luxurious as other celebrities' homes.

Just inside is a hallway, a place to change shoes.

Chen Huimin is really frugal, and the furniture he has placed has begun to fade and molt.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

In addition to the mess of items, the floor is also very "distinctive".

Can you think of it? The sewer drains that were everywhere on the street, he actually installed them in the living room.

The funny thing is that he also installed surveillance here, how unconfident he is!

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

Is there really a thief who steals these broken furniture and shoes?

Further inside, you'll find that it's no wonder he's putting on surveillance!

It turns out that his furniture is all mahogany! The cabinet next to it is also full of famous wine.

The seemingly simple decoration turns out to be full of the smell of money.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

Surprisingly, there were small dolls on Chen Huimin's sofa.

I didn't expect such a lovely heart under the fierce face! It's really a sense of contrast!

Chen Huimin also took out a bottle of famous wine and gave it to this netizen,

It's just that this netizen's expression looks very strange.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

In the end, Chen Huimin also took a photo with netizens, and sent him to the door when he left.

In the eyes of netizens, Chen Huimin is hospitable and very friendly.

But who is Chen Huimin? He is an existence that no one in the Hong Kong entertainment industry dares to mess with!

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

Even an international superstar like Jackie Chan is restrained in front of him, let alone others?

However, seeing the way he is now,

Who would recognize him as a "gang boss"?

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

What has Chen Huimin experienced over the years, and why has he become so depressed?

Drama Life

Chen Huimin has been fond of martial arts since he was a child, and he has been martial arts since he was young.

In the fifties and sixties, Hong Kong was very chaotic, with murder and arson, and underworld firefights were common.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

Chen Huimin's family income is very low.

In order to make more money, Chen Huimin joined "14K" before he became an adult.

A well-known underworld organization.

He joined the underworld just to make money, and he didn't have any other ideas and didn't make any achievements.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

Later, he became a prison guard, and it was this job that changed the course of his life.

Relying on the "black background", Chen Huimin met many people, and made a lot of "oil and water" through the convenience of his position.

In two years, Chen Huimin established a huge network of relationships and became a police officer.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

After the level becomes higher, Chen Huimin can do more.

He has a close relationship with the gang, collects huge protection money, and embezzles property.

Chen Huimin is the connecting line of black and white, like a parasite.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

The time he spent as a police officer was the most enjoyable time he ever had.

Not long after the happy days, Chen Huimin was found out about the background of "14K" and was dismissed.

He joined "14K" again, using his connections in previous years, and had a prosperous life.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

But Chen Huimin not only relies on connections, but also his kung fu.

Kung Fu life

Many clubs will hold fighting competitions, both to make a name for themselves and to recruit students.

In 1972, Chen Huimin participated in the Southeast Asian boxing competition and won the crown, with the same name as Bruce Lee.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

After that, Chen Huimin participated in international fighting competitions and defeated the Japan boxing champion.

Chen Huimin also had a discussion with Bruce Lee, and the two couldn't tell the winner from the loser and became friends.

When martial arts stars such as Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen became popular, many people compared them to Bruce Lee.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

Chen Huimin directly angrily sprayed those martial arts stars, saying that they were not qualified to compare with Bruce Lee.

But no one refutes, one is his ability, and the other is because of his power.

Chen Huimin is the gold medal fighter of "14K".

In his most glorious period, he led hundreds of younger brothers, and he was very majestic.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

His sphere of influence extends to Tsim Sha Tsui and he also operates a number of entertainment venues.

When Carina Lau was kidnapped, Chen Huimin also participated in the rescue and sent several people to prison.

Just like "Crazy Boy", there will often be friction between various forces in reality.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

It is also common for a fight to occur because of the distribution of interests, which is more serious than the consequences in the TV series.

Chen Huimin's experience makes people listen to it very enthusiastically, but he always advises people not to contact the underworld.

After the establishment of Hong Kong's anti-corruption agency, Chen Huimin is also slowly whitewashing herself.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

He became an actor, and because of his own experience, he always filmed some underworld themes.

Cancer torment

In one show, he opened up about his experience of having cancer twice.

He was very weak at the beginning, and he always fainted suddenly.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

When I went to the hospital for an examination, I was told by the doctor that there was a tumor in my brain.

He refused to undergo chemotherapy while he was still in good health.

He survived with electrotherapy and drug injections, which cost millions.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

He then had problems with his legs, had some joints replaced, and was on crutches.

In order to thank his wife for her many years of companionship, she received a marriage certificate two years ago.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

His wife was really nice to him.

When Chen Huimin almost went to prison because of the gun problem, it was his wife who replaced him.

After several years in prison, Chen Huimin did not look for anyone else outside.

79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching

His wife also had a miscarriage due to Chen Huimin's gang strife, and she did not complain about Chen Huimin.


From disputes in the rivers and lakes to low-key seclusion, Chen Huimin's life is very exciting.

Now this low-key and simple life has allowed Chen Huimin to find inner peace and stability.

No matter what the outside world says about him, Chen Huimin lives his own peaceful life.

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79-year-old Chen Huimin's Hong Kong village house exposed! There is a drainage ditch in the living room, the decoration is shabby, and the 12 yuan slippers are eye-catching


CBN: Hong Kong star Chen Huimin disclosed the underworld life

Financial headlines: Hong Kong tycoon Chen Huimin talks about his drama life and recalls the glorious days of the past

Sohu Entertainment: The ups and downs of "Jianghu Boss" Chen Huimin: When it was the most beautiful, he dominated the entire Tsim Sha Tsui

Beijing News: Hong Kong actor Chen Huimin has lung cancer and once played a camel in "Crazy Boy".

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