
In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

The 318 Sichuan-Tibet line is known as "the road that must be taken in a lifetime". Every year, tens of thousands of tourists, with faith or yearning, set foot on this national highway into Tibet.

The more than 2,000 kilometers from Chengdu to Lhasa, along the way, the beauty of grasslands, glaciers, forests, wildflowers, snow-capped mountains and lakes brings everyone a spiritual shock. But the price of high-altitude beauty is equally smashing at everyone: high anti-hypoxia.

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ (Photo/Visual China)

Everyone understands the altitude sickness caused by hypoxia, and everyone is on guard against it, but no one can avoid it.

A large number of travelers, in order to take a trip to 318, prepared months in advance - "snorting" Rhodiola, which is said to prevent high reactions, and rummaging through hundreds of strategies for entering Tibet, so confident that even pet dogs were brought on and embarked on this pilgrimage road to cleanse their souls.

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ (Picture/Screenshot of Xiaohongshu)

As a result, the car departed in the morning, the high reaction came in the afternoon, and the dog was oxygenated that night.

The 318 Sichuan-Tibet line does not lack faith, but what it lacks is oxygen.

In this life, you must drive 318 all the way from lack of oxygen to explosion

It wasn't until they officially embarked on the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line that everyone found that the strategies they read before departure were not very comprehensive - travel bloggers were obviously very strict-mouthed, and they didn't mention a must-see attraction on this trip: the hospital.

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ (Picture/Screenshot of Xiaohongshu)

All kinds of hospitals, clinics, and health centers that can inhale oxygen and save lives have silently become the "must-see attractions of a lifetime" on the 318 trip to Tibet. The registration treatment of altitude sickness such as dizziness and vomiting has become the first characteristic project for tourists to deeply experience Sichuan and Tibet.

No matter how much mental construction is done in advance, altitude sickness is often more violent and common than most people think.

What did you experience on the way from Chengdu to Lhasa, and almost everyone couldn't escape the high reaction?

The answer is a rollercoaster of elevation – a rapid ascent from a 512-metre plain to a plateau above 4,000 metres above sea level, in just a few days.

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△Schematic diagram of the elevation of the Sichuan-Tibet line. (Photo/Screenshot of Xiaohongshu)

Altitude sickness is actually a natural process for the human body to adapt to the high-altitude environment: after reaching a certain altitude (generally above 2700 meters above sea level), it is difficult for the body to adapt to the low air pressure and low oxygen content that occur with high altitude, and a series of physiological symptoms appear.

Most of these symptoms go away on their own when the body adapts or takes appropriate oxygen. However, if the condition is severe, such as difficulty breathing at rest, coughing, or coughing up white or pink frothy sputum, it is likely to be high-altitude pulmonary edema and requires immediate medical attention.

In fact, the main reason for most high reactions is "hypoxia", and there are large individual differences in whether there is high reaction, depending on individual physique, cardiopulmonary function, etc. Is there a numerical standard to refer to? Don't ask, asking is random, it's fate.

Before leaving, many netizens firmly said that they did not believe in this evil. I found out halfway through that I thought that the headache would pass after a while, until my lips turned purple and I was paralyzed on the ground, and I realized that Gao Anti would punish everyone with a hard mouth.

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ (Photo/@小红书截图)

The painful high reaction will equally "care" for everyone who is lucky - the light one farts, and the heavy one falls to the ground.

The stress response born in the high-altitude hypoxic environment is generally prelude to continuous "exhaust", followed by vomiting and diarrhea, and a headache like "hammer hitting the temple".

These symptoms are like "drawing a blind box", and it is not really certain who will be in turn. Not only will you suffer along the way, but it will disrupt all your well-planned travel plans in minutes. As soon as Gao Anti came up, his mentality immediately changed from "I'm here", quickly changed to "can't come a little", and finally completely announced that the whole network would "never come again".

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ (Picture/Screenshot of Xiaohongshu)

Of course, there are also netizens who have a head iron, and they "almost saw the grandmother" all the way, but they still insisted on reaching the terminal Lhasa. It doesn't rely on superpowers, it relies on inhaling oxygen all the way and relaying for life.

Youth has no price to "pay" all the way to Lhasa

Under the high reverse, "oxygen inhalation" has become a compulsory topic for 318 to enter Tibet.

Netizens who are in awe of the high anti-corruption do not hesitate to "reload" travel, carrying the same 15L oxygen cylinder of the hospital on the road on the road, for fear that they will cut off oxygen in 318, focusing on a "life-sparing".

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ (Picture/Screenshot of Xiaohongshu)

Obviously, this is not an oxygen cylinder, it is fate.

On this section of the road, the price fluctuates between 50 yuan and 1,000 yuan, which is not only heavy, but also expensive, especially for people who do not have their own oxygen equipment - before departure, the tour guide will tell you that "faith is priceless" and youth is also priceless. After departure, the price of the small oxygen cylinder in the hand of the tour guide is clearly marked, and a bottle will sell you 58.

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ (Picture/Screenshot of Xiaohongshu)

For people who bring their own oxygen equipment, whether it is an oxygen cylinder or an oxygen pillow, although the cost is relatively low, "how to replenish oxygen" when the oxygen is used up on the road has become a problem. In order not to cut off the oxygen supply, the travelers who cared about Lhasa followed the oxygen supplement map in the guide all the way to unlock the side quest of the pilgrimage - "Oxygen Deficiency Battle Royale".

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ (Picture/Screenshot of Xiaohongshu)

What's even more suffocating is that I finally carried the oxygen cylinder to the hotel, and I had to succumb to the oxygen concentrator in the room that can only be used by scanning the code and paying by the hour: although your breathing can't stop, but you don't pay, the oxygen concentrator will stop when it arrives.

Youth has no selling price, and it "pays" all the way to Lhasa. This makes those yearning for poetry and distant places have no choice but to give way to real money.

In this helplessness of oxygen inhalation and oxygen supplementation, some people did not hesitate to choose to defect to "Hanting". The reason is simple: oxygen is supplied for free.

The Hanting Hotel on the 318 Sichuan-Tibet Line is using three oxygen supply methods to save the problem of oxygen deficiency for travelers - diffuse oxygen supply, nasal oxygen supply, and free oxygen "packaging".

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ 318 Sichuan-Tibet Line Hanting Hotel "diffuse oxygen" room. (Photo/Hanting Hotel)

Among them, the diffuse oxygen supply system can be called the "plateau life-saving artifact", which works in a similar way to central air conditioning, and will provide a stable and long-lasting oxygen supply to the guest room. Day or night, the oxygen level in the house is kept sufficient.

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△Reviews of Hanting Ganzi Litang 318 National Road Hotel from guests. (Photo/Hanting Hotel)

This is equivalent to Hanting setting up an "oxygen barrier" on the plateau, so that people can breathe as usual as soon as they enter, and they can also move as much as they want without the constraints of the fixed oxygen machine, and move freely in the guest room.

Especially in high-altitude areas, when the air is the thinnest at night, with diffuse oxygen supply, there is a sense of security that "I am not afraid of going to the hospital in the middle of the night due to lack of oxygen".

At the same time, in the hotel rooms above 3,000 meters above sea level, Hanting also provides nasal oxygen concentrators, which can reach 90% high oxygen concentration in 1L.

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ 318 Sichuan-Tibet Line Hanting Hotel provides "nasal oxygen concentrator". (Photo/Hanting Hotel)

What is the concept? When you are already high and can't even walk, plug in a disposable nasal straw, turn on the high-concentration oxygen production mode, and inhale directly to the "Tianling cover", which can immediately "return to the soul".

In addition to the "freedom to breathe" in the hotel, Hanting also provides free oxygen bag oxygenation service to ensure that you can "have no worries about oxygen" on the road after you leave the hotel.

Travelers can bring a few oxygen bags in advance according to their own conditions, and they no longer need to go around to find clinics to spend money on "buying oxygen".

All the way to live in Hanting, oxygen is packed and taken away for free, an oxygen bag can be used continuously for about 30-60 minutes, and it can be renewed when it comes to the next Hanting.

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ (Picture/Screenshot of Xiaohongshu)

Under the triple guarantee, the Hanting Hotel along the 318 Sichuan-Tibet Line has become a "safety zone" and "supply station" in this "anoxic battle royale".

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ (Picture/Screenshot of Xiaohongshu)

Since then, on the way to the holy city of Lhasa, "Hanting" seems to have become a rigid need.

Above the plateau at an altitude of 3,000 meters, there is a kind of peace of mind called "Hanting"

The experience of a trip to Sichuan-Tibet is described by many as "eyes in heaven, body in hell". Because along the way, there is not only the suffering of high anti-hypoxia, but also the risk of natural disasters, which seems to have become a necessary test before arriving in Lhasa.

For the scenery that "must be seen in this life", or for the belief that "you must go in this life", groups of travelers braved hardships and dangers to move forward steadfastly, and they could not be stopped.

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ One of the three sacred lakes in Tibet "Sheep Lake". (Photo/Visual China)

As the "Han Ting" of the National Hotel, it has always been the most reassuring backing for these brave people. Because at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, you can experience the full range of care it brings.

In addition to the "oxygen escort" along the way, Hanting also provides free sugary drinks for residents to relieve high discomfort, such as cola, glucose water, etc.

As soon as guests from afar enter the hotel, they will also be reminded by the front desk staff of various precautions, such as not washing their hair and bathing immediately, drinking more water, and not exercising vigorously when they first arrive in the plateau area......

This kind of familiar and upper-head care and nagging is no different from "mother".

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△ (Photo/Hanting Hotel)

In addition to these "tips" used as prevention, if you really encounter any physical discomfort, you can also call the staff of Hanting at any time. In case of various emergencies, they will be the first to help.

For example, the manager of the Hanting Ganzi Litang 318 National Highway Hotel once helped the guests with severe symptoms of high reaction to "evacuate" to Yajiang County, which is relatively low altitude, at 2 o'clock in the morning in the middle of the night, and stayed overnight at the Yajiang County Hotel in Hanting Ganzi Prefecture.

The help provided by these Hanting has become the confidence of countless travelers to move forward all the way. From the most subtle intimate reminders to emergency rescue in the middle of the night, the 17 Hanting hotels on the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line are all using actions to show that they put your life safety first.

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen
In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen
In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen
In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

△Swipe left to see more 318 Sichuan-Tibet Line Hanting Hotel. (Photo/Hanting Hotel)

On the way to Lhasa, the familiar blue light of Hanting seemed to say: 318 all the way, you can move forward with confidence, I will always be behind you.

Proofreading: No ginger fish; Typesetting: Lin Zejun; Cover and header image: Visual China

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

Old artist

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen

How did you feel about your first visit to Lhasa?

In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen
In this life, you must drive 318, there is no lack of faith, lack of oxygen
