
Can the Four Masters of the Heavenly Dragon defeat the Five Masters of the Condor Archery? Let Hong Qigong and Xuzhu fight together, and the gap is clear at a glance

In Jin Yong's martial arts world, there are hundreds of top masters, but there are not many masters who have been given the name of "absolute", and the so-called "absolute" is "supreme master".

Jin Yong put forward the statement of Huashan on the sword in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and the top masters in the book selected the two generations and five uniques in the way of martial arts and sword competition.

In addition, there is also a saying in "Tianlong Babu" that "Tianlong Four Uniques", of course, this statement was not put forward by Jin Yong, but judged by readers according to the performance of those masters in the book.

Can the Four Masters of the Heavenly Dragon defeat the Five Masters of the Condor Archery? Let Hong Qigong and Xuzhu fight together, and the gap is clear at a glance

(Stills of the old three)

In any case, the Four Absolute Dragons and the Five Absolute Condor Archery represent the top level of their respective eras, if these two "combinations" collide in the last game, which side will win?

The strength of one or two generations of top masters

Let's take a look at the five unique Condor Shooting Masterpieces set by Jin Yong.

The gold content of the "Five Uniques" of those five people is still relatively high, after all, they have launched a Huashan sword debate in a dignified manner.

Jin Yong mentioned this past through the mouth of Zhou Botong: "At that time, it was at the end of the cold winter, the top of Mount Hua, and the heavy snow closed the mountain. The five of them talked about it, competed in their hands, and compared it for seven days and seven nights in the heavy snow, and the four people of the East Evil, the West Poison, the Southern Emperor, and the Northern Beggars finally worshiped my senior brother Wang Chongyang's martial arts are the first in the world. ”

Can the Four Masters of the Heavenly Dragon defeat the Five Masters of the Condor Archery? Let Hong Qigong and Xuzhu fight together, and the gap is clear at a glance

(Wang Chongyang stills)

The top of Huashan Mountain, where the ice and snow are at its peak, ordinary people don't talk about martial arts, even if they live there for seven days, they are afraid that they have already been frozen to death, but these five people can fight for seven days and seven nights, which shows that they are all as strong as monsters.

Relatively speaking, the gold content of the name "Tianlong Four Uniques" is slightly insufficient, after all, they have never come to a "Huashan Sword", not to mention Xiao Yuanshan, Murong Bo, Xiao Feng, and Gu Mozhi, the only time the four of them competed on the same stage, they were robbed of the limelight by the Shaolin sweeping monk, and it can even be said that they were crushed by the sweeping monk, and they did not show the momentum of the "Four Uniques" at a glance.

However, just looking at the performance of the four of them in the book, it can be regarded as one person below ten thousand people, and aside from the sweeping monks, there is indeed no other master in the book who can compete with them.

Can the Four Masters of the Heavenly Dragon defeat the Five Masters of the Condor Archery? Let Hong Qigong and Xuzhu fight together, and the gap is clear at a glance

(Xiao Yuanshan, Murong Bo, Gu Mozhi stills)

But some people may want to say, you are Guan Gong and Qin Qiong, you are not a character in a work, how to compare the level of martial arts?

In fact, this is not entirely true, if it is a military general of different eras in real history, it is naturally difficult to compare, the weapons they use, and the enemies they face are different.

The characters in fictional literary works are different, "Dragon Babu" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" are from the same author Jin Yong, and even the world view is unified.

2. A unified world view

Some people say that some of the settings in "Dragon Babu" have reached the level of magic, such as the operation of Tianshan Tong's grandmother to rejuvenate and rejuvenate, and the actions of Wuyazi against the North Shengong and Xuzhu are slightly beyond the scope of martial arts, so it seems that Tianlong Si is most likely to be stronger.

In fact, Jin Yong mentioned in the newly revised version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" that Xuzhu replaced Xiao Feng to inherit the eighteen palms of the beggar gang and the dog-beating stick method.

said yes: "During the Northern Song Dynasty, Xiao Feng, the leader of the beggar gang, invited the heroes of the world to fight, and very few people could stop him in three moves and two styles. At that time, there were a total of 'twenty-eight palms of the dragon', and then Xiao Feng and his brother Xuzhuzi deleted the complicated and simplified, took the essence and used the macro, and changed it to the eighteen palms of the dragon, and the palm power was thicker. This palm technique was passed to Hong Qigong, and it was displayed when discussing the sword with Wang Chongyang, Huang Yaoshi and others at the top of Huashan, and Wang Chongyang and others were all praised. ”

Can the Four Masters of the Heavenly Dragon defeat the Five Masters of the Condor Archery? Let Hong Qigong and Xuzhu fight together, and the gap is clear at a glance

(Xiao Feng stills)

In this way, there is no such thing as saying that the world view of "Sky Dragon" is stronger than that of "Shooting the Condor", at least in the new revised version, the world view of the two is the same.

Even from the bright side, the eighteen palms of the dragon descending used by Hong Qigong, one of the five unique "northern beggars" in later generations, are still improved from the twenty-eight palms of the dragon descending used by Xiao Feng, which should be more powerful than the version used by Xiao Feng, otherwise how can we talk about "taking essence and using Hong"?

Third, the gap in palm power

In fact, if you want to compare the strength and weakness between them, you still have to look at the specific performance, just take one of them to show your stunts, and you can distinguish the superior.

However, the author of the Four Heavenly Dragons here did not take Xiao Yuanshan, Murong Bo, Jiu Mozhi or any of Xiao Feng, but took Xuzhu, whose strength was slightly inferior to them, as an example.

And the Condor Five Peerless side is to take Hong Qigong as an example, after all, in terms of seniority, Hong Qigong is still the successor of Xuzhu from generation to generation, and it is more appropriate to compare them.

What is the palm power of Hong Qigong?

There is a description in the book: "At this moment the mast gradually tilted over, and it was about to fall into the sea. Hong Qigong shouted: 'Jing'er, the mast is connected to the hull of the ship, and the combined force will break it. Come! The two of them struck the mainmast's waist at the same time. Although the mast is strong, how can it withstand the strength of the two of them? Only a few palms were hit, and with a bang, the waist broke, and the two hugged the mast and fell into the sea. ”

It is not easy for ordinary people to break the mast of a sailboat with palm power, it is not difficult to see here that Hong Qigong is indeed strong, but the problem is that breaking a mast can only be done by combining Guo Jing's palm power, which is a bit of a price drop.

Can the Four Masters of the Heavenly Dragon defeat the Five Masters of the Condor Archery? Let Hong Qigong and Xuzhu fight together, and the gap is clear at a glance

(Hong Qigong stills)

On the other hand, Xuzhu, at the beginning, he only inherited the skill of Wu Yazi, and even when he was not proficient in control, he had already achieved "opening the stele and cracking the stone" in the secret room.

After all, it is written in the book: "The void bamboo is not clear, according to the words of the false slap, only to hear a click, a good wall collapsed half of the board, than he hit ten times with all his strength, collapsed even more...... The old man smiled and said, "You haven't learned the palm technique of this sect yet, and the internal force you can use at this time is not even a single percent." ’”

The power of the void bamboo can crack the stone.

Later, Xuzhu sucked away part of the internal force of Tianshan Tong and Li Qiushui, but in the Song Liao War, he joined forces to attack Xiao Feng together, but he failed to defeat his brother.

said yes: "The two of them captured Emperor Liao, and they were overjoyed, and suddenly saw Xiao Feng flying over, and shouted in unison: 'Big brother! Unexpectedly, Xiao Feng's palms rushed out, whirring twice, and attacking the two of them. Both of them were taken aback, and when they saw the palm force coming, they had to raise their palms to block the frame, bang twice, the four palms collided, the palm wind was agitated, Xiao Feng rushed forward, and he had already taken advantage of the momentum to pull Yelu Hongji over. ”

Can the Four Masters of the Heavenly Dragon defeat the Five Masters of the Condor Archery? Let Hong Qigong and Xuzhu fight together, and the gap is clear at a glance

(Xuzhu stills)

In the face of this sudden situation, it was impossible for Xu Zhu and Duan Yu to regain their strength, but even so, they were still defeated by Xiao Feng, which showed that there was still a huge gap between them and Xiao Feng.

From this point of view, the gap between the Four Absolute Dragons and the Five Absolute Condor Shooting Absolute is not a star and a half, even if there is one more person in the Five Absolute Uniques, it is not a problem at all, after all, in the case of unequal strength, it is not surprising that the Four Heavenly Dragon Absolute can have more enemies.

This is also in line with the so-called "martial arts degradation theory", after all, in the era of "The Legend of Deer and Ding", even the difficult and Gui Xinshu can be called the top masters, which shows that the martial arts masters written by Jin Yong are indeed not as good as the generation.