
Dong Zhuo was about to die and shouted six words, which was ridiculed by later generations, and it became a common phrase on the lips of modern people!

Dong Zhuo, as a powerful warlord in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, his power was once in full swing. He led the army into the national capital, brazenly deposed the emperor Liu Wei, and instead supported Liu Xie as a puppet, and since then he has dominated the dynasty and monopolized power. When Dong Zhuo was in power, the atmosphere in the court changed, he not only carried out indiscriminate and brutal purges and arbitrary slaughters of courtiers, but also imposed tyranny on the common people in the world, and the people were miserable and resentful.

Dong Zhuo was about to die and shouted six words, which was ridiculed by later generations, and it became a common phrase on the lips of modern people!

However, the way of heaven is good reincarnation, and Dong Zhuo's evil deeds finally planted the seeds of destruction for him. is the so-called "disaster within the Xiao wall", and in the end, it was Lu Bu, the righteous son who he regarded as his confidant, who finally gave Dong Zhuo a fatal blow.

Lü Bu, whose character is Fengxian, was born in the vast Wuyuan County (present-day Baotou City, Inner Mongolia), a frontier land that gave him a unique origin and temperament, and perhaps faintly flowed with the blood of the northern Hu people. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the social class was solidified like a rock, and the family firmly controlled the key to the official career. So, he chose another more direct path - to make contributions with martial arts, hoping to break out of the world in the troubled times.

Dong Zhuo was about to die and shouted six words, which was ridiculed by later generations, and it became a common phrase on the lips of modern people!

Back then, Huo Quai's illness won more with less, and he drove straight in, so that the Huns were frightened, and he remembered his merits in the wolf Juxu Mountain, and countless frontier warriors fought with him in blood, and finally had to be named a marquis and worship the general, completely rewriting his fate. However, time has passed, the Eastern Han Dynasty has shown signs of decay, and the ambition of external expansion is no longer there, and Lu Bu's dream of killing the enemy and making meritorious contributions and changing his fate can only be buried deep in his heart and turned into a sigh.

In this context, Lu Bu defected to Bingzhou to assassinate Shi Ding Yuan and became a member of his command, although the name is the main book, in fact, it is more like Ding Yuan's personal guard, that is, the so-called "martial secret". Although this position was informal, it also allowed Lu Bu to get close to the heart of power and get a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of the world of power. For Ding Yuan, however, Lü Bu may have been just one of many talents available and had not paid much attention to it, let alone incorporated it into the formal system.

Dong Zhuo was about to die and shouted six words, which was ridiculed by later generations, and it became a common phrase on the lips of modern people!

Whether Lu Bu had the desire to turn positive in his heart, we don't know. Even if he did, he might be rejected because of his origins and background. After all, in that era of attaching importance to family and knowledge, it was not easy for a rugged man from the frontier, who had neither a prominent family background nor cultural background, to become Ding Yuan's personal bodyguard.

However, it was such a seemingly inconspicuous "rough man" who finally subverted the political pattern of Ding Yuan and even the entire Eastern Han Dynasty in a decisive and shocking way. His actions may lack the delicacy and thoughtfulness of the children of the family, but it is this desperate courage and courage that makes him stand out in the troubled times and become a bright spot in history that cannot be ignored. Ding Yuan, on the other hand, paid a heavy price for his contempt and short-sightedness.

Opportunity is always reserved for those who are prepared, and this time, it befell Lu Bu in an unexpected way.

With the fall of He Jin, Dong Zhuo took his Xiliang Iron Horse into Beijing strongly, and for a while, the situation inside and outside the capital changed. Dong Zhuo, the overlord of Xiliang, in order to win the hearts of the people, especially a fierce general like Lu Bu, who bravely crowned the three armies, did not hesitate to throw an irresistible olive branch: first awarded the post of cavalry captain, and then promoted to Zhonglang general, and gave him the title of Marquis of Duting. This kind of treatment is a temptation that is difficult to refuse for any military general who is eager to make a contribution.

However, Lu Bu's choice was a big surprise. He not only resolutely abandoned his old master Ding Yuan, but also ended Ding Yuan's life with his own hands, and used Ding Yuan's troops as a welcome gift for his surrender. This move undoubtedly cast a shadow on Lu Bu's loyalty and morality, and also made the hearts of those who once had high hopes for him chill - even the lord who was kind to him could do this, who would dare to trust him easily in the future?

Dong Zhuo was about to die and shouted six words, which was ridiculed by later generations, and it became a common phrase on the lips of modern people!

But Dong Zhuo, an equally rugged and unruly martial artist, didn't seem to care about this. In his opinion, Lu Bu's bravery is what he urgently needs, and Lu Bu's past is just a means of survival in troubled times. So, Dong Zhuo happily accepted Lu Bu, and the two went hand in hand, turning clouds and rain together in the whirlpool of power struggles in the capital.

However, when two people with the same violent personality are together, friction and conflict will inevitably occur. It is rumored that Lü Bu once angered Dong Zhuo because of something, and Dong Zhuo threw his halberd in anger in an attempt to take Lü Bu's life. Fortunately, Lu Bu was agile and escaped this catastrophe. But after this incident, the relationship between the two also quietly changed. To make matters worse, Lu Bu also had a private affair with Dong Zhuo's maid, which made him fall into deep fear and unease.

Dong Zhuo was about to die and shouted six words, which was ridiculed by later generations, and it became a common phrase on the lips of modern people!

Although Dong Zhuo acts domineeringly, he is not ignorant of politics. He knew the value of Lu Bu and the situation of the two in the capital—they were both outsiders who needed each other's support to gain a foothold in the complex political struggle. Therefore, he tried his best to maintain trust and reuse Lu Bu. But it's a pity that Lu Bu only has immediate interests and grievances in his eyes, he can't understand Dong Zhuo's foresight, let alone foresee his future fate.

The relationship between Lü Bu and Dong Zhuo, from the initial admiration to the gradually accumulating dissatisfaction, and finally completely transformed into hatred due to Wang Yun's ingenious incitement, the process is full of complexity and cruelty of the power struggle. Wang Yun, an old slippery man who was well versed in court politics, keenly captured the subtle changes in Lu Bu's heart, and skillfully used this to push Lu Bu down the path of assassinating Dong Zhuo.

In the face of Lu Bu's hesitation and struggle, Wang Yun's words were sharp and direct, and he pointed out that there was no real father-son relationship between Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo, but a cooperative relationship based on interests. Especially when Dong Zhuo showed killing intent towards Lu Bu, this so-called "father-son relationship" was even more pale. Under Wang Yun's persuasion, Lu Bu finally made up his mind to get rid of Dong Zhuo, who had given him power and status, but made him feel frightened and uneasy.

Dong Zhuo's sentence before his death, "Where is my son Fengxian", is not only a call for Lu Bu, but also a satire of his own fate. He may not have expected until his death that he would eventually die at the hands of his most trusted "righteous son". This sentence has thus become an allusion to later generations, and is jokingly quoted by young people in the face of difficulties to express their helplessness and despair.

However, Lü Bu's path of revenge did not bring him long-term peace. After Dong Zhuo's death, he fell into an even more difficult situation, wandering around, helpless. Finally, in October of the third year of Jian'an (198), Lu Bu ended his life in Baimenlou, and was ordered by Cao Cao to be hanged and beheaded. This once commanding general, after all, failed to escape the torrent of history and became a victim in the power struggle.

Lü Bu's story teaches us that in troubled times, power and loyalty are extremely fragile things. Personal choices and destiny are often carried away by the torrent of the times, and it is difficult to be independent. The real wisdom and courage may not lie in how to compete for power, but in how to remain sober and independent in a complex and changeable situation, and stick to one's beliefs and bottom line.

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