
Pension is the best guarantee for ordinary people

Now I can't understand the world more and more, and many people would rather believe that tens of thousands of yuan of health care products can rejuvenate themselves than believe in pensions.

Recently, everyone should have paid attention to the fact that a large number of bloggers are sneering at pensions, believing that pensions will be hollowed out sooner or later. Their reason is very simple, because now the number of births is getting smaller and smaller, which means that the number of people who pay pensions in the future will decrease, and the aging will become more and more serious in the future, and the pressure on pensions will become greater and greater, until they are finally hollowed out.

That sounds like a lot of sense. In fact, the people who are singing about the decline of pensions today are the same group of people as the people who are singing about the decline of real estate, and the reason is the same, that is, population decline.

Pension is the best guarantee for ordinary people

Let me ask you, if you live in a country and don't even believe in the state, what else can you believe? The reason why the financial market regards treasury bonds as zero-risk assets is because with the endorsement of the government, treasury bonds are the products with the highest credit rating in the market.

The same is true for pensions, under the premise of the same amount of capital investment, you tell me what other products in the market have a higher credit rating than pensions?

Commercial insurance, bank fixed deposits, corporate bonds, stocks, can you tell me which one can be more insurable than pension? For ordinary people, they already lack the ability to resist risks, and if he doesn't save a pension, what else can he do?

Pension is the best guarantee for ordinary people

If you use the money to buy stocks or business insurance, can you be sure that you will get the money every month in the future? You might say that you can just keep your money in the bank and eat interest.

However, our banks in China are all state-owned, and if even the pension problem occurs, do you think our financial system can still stand alone? Will your bank deposit really be kept at that time?

You may also think, if it doesn't work, I'll buy my own safe and keep the cash at home, so it's okay. You have to think about it, what exactly is a pension? In the end, it is the credibility of the government. If there is a problem with a country's pension, it means that there is a problem with the government's creditworthiness.

The matter of credit will not suddenly thunder, it must be the accumulation of contradictions until a certain period of time before the thunderstorm. In other words, before the pension thunderstorm, it may be that the whole society was already in chaos, and hyperinflation had long been there, just like Zimbabwe.

Pension is the best guarantee for ordinary people

So if you really think that there will be a problem with the pension, no matter what you do, except for immigration, you can't avoid it. Having said that, this matter is not at all what we ordinary people should worry about, the design of our entire system, or the operating rules of this world, has been doomed to the pension is impossible to thunder.

It has nothing to do with population. Everyone understands that the development of this world is debt-driven. The world's debt is now about twice the world's GDP. Compared with United States and Japan, China's debt to GPD ratio is still relatively low, which means that China's debt still has room to rise.

Such a huge debt must be diluted by over-issuing money, so the world must be constantly inflationary. So we don't need to worry about debt at all.

Pension is the best guarantee for ordinary people

The core issue is not debt, but purchasing power. In the face of rising inflation, how can we ensure that purchasing power does not fall sharply? That ensures the continuous improvement of productivity.

This is just like China's automobile industry, 25 years ago, 200,000 could only buy a Santana, but now under the pressure of China's automobile development, 200,000 in the Chinese market can already buy an Audi A4L. Although the currency has been inflationary, the purchasing power has risen because of the qualitative leap in the development of automobile productivity.

Pension is the best guarantee for ordinary people

To ensure the rise of productivity, it is necessary to promote the development of high-tech industries, which is why the country vigorously promotes the development of new energy vehicles and AI industries. As long as our productivity runs faster than inflation, inflation will not affect our purchasing power, and inflation will also lead to a healthy economic development and ensure that debt does not collapse.

For ordinary people, since they are in this big picture, they must adapt to the rules of the game, rather than always doubting the fairness of the rules. If you have time, it's better to think more about how to improve your ability and make a little more money every month. After all, if you want to have a high-quality pension, it is not enough to rely on a pension alone. The pension is just to ensure your most basic personal life.