
The highest income, but also the most pit heirloom Jinzun, do you want to buy it?

It is easy to understand and talk about insurance, and it is easy to choose a good insurance. Hello everyone, I'm a layman.

Since March, there has been an increase in the number one life of Fude Life, which is very popular, and almost occupies the number one position in the entire increase market. Almost Xiaohongshu, video accounts, Douyin, official accounts, etc., there will always be this so-called trump card increase.

The names of the various plans have been hidden, and they have repeatedly washed over people's senses. Actually, is the heirloom gold honor A really good? What are the hidden pitfalls? Is it worth getting?

Today, let's take a look at this product with the vulgar brother, the product of the two-level differentiation of the market: Fude Life Inheritance Jinzun A model!

The highest income, but also the most pit heirloom Jinzun, do you want to buy it?

1. Safeguard responsibility

The highest income, but also the most pit heirloom Jinzun, do you want to buy it?

Inheritance Gold Respect A section protection liability

2. Earnings presentation

The highest income, but also the most pit heirloom Jinzun, do you want to buy it?

Presentation of the current price of the heirloom gold A model

3. Product Highlights

From a regulatory point of view, this product should not exist, after all, it does not meet regulatory requirements, and this product can only be purchased through a very small number of channels, but because of Fude's own internal management problems, this product can be released to the world!

Of course, in addition to the above problems, in terms of product income, the inheritance of Jinzun A is indeed an extremely profitable increase in life, not only fast return on investment, but also high income, is currently one of the highest products in all the increase products (the first golden jubilee life).

In addition to the high returns, the A section also provides the insurance of a universal account. After applying for the Legacy Gold Honor A section, you can also add a universal account with a minimum guarantee of 2% and unlimited additions.

The highest income, but also the most pit heirloom Jinzun, do you want to buy it?

Heirloom Gold Privilege A Universal Account

Fourth, product attention

Not only can the insurance reduction of the gold A be reduced by up to 20% of the premium paid each year, but just recently, Fude also closed the online insurance reduction function, and only supports offline counter policy reduction, which is more troublesome for consumers.

Not only that, but on the universal addition, online additions are not supported, although it is an unlimited addition, each additional needs to be handled at the offline counter, and it also needs to pass the review to succeed in the addition, which is not 100% successful.

As the elder brother said above, Fude Life has internal management problems, so this product can only be insured through "special channels", these special channels, the addresses filled in are basically Hebei, Chongqing, Hunan and other places, and the insurance must be double recorded, although remote double recording is supported, but compared with other products, it will be slightly more troublesome!

In fact, the insurance circle is a very small circle, and since March, there have been rumors in the market about the problem of Fude's life, whether internal or external, various voices have always existed. There are true and false, but Fude Life has never come out to refute the rumors.

Not only that, judging from various indications (just like this heirloom gold A), the products and sales methods that clearly do not meet the requirements of supervision have not been managed by supervision. It's also a very confusing place.

5. Comparison of similar products

The highest income, but also the most pit heirloom Jinzun, do you want to buy it?

Comparison between the heirloom gold A and some fixed income increases

Sixth, suitable for people

Seventh, the vulgar brother summary

The A model is a fixed income increased life insurance, and the income of all products is completely written into the contract. According to the current insurance law, even if Fude Life is taken over in the future, it will not affect the rights and interests of the insurance policy.

Therefore, but from the perspective of product income, the heirloom Jinzun A model is very worth starting. However, due to the company's management problems and insurance reduction problems, the later process of this product is more troublesome, so if you want to receive it at will halfway, and the remaining amount in the account can still continue to increase in value, you need to pay special attention when buying this product. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the trouble of reducing insurance in the future.