
Greetings in the morning: people's hearts, far and near are peaceful; Time, shade is appropriate, good morning!

Life is an irresistible progress, freedom is independence, not attached, not afraid, don't let the future you, hate the current self, I am trying to become the self I like, instead of praying for a dull life, it is better to be stronger, good morning!

Greetings in the morning: people's hearts, far and near are peaceful; Time, shade is appropriate, good morning!

Pleasure and pain never come to one person at the same time, but if you pursue one of them and experience it, you almost always have to experience the other, and they are like two bodies under the command of the same brain, good morning!

Greetings in the morning: people's hearts, far and near are peaceful; Time, shade is appropriate, good morning!

Some people do not have glory in their lives, not because they cannot be brilliant, but because they do not have brilliant thoughts flashing in their minds, or do not know how to be brilliant, and the rudder of destiny is struggle, without a trace of illusion, without giving up a little opportunity, without stopping a day of hard work, good morning!

There are always some roads in life, you need to walk by yourself, there are always some things that you need to do by yourself, whether it is bumpy, or flat, whether it is smooth or tricky, some roads, some things, you have to face it yourself, no one, no matter whether you are close to each other, you can not replace, difficult, you bear it yourself, rejoice, you feel it yourself, the ups and downs of life, ups and downs, everything in life, mainly depends on yourself, life is like this, good morning!

Greetings in the morning: people's hearts, far and near are peaceful; Time, shade is appropriate, good morning!

In life, you have to walk many roads, there are straight and smooth roads, and there are sheep intestines; There is prosperity, there is also desolation, no matter what, the road has to go by itself, the bitterness has to eat by itself, no one can give all dependence, do not avoid, do not retreat, face with an open-minded attitude, belong to you will eventually come, sometimes, you think you can't go through, look back after stepping over, it's just that, there is no so-called no way to go, as long as you are willing to go, what you have stepped on is the road, good morning!

Greetings in the morning: people's hearts, far and near are peaceful; Time, shade is appropriate, good morning!

No matter what it is, moderation is beautiful, and people's hearts are at peace from far and near; Time, the shade is appropriate, the scenery should be viewed from a distance, in order to be beautiful; Human affection should be indifferent, it will be long, life is dull and more durable, blank can be far, the most beautiful life is just to understand the distance, know how to grasp the scale, know how to advance and retreat.

Nine times out of ten, our lives are not satisfactory, every time we exceed yesterday's record, there is a sense of accomplishment, maybe the success of personal dreams is out of reach, but every step is down-to-earth, and every meter is real.

Greetings in the morning: people's hearts, far and near are peaceful; Time, shade is appropriate, good morning!

Pain is the great nutrition in life, the great compassion on the stage of life, the pain, or the heart is piercing, or the pain is split, or the labor pain is dull, the sweet and bitter taste, the memory is profound, the memory has made us now, and the dream has achieved the future of us, good morning!

Greetings in the morning: people's hearts, far and near are peaceful; Time, shade is appropriate, good morning!

Don't listen to gossip all your life, see with your eyes, feel with your heart, don't lose your will and desire; Always live for yourself, smile brightly, don't care about other people's fingers, be yourself: let the people who look down on you can't climb high, and let the people who look down on you like you more! Good morning!

Greetings in the morning: people's hearts, far and near are peaceful; Time, shade is appropriate, good morning!

The only thing I am willing to work hard with my life is to keep my personal heart and mind, to be a sincere person in my lifetime, not to give up my love and dedication to life, and to live an infinite life in a limited time and space. More wonderful emotions, philosophical, and beautiful essays; Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: Heart into a piece

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