
Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

The descriptions in this article have official sources, and they are placed in the suffix of the article for readers to have a better experience!


7 years ago, when Wu Yishu, who was 16 years old and nearly 1.8 meters tall, stood on the stage of the "Chinese Poetry Conference".

No one thought that she would be able to defeat Dr. Peking University to win the championship of the second season of "Chinese Poetry Conference", and even refused to guarantee the place of Peking University, and was determined to take the college entrance examination.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

In the year when she was the most popular, Wu Yishu did not choose to eat her dividends to make a lot of money, but completely "disappeared" from the public's sight......

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

"Faintly" won the championship

When 16-year-old Wu Yishu stood on the stage of the "Chinese Poetry Conference" in 2017, he could feel that this person was definitely not ordinary. It is said that there are now "strong people" and "light people", and Wu Yishu is the standard "light person".

It seems that nothing can arouse her emotions, and there is a "faint" temperament on her body standing there, which is what everyone calls "book aroma".

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

But what's even more amazing is that she is only 16 years old and has a height of 1.8 meters, and even Dong Qing said that she didn't dare to stand next to Wu Yishu, because the comparison was too "tragic".

And Wu Yishu, who is obviously studying science, is particularly fascinated by poetry, she is only a sophomore in high school, and she already has a reserve of more than 2,000 poems.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

Whether it is science or liberal arts, she is easily in hand, and the absolute amount of knowledge reserves makes her stand on the stage of the competition calmly, and she even won 308 people in the 100-person group with a good score of answering 9 questions correctly, and she is also the winner of the highest score in that link.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

After that, Wu Yishu successfully advanced to the next link, and she didn't panic at all against the female doctor of Peking University, and even a few lines of poetry "beaten" the female doctor in a daze, not knowing how to answer her words.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

Although Wu Yishu made a small mistake in this poetry duel, he did not panic at all after being reminded, and fluently recited the next poem. Her temperament is indeed rare, how many players will mess up once they make a mistake, even if there are poems in their heads, they will be forgotten at that moment.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

From that moment, it can be seen that Wu Yishu is definitely not ordinary, she has the characteristics and potential of a champion, and in the finals, Wu Yishu once again showed what it means to win "effortlessly" and easily won the championship of the second season of "Chinese Poetry Conference".

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

Wu Yishu also quickly became popular on the Internet, but "there are many people who are popular" soon some people began to say that Wu Yishu will definitely give up her studies and enter the entertainment industry to make a lot of money like most people in the future......

Unexpected results

However, surprisingly, Wu Yishu did not take advantage of this wave of popularity to make money, but focused more on studying, after the show, Wu Yishu seemed to have suddenly "disappeared", and did not hear her news again until after the college entrance examination.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

It turned out that Wu Yishu had already received a guaranteed place from Peking University back then, but she directly refused in order to be admitted to Tsinghua University, she can only say that her courage is commendable, and she can still stick to her original intention under such a temptation, and she will become a big thing in the future!

And when Wu Yishu's college entrance examination results came out, she was once again pushed to the center of the discussion, most people were "not a big deal to watch the excitement", saying how Wu Yishu's score of 613 was admitted to Tsinghua University, and saying that she was "dreaming".

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

is not as "golden" as the student who was directly sent to Peking University to be a student of Peking University, but soon Wu Yishu slapped her in the face with practical actions.

Because Wu Yishu is from Shanghai, the full score of the college entrance examination in their area is only 660 points, so if you look at Wu Yishu's 613 points, you can know that this is a very high score.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

So there is no doubt that she was admitted to Tsinghua University Xinya College (science experimental class) and became a Tsinghua student, of course, after being admitted to university, Wu Yishu still has a warm love for poetry.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

I don't know how many netizens have hit the hearts of the explanation of "Jiangnan has nothing, talk about adding a spring" posted on the Internet, thinking that she can say such a thing, and she is now standing at a height like a fellow traveler with the former poet, not only understanding the meaning of poetry, but also understanding the artistic conception of poetry.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

After being admitted to Tsinghua University, she also became the idol of many students, and many students asked Wu Yishu for advice on how to learn to be as good as her, and Wu Yishu also told these younger brothers and sisters about her learning methods without reservation, expecting them to do better.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

Wu Yishu's five sentences for future students

First, don't pretend to understand if you don't know how to learn, ask if you don't understand, and don't be afraid to trouble the teacher

Second, don't care too much about whether the teacher likes you or not, as long as you are excellent, the teachers will also pay attention to you

Third, don't give up on a subject taught by a teacher because you don't like it, as this will only affect your grades

Fourth, don't get by, don't let go of all the wrong questions, and take them out for review every once in a while

The fifth test seems to be a comparison of scores, but it is actually a comparison of mentality, and a good attitude is more important than a good score

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

Dong Qing was right

And Wu Yishu can be so good, in fact, the most important reason is because of the family, her father Wu Lei is her best life teacher.

Wu Lei never always urged Wu Yishu to learn, but cultivated Wu Yishu's love of learning, the more he forced the child to learn, it would be counterproductive, and every time Wu Lei taught Wu Yishu knowledge, he would learn it himself first before teaching Wu Yishu.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

When he was studying, he would accompany Wu Yishu to study together, and sometimes Wu Lei would give up his rest time to study with Wu Yishu.

I have to say that Wu Lei's actions just proved that Dong Qing was right back then, Dong Qing said in the early years, "What kind of person do you want your child to become, then you should be what kind of person you want to be first." ”

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

Indeed, if you want your child to learn independently, you must teach by example, demonstrate to your child, and learn with your child. If the child is forced to read to study, but the parents themselves are playing with their mobile phones, in this way, the child will only have a "rebellious mentality", and the more he wants him to study, he will not be.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

Dong Yuhui also said, "The family is the best place for education, and parents are the best teachers, because what the elders embody, there is a high probability that the children will learn." ”

Therefore, if you want your children to be as good as Wu Yishu, you must be strict with yourself first, if you can't do what you can't do, but you ask your children to do well, there is a high probability that you will fail.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

Now Wu Yishu has been getting better and better on her life path, and it is rumored that she should go to Oxford University to continue her studies next, pursue her dreams, and use her own ability to get closer and closer to her dreams.

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then

The information in this article comes from the second season of "Chinese Poetry Conference",

Comprehensive Wen Report 2019/06/24 "Wu Yishu scored 613 points in the college entrance examination to obtain the 2019 college entrance examination results of Tsinghua Fudan High School Wu Yishu data",

Guangming Daily released the content on 2019/06/04 "Wu Yishu scored 613 points (out of 660) and is about to enter Xinya College of Tsinghua University",

However, in order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then
Facts have proved that Wu Yishu, a talented woman from Tsinghua University who has "disappeared" for many years, confirmed that Dong Qing was not wrong back then