
Still struggling with no talent? Onmyoji does not know the fire, and he shows up against the cold water and teaches you how to dance

If you want to say which linkage is stronger, the mobile game "Against the Cold" must be a strong competitor. As a top IP in China, the mobile game "Against the Cold" can always bring you many high-quality linkages. On July 26, the linkage between the mobile game "Against the Cold" and "Onmyoji" was opened, and the rivers and lakes of the Great Song Dynasty had a different color.

Still struggling with no talent? Onmyoji does not know the fire, and he shows up against the cold water and teaches you how to dance

If you want to know whether the quality of the linkage is high, you have to look at the fashion of the linkage first. In this linkage, the mobile game "Against the Cold" launched the "Onmyoji" linkage theme fashion [Star Butterfly Leaving the Fire] and "Shura Burning Sky], both of which integrate the beautiful and fantastic painting style and the charm of the rivers and lakes of the Great Song Dynasty, bringing everyone a visual feast.

Still struggling with no talent? Onmyoji does not know the fire, and he shows up against the cold water and teaches you how to dance

The first sight of [Star Butterfly from Fire] makes people feel like a dream. The gauze is slightly closed, the dance steps are fluttering, and the beauty seems to have walked out of a dream. The fan behind it reflects a beautiful picture in the faint firelight, and the light and shadow are intertwined, outlining a perfect posture together.

Still struggling with no talent? Onmyoji does not know the fire, and he shows up against the cold water and teaches you how to dance

Another fashion, "Shura Burning Heaven", is the embodiment of power, with deep colors and blazing flames that set off a more majestic body. Shura was furious, and the blood flowed for thousands of miles, and the god of war who had been sharpened in the battlefield was about to step into this undercurrent of rivers and lakes.

Still struggling with no talent? Onmyoji does not know the fire, and he shows up against the cold water and teaches you how to dance

From July 26th to August 23rd, the "Onmyoji" linkage theme fashion [Star Butterfly Leaving the Fire] and [Shura Burning Sky] will be on the mall for a limited time, supporting splitting and dyeing. After purchasing the costume, you can get free matching gifts such as a black-haired avatar, exclusive accessories, exquisite makeup, head of the dragon, solo and transformation moves. The exclusive accessory of [Star Butterfly Away from Fire] is [Red Butterfly Streamer], which is even more elegant when matched; The exclusive accessory of [Shura Burning Sky] is [Shura Noodles], and the pressure increases dramatically when matched.

Still struggling with no talent? Onmyoji does not know the fire, and he shows up against the cold water and teaches you how to dance

At the same time, the "Onmyoji" crossover theme exclusive rare hairstyle [Nightless] [Red Flame] will be launched in the Heavenly Reward Exchange Store for a limited time. The white hair is delicate, adding to the ethereal, and the red hair is flamboyant, like a god. Rare hairstyles can be exchanged for a Heavenly Bounty Stone, and the exclusive avatar will be unlocked at the same time.

Still struggling with no talent? Onmyoji does not know the fire, and he shows up against the cold water and teaches you how to dance
Still struggling with no talent? Onmyoji does not know the fire, and he shows up against the cold water and teaches you how to dance

With beautiful fashion, it's natural to have a dream trip. Friends from another world visited the Great Song River and Lake, and the linkage event [Summer Night Dream Tan] was launched for a limited time. The mysterious girl Inhata Kazuya leads the young man into a beautiful dream, and on the outlying island outside the clouds, there is a chance to meet the singer Shiranui. If it's a special time, you might be able to see a beautiful dance like Shiranui. After completing the crossover event, you can meet your otherworldly friends [Shiranui] and [Inaba Kaguya] and receive the title [Hundred Ghosts Night Talk Yin and Yang]. And in the cloud bazaar, there are also [God Fallen Yaqi Great Snake] and [Asura] waiting to be visited.

Still struggling with no talent? Onmyoji does not know the fire, and he shows up against the cold water and teaches you how to dance

The encounter in another world is precious, and the linkage between the mobile game "Against the Cold" and "Onmyoji" can be said to be full of sincerity, allowing players to feast their eyes and wait for July 26 to start a dream journey with the top gods of "Onmyoji"!

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