
From the class of 2026, swimming will be added to the sports selection of Xiangshan High School Entrance Examination!

From the class of 2026, swimming will be added to the sports selection of Xiangshan High School Entrance Examination!

In order to further guide the majority of students to master swimming skills and improve life-saving ability and physical fitness, after research, it was decided that from the class of 2026, swimming will be regarded as a sports selection item in the Xiangshan County Junior High School Academic Proficiency Examination (High School Entrance Examination). The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

From the class of 2026, swimming will be added to the sports selection of Xiangshan High School Entrance Examination!


The swimming option test is voluntary, and all junior high school graduates of the class of 2026 who take the academic proficiency test are optional, except for students who suffer from skin diseases, heart diseases, infectious diseases, etc. The swimming option test is worth 10 points (140 seconds for boys and 160 seconds for girls to swim 100 meters), if they do not swim 100 meters within the specified time, points will be given according to the actual completion distance, and each candidate will have a maximum of 2 test opportunities. If you are not satisfied with the swimming test results, you can re-select other sports test items, and the original swimming test results will be invalid.


Due to the special nature of the swimming test, graduates are required to complete the test in the summer vacation at the end of the second year of junior high school. The swimming test program for the Class of 2026 is expected to be completed in August 2025.


Under the premise of ensuring safety, students are encouraged to make full use of the summer vacation and holidays to do pre-exam training and master swimming skills.


The specific registration procedures and procedures are subject to the official document notice.


From the class of 2026, swimming will be added to the sports selection of Xiangshan High School Entrance Examination!

Junior high school academic proficiency test, physical education test, swimming test score sheet

From the class of 2026, swimming will be added to the sports selection of Xiangshan High School Entrance Examination!
From the class of 2026, swimming will be added to the sports selection of Xiangshan High School Entrance Examination!

Swimming test rules for junior high school academic level physical education exams

From the class of 2026, swimming will be added to the sports selection of Xiangshan High School Entrance Examination!
From the class of 2026, swimming will be added to the sports selection of Xiangshan High School Entrance Examination!

1. Candidates must take the centralized examination within the specified time and make sufficient preparations before the examination. If you give up the test item by yourself, the item will be treated as zero points.

2. After entering the test center with their admission ticket, candidates must abide by the regulations, obey the arrangements of the staff, respect the referee, and complete the examination in a safe, orderly and conscientious manner.

3. Students who are not suitable to take the physical fitness (endurance) test due to physical reasons are not allowed to take the swimming test.

4. Female students who are sick or injured during the menstrual holiday or before the centralized examination (candidates must in principle hold the city's second-class A hospital or above), the school shall apply for a deferred test at the designated place with relevant materials (see Annex 3 for the application form for deferred examination), and the deferred test will be given after approval, and a supplementary test will be organized at an appropriate time. In principle, once the candidate has checked in, the test cannot be postponed. 5. Candidates must wear a swimsuit and a swimming cap. The test starts from the pool wall at the starting point (no diving) and there is no limit to the swimming style. Candidates can use any turning motion, but they must touch the pool wall with their hands or feet to turn around, and the end is when the hands touch the pool wall at the end of the line. During the swimming test, candidates should not hold supports such as waterway lines, touch the ground with their feet, and use swimming aids such as fins. If there are rushers, the whole group will be recalled and revisited, and those who rush twice will get zero points.

6. The swimming test shall be carried out in accordance with the swimming referee regulations. The test score is calculated according to the lower limit of the candidate's score, and the candidate who has not completed 25 meters cannot score. Only one test per person is allowed per exam.

7. All kinds of fraud are strictly prohibited, and there shall be no impersonation, fraud, etc. If all kinds of fraudulent behaviors are discovered, after verification and demonstration, the candidate's fraudulent project results will be cancelled, and the results will be calculated as zero points, and the candidate's school will be notified.

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