
28 texts that must be memorized in junior high school Chinese eight summarize modern text + ancient poetry (original text + translation)

Junior high school Chinese eighth

Must memorize texts Modern text + ancient poetry summary


Lesson 10 Three Gorges

Lesson 11 Two short essays

  • Acknowledgments to Chinese books
  • Night tour of Ji Chengtian Temple

Lesson 12 with Zhu Yuansishu

Lesson 13 Five Tang poems

  • ambition
  • Yellow crane tower
  • Make it to the plug
  • Farewell to Jingmen
  • Spring trip to Qiantang Lake

Extracurricular ancient poems

  • There are strange trees in the court
  • Turtle though longevity
  • Gift to the younger brother (part 2)
  • Liang Fuxing

Lesson 15 Poplar Praise

Lesson 22 Mencius, Chapter 3

  • There is much help for the righteous, but little help for the unjust
  • Wealth cannot be adulterous
  • Born in sorrow, died in peace

Lesson 23 The fool moves mountains

Lesson 24 Zhou Yafu's army is fine

Lesson 25 Five poems

  • Alcohol Consumption (Part 5)
  • Spring Hope
  • Yanmen is too guarded
  • Chibi
  • Fisherman's pride (the sky is connected to the clouds and the fog)

Extracurricular ancient poems

  • Huanxi Sand
  • Mulberry picking
  • Meet
  • Like a dream

This article is edited and sorted out by junior high school Chinese (chuzhongyuwen100), it is not easy to organize, if you need to reprint, please indicate the source!

Lesson 10 Three Gorges

Author: Li Daoyuan

Seven hundred miles from the Three Gorges, the two sides of the river are connected with mountains, and there is no place to go; Heavy rocks are stacked, the sky is hidden, and the moon is not seen at midnight from the non-pavilion.

As for the Xiashui Xiangling, it is blocked along the trace. Or the king's order is urgently announced, sometimes the white emperor is sent to the court, and the twilight arrives in Jiangling, during which 1,200 miles, although the wind is not sick.

In spring and winter, it is a turbulent green pool, and the reflection is clear. There are many strange cypresses, hanging springs and waterfalls, flying in the meantime. Glory and luxury, a lot of fun.

Every sunny and early frost, the forest is cold and the stream is severe, there is often a long howl of the high ape, which is desolate, the empty valley sounds, and the mourning turns for a long time. Therefore, the fisherman sang: "The chief of the Wuxia of the Three Gorges of Badong, the ape screamed three times and cried!" ”



From the Three Gorges for 700 miles, the high mountains on both sides of the river are endless, and there is no place for any interruption; Heavy cliffs, layers of cliffs, if it is not for noon and midnight, the sun and moon cannot be seen.

In the summer, when the river flooded the hills, the downward and upward routes were blocked. Sometimes when the emperor has an order, he must be conveyed quickly, starting from the White Emperor City in the morning and arriving at Gangneung in the evening, the two places are more than 1,200 miles apart! Even if you ride a fast horse and ride the wind, it is not so fast.

In spring and winter, the snow-white rapids and turquoise pools swirl with clear waves, reflecting the shadows of various scenes. The high mountains are lined with strange cypress trees, where hanging springs and waterfalls flow. The water is clear, the trees are glorious, the mountains are high, and the grass is abundant, which is really interesting.

On a sunny day or frosty morning, the woods and mountain streams appear cool and silent, and the apes in the high places let out a long cry, which is continuous, unusually desolate, and the echo of the ape's cry is heard in the empty valley, sad and graceful, and it disappears for a long time. Therefore, the fishermen in the Three Gorges sang: "The Wu Gorge of the Three Gorges of Badong is long, and the ape screams three times with tears!" ”

Lesson 11 Two short essays

Acknowledgments to Chinese books

Author: Tao Hongjing

The beauty of mountains and rivers has been talked about since ancient times. The peak enters the clouds, and the clear stream bottoms out. The stone walls on both sides of the strait are full of colors. Green forests and green bamboos, ready at all times. The dawn fog will stop, and the apes and birds will chirp; The sunset is declining, and the scales are racing. It is really the immortal capital of the desire world. Since the beginning of recreation, there has been no one who can be strange.


The beauty of the scenery of the mountains and rivers has been admired by scholars and scholars since ancient times. Towering mountain peaks rise into the clouds, and clear streams are crystal clear. The stone walls on both sides of the strait are colorful and reflect each other. Green forests, verdant bamboo bushes, the four seasons permanent. When the morning mist was about to dissipate, the chirping of apes and birds was heard; As the sun is about to set, the fish swimming in the water compete to jump out of the water. This is truly a fairyland on earth. Since Xie Lingyun of the Southern Dynasty, no one has been able to enjoy this wonderful scenery anymore.

Night tour of Ji Chengtian Temple

Author: Su Shi

On the night of October 12 in the sixth year of Yuanfeng, he undressed and fell asleep, entered the house by moonlight, and set off happily. Those who have no joy in thinking about it go to Chengtian Temple to find Zhang Huaimin. Huaimin also did not sleep, walking with each other in the atrium. Under the court, such as stagnant water, the water algae, 荇 (xìng) criss, covered bamboo and cypress shadows. There is no moon at night, where there is no bamboo and cypress, but few idlers are like the ears of the two of us.


On the night of October 12, the sixth year of Yuanfeng, (I) was taking off my clothes and trying to sleep, (I happened to see) the moonlight shining through the window, (I couldn't help but be interested in a night tour, so) I got up happily and went out. Considering that there were no people who were playing with (me), I went to Chengtian Temple to find Zhang Huaimin, and Zhang Huaimin did not sleep, (we) walked in the courtyard together. The moonlight in the courtyard was as clear and transparent as a pool of stagnant water, and there were aquatic plants like algae in the water, and it turned out to be the shadows of bamboo and pine and cypress branches on the ground in the garden. There is no moon at night, and there are no pine and cypress trees in any place, but there are only two 'idlers' like us.

Lesson 12 with Zhu Yuansishu

Author: Wu Jun

The wind and smoke are clean, and the Tianshan Mountains are colorful. Drifting from the stream, anything. From Fuyang to Tonglu, a hundred miles, strange mountains and different waters, unique in the world.

The water is 缥 (piǎo) blue, and the thousand zhang see the bottom. Swimming fish with fine stones, no obstruction to direct viewing. Turbulence (tuān) is like an arrow, and the waves are rushing.

The high mountains on the shore of the jiā are all cold trees. Negative forces compete, each other (miǎo), compete for high and point, and a thousand hundred (bǎi) become the peak. The spring water is rocky, and the sound of the river is líng, and the good birds are singing, and the yīng rhymes. The cicadas are endlessly turned (zhuàn), and the apes are endlessly singing. 鸢 (yuān) flying (lì) heaven, looking at the peak and resting the heart; Hengke (kē) is hidden, and it is dim during the day;


The smoke dissipated, and the sky and the mountains were joined together to show the same color. (I took a boat) drifted with the river, and let the boat drift away with the water. From Fuyang to Tonglu, about more than 100 miles, all the way is strange mountains and rivers, which can be said to be unique in the world. The water is all blue-white, and you can see the bottom of the water even when it is thousands of feet deep. The swimming fish and the fine rocks at the bottom of the river can be seen clearly and without any obstacles. (That) the rushing waters are faster than arrows, and the raging waves are like horses. On the high mountains on both sides of the river, there are gloomy trees; (The mountains) are competing to ascend according to the (high) situation, and these mountains seem to be vying to stretch high and far, pointing straight to the sky, forming thousands and hundreds of peaks. The mountain spring crashed against the rocks, making a loud noise. The birds are singing in harmony with each other, and the song is harmonious and beautiful. The cicadas have been calling for a long time, and there is no end. The ape kept screaming for a long time, and it didn't stop. Those who strive to climb high for fame and profit, when they see these majestic peaks, they will no longer want fame and fortune; Those who are busy with social affairs will linger when they see these beautiful valleys. The slanted trees shaded it, and during the day it was as dark as it was at dusk; Where the sparse branches intersect, sometimes occasionally leaking out (a glimmer of sunlight).

Lesson 13 Five Tang poems


Tang Dynasty: Wang Ji

Donggao looks forward to the twilight, and the desire to rely on it.

The trees are all autumn colors, and the mountains are only sunset.

The shepherds drove the calves back, and the hunting horses brought back the fowls.

There is no acquaintance with each other, and the long song is full of flowers.


At dusk, he stood at the head of Donggao Village and looked out, wandering and not knowing where to go. Every tree is dyed in autumn colors, and the mountains are covered with the afterglow of the setting sun. The herdsmen drove the cattle home, and the hunters rode their horses and returned with their prey. Everyone is relatively speechless, they don't know each other, I really want to live in seclusion in the hills!


Yellow crane tower

Author: Cui Hao

In the past, people have taken the yellow crane to go, and the yellow crane tower is vacant here.

The yellow crane is gone, and the white clouds are empty for thousands of years.

Qingchuan calendar Hanyang tree, fragrant grass and parrot island.

Where is Sunset Township? The Yanbo River makes people sad.


The immortals of the past have flown away on the yellow crane, and only the empty yellow crane tower is left in this place. The yellow crane never returned here, and for thousands of years, only white clouds fluttered. The green trees of Hanyang Qingchuan Pavilion can be distinguished, and you can see the parrot island with lush grass. When dusk comes, I don't know where my hometown is? Looking at the misty smoke on the river is even more annoying!

Make it to the plug

Author: Wang Wei

The bicycle wants to ask the side, and the subject country lives extends.

Conquer Peng out of Hanse, return to the wild goose into Wutian.

The desert is lonely, and the sun sets over the long river.

Xiao Guan waited to ride, and he was all protected by Yan Ran.


The light car Jane Cong was about to go to the border pass, and the subject country passing through had already passed Juyan. Like the fluffy grass that goes with the wind, it comes out of the border plug, and the wild geese returning to the north are soaring into the clouds. The lonely smoke rises in the vast desert, and the sunset on the side of the Yellow River is round. When I arrived at Xiao Pass, I met the scout knight and told me that Du Hu had arrived at Yanran.

Farewell to Jingmen

Author: Li Bai

Outside the Jingmen, come and travel from the Chu country.

The mountains follow the plains, and the rivers flow into the great wilderness.

Under the moon, the flying mirror, the clouds are born and the sea is built.

still pity the hometown water, thousands of miles to see off the boat.


I crossed the river by boat to the distant Jingmen Gate and came to the territory of the Chu State during the Warring States Period. The mountains gradually faded, and the plains slowly unfolded, and the river seemed to flow into the vast plains. The moon shadow in the wave is like a mirror flying from the sky, and the colorful clouds in the sky form a beautiful mirage. But I still love the surging river of my hometown even more, which flows endlessly and accompanies me on my journey of thousands of miles.

Spring trip to Qiantang Lake

Tang Dynasty: Bai Juyi

Gushan Temple is in the west of Jia Ting, and the water surface is low at the beginning of the clouds.

Several early warblers compete for warm trees, and whose new swallows peck the spring mud.

The flowers are gradually charming to the eye, and the asakusa can have no horseshoe.

The favorite lake is not enough to go east, and the white sand embankment in the green poplar shade.


From the north of Gushan Temple to the west of Jiating, the spring water of the lake is just flat with the embankment, and the white clouds hang low, and it is connected with the lake. A few early yellow warblers are vying to fly to the sunny trees, and the newly arrived swallows are busy building nests and pulling mud. The flowers gradually bloomed to dazzle the eyes, and the light grass was just enough to cover the horses' hooves. I never get tired of the beautiful scenery of the east of the lake, where the willows are lined with green shade and pass through a white sand embankment.

Extracurricular ancient poems

There are strange trees in the court

Two Hans: Anonymous

There are strange trees in the courtyard, and the green leaves are blooming.

Climb the strip to fold its glory, will be left behind.

The fragrance fills the sleeves, and the road is far away.

Why is this expensive? But I feel goodbye.


A beautiful tree in the courtyard, full of green leaves and lush flowers, looks particularly spring-like. I climbed the branches of the tree and picked the most beautiful bunch of flowers, wanting to give it to my loved ones who missed me day and night. The fragrance of flowers fills the sleeves of my clothes, but the world is far away, and no one can deliver it to my loved ones. It's not that this flower is precious, it's just that I have been away for too long, and I want to express my nostalgia through the flowers.

Turtle though longevity

Two Hans: Cao Cao

Although the turtle is long-lived, there is still a time;

Teng snake ride the fog, and eventually turn into ashes.

Lao Ji is in the woods, and his ambitions are thousands of miles;

The martyrs are in their twilight years, and their hearts are strong.

The period of profit and contraction is not only in the sky;

The blessing of recuperation can be eternal.

Fortunately, even ya, the song is a song.


Although the turtle is very long-lived, its life will eventually come to an end; Although the snake can fly through the clouds and fog, it will eventually die and turn to ashes. Although the old Maxima crouches beside the manger, his ambition is still to gallop thousands of miles; Top Gun people even in their old age never stop thinking about it. The length of a person's life span is not just determined by God; If you take care of your body and mind, you will definitely be able to live longer. I'm really lucky to express my thoughts and feelings through singing.

Gift to the younger brother (part 2)

Wei Jin: Liu Zhen

The pine on the Tingting Mountain, the stroke in the valley.

The wind is strong, and the pine branches are strong!

The frost is miserable, and the whole year is always upright.

Isn't it cold? Pines and cypresses have a nature.


The pine trees stand tall on the high mountains, and the wind howls in the valleys. The wind is so fierce, and the pine branches are so strong! Let it be full of frost and miserable, and the waist of the pine tree will be upright all year round. Could it be that the pine trees did not experience a heavy chill? No, it's the pines and cypresses who are born with a hardy nature!

Liang Fuxing

Liang Han: Cao Zhi

The eight directions are different, and the wind and rain are thousands of miles.

The drama is the border sea people, and they live in the grassland.

The wife is like a beast, and her behavior is hindered by the forest.

Chaimen He is depressed, and the fox rabbit is flying to my Yu.


The climate in all directions is different, and the wind and rain patterns vary within a thousand miles. How hard it is for the poor people by the sea, who usually live in grass huts in the wilderness. Wives and children live like beasts, entrenched in the treacherous mountains and forests. The humble chaimen is so deserted, and the fox rabbit walks freely around without any scruples.


Lesson 15 Poplar Praise

Author: Mao Dun

This is the poplar tree, an ordinary tree in the Northwest Pole, but it is by no means an ordinary tree!

It has no whirling posture, no bending and circling branches. You may want to say that it is not beautiful, but if beauty refers specifically to "swaying" or "escaping horizontally" and so on, then the poplar tree is not a good woman in the tree. But it is majestic, upright, simple, serious, and not lacking in gentleness, not to mention its strength and uprightness, it is a great husband in the tree! When you walk across a plateau where the snow is beginning to melt and you see such a poplar tree or a row of poplar trees standing proudly on the flat earth, do you think it is just a tree? Don't you think that it is simple, serious, strong and unyielding, and at least symbolizes the peasants of the north? Do you not even think that in the vast land behind enemy lines, there are strong and unyielding sentinels who stand proudly like this poplar tree to guard their homeland? Don't you think a little further that such a poplar tree, whose branches and leaves are close to each other and strive for progress, seems to symbolize the spirit and will of today's North China Plain to write the history of New China with blood?

Aspen is not an ordinary tree. It is common in the northwest and is not taken seriously, just like the northern peasants; It has a strong vitality, cannot be tortured, cannot be oppressed, and is similar to the peasants in the north. I praise the poplar tree because it symbolizes not only the peasants of the north, but especially the simple, strong, and progressive spirit that is indispensable in our national liberation struggle today.

Lesson 22 Mencius, Chapter 3

There is much help for the righteous, but little help for the unjust

The time is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as the people. The city of three miles, the Guo of seven miles, the ring and attack it without victory. If the husband attacks it, there will be those who have the right time, but the one who does not win is not as good as the location. The city is not high, the pool is not deep, the military revolution is not strong, and the rice millet is not much. Therefore, it is said: The people of the domain do not use the boundaries of the frontier, the country does not take the risk of mountains and streams, and the world does not take the benefits of the military revolution. Those who have attained the Tao have much help, and those who have lost the Tao have little help. The widow is helpless, and the relatives are beside them; If you help more, the world will follow it. With the world's obedience, attack the relatives of the side, so the gentleman does not fight, the battle will be won.


The time is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as the people. A small city with a radius of three miles, but an outer city with a radius of seven miles, surrounded on all sides and attacked it, but could not win. Attacking the city by encircling it on all sides must have a place of opportunity, but it cannot be won, because the time is not as favorable as the location. The walls are not high, the moat is not deep, the weapons and equipment are not poor, and the food supply is not insufficient. Therefore, it is impossible to rely on the borders of the territory to enable the people to live in peace (without moving to other places), to consolidate national defense cannot rely on the dangers of mountains and rivers, and to deter the world cannot rely on the sharpness of weapons. A monarch who can exercise benevolent government will have many people who support and help him. A monarch who does not practice benevolent government will have fewer people to support and help him. The number of people who helped him was extremely small, and his relatives inside and outside would betray him; The number of people who helped him was so great that all the people of the world would submit to him. With the condition that all the people in the world are obedient, they will attack those widowed kings who are opposed even by their relatives, so that the monarch who can practice benevolent government will win the war without fighting.

Wealth cannot be adulterous

Jing Chun said: "Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi are not sincere husbands? When you are angry, you will be all the princes, and you will live in peace and the world will be extinguished. ”

Mencius said, "Do you have to be a great husband? Didn't you learn etiquette? The crown of the husband is also the order of the father; The marriage of a woman, the mother's order, the door of sending, the precept said: 'Go to the woman's house, respect the precepts, no violation of the master!' 'Those who take obedience as righteousness are also the way of concubines. Living in the world, standing in the right position of the world, and walking the road of the world. Gain the will, and the people by it; Unwilling, go it alone. The rich and noble cannot be lewd, the poor and the lowly cannot be moved, and the mighty cannot be bent, which is called a big husband. ”


Jing Chun said: "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi real husbands? When they are angry, the princes are afraid, and when they are in their homes, the world is at peace. ”

Mencius said, "How can this be considered a great husband? Haven't you learned etiquette? When a man is crowned, his father instructs him; When a woman was married, her mother instructed her, took her to the door, and told her: 'When you come to your house, you must be respectful, you must be careful, and you must not disobey your husband!' 'Treating obedience as righteousness is the principle of a woman's family. (Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi are like women in front of the princes!) Dwelling in the world's widest dwelling, standing in the most correct position in the world, walking on the world's broadest road, righteousness, when the ideal can be realized, we will walk on the right path with the people, and when we cannot realize the ideal, we will walk on the right path alone. Rich and noble cannot confuse his thoughts, poor and lowly cannot change his integrity, and mighty cannot suppress his will, this is called a great husband. ”

Born in sorrow, died in peace

Shun is in the acres, Fu Shuo is lifted between the plates, the rubber is lifted in the fish and salt, Guan Yiwu is raised in the Shi, Sun Shu Ao is raised in the sea, and Baili Xi is held in the city. Therefore, the heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds, strain their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and act chaotically.

People are permanent, and then they can change; Trapped in the heart, balanced in the mind, and then done; Signify in color, sound in sound, and then metaphor. If you enter, you will not be able to go home, and if you go out, you will be invincible to foreign patients, and the country will die. Then he was born in sorrow, and died in peace.


Shun was appointed from the fields, Fu Shuo was selected from the plasterers who built the walls, Jiao Ji was recommended from the fish and salt sellers, Guan Yiwu was released from the prison officials and hired as ministers, Sun Shuao was appointed from the secluded seaside, and Baili Xi was selected from the slave market. Therefore, Heaven is going to give a great responsibility to such a person, and he must first make his heart painful and his muscles and bones tired. He was starved of hunger, and his skin was emaciated; to afflict him with poverty; To turn what he does upside down and derange, and to stir his heart, to harden his character, and to increase the talents which he did not possess in the past. A person often makes a mistake so that he can pay attention to correct it later; The heart is confused, the thoughts are blocked, and then you can rise up and make a difference; Haggard and withered, manifested in the countenance, the sigh of the sigh comes from the voice, (see his face, hear his voice), and then the people know him. A country will often perish if it does not have a courtier at home and a wise man who can assist the monarch, and if there is no hostile state and the danger of foreign invasion abroad. In this way, people will know that adversity motivates people to rise up, enables them to survive and develop, and that comfort and pleasure make people unhappy and will inevitably lead to death.

Lesson 23 The fool moves mountains


Taihang, Wangwu two mountains, seven hundred miles square, high ten thousand, this is in the south of Jizhou, the north of Heyang.

The foolish man of Beishan is ninety years old and lives facing the mountain. Punish the fortress in the north of the mountain, enter and exit the detour, gather in the room and conspire and say: "I and you Bili level the risk, referring to the south of Henan, reaching Hanyin, but what?" "Mixed promises. His wife said suspiciously: "With the power of the king, I have not been able to damage the hill of my father, such as Taihang and Wangwu?" And the earth and stones? Miscellaneous said: "Throw it at the end of the Bohai Sea, the north of the hidden land." Then he led his descendants to carry the burden of the three husbands, knocked on the stone to reclaim the soil, and transported it to the end of the Bohai Sea. The widow of the neighbor's Jingcheng clan has a widowed man, and he jumped to help him. The cold and summer are easy to change, and the beginning is reversed.

Hequ Zhisuo smiled and said: "What's more, you are not favored!" With the remaining strength of the last year, it has not been able to destroy a single hair of the mountain, what is it like soil and stones? Beishan Yugong said: "The solidity of your heart is incomprehensible, and you were not as good as a widow and a weak son." Though I die, there is a son. Sons beget grandchildren, and grandchildren beget sons; Sons have sons, and sons have grandchildren; The children and grandchildren are infinitely scarce, and the mountains do not increase, why suffer and be uneven? "The river meanders and the wisdom of the death responds.

When the god of the snake heard about it, he was afraid of it and told the emperor. The emperor felt his sincerity and ordered the two sons of the Kua'e family to bear two mountains, one in the east of Shuo, and one in the south of Yongnan. Since then, the south of Hebei, the yin of Han, has no long to break.



Taihang, Wangwu two mountains, a radius of 700 miles, 78,000 zhang high, originally in the south of Jizhou, the north of the north bank of the Yellow River.

There was a man named Yugong at the bottom of the North Mountain, who was almost 90 years old, and lived directly opposite the mountain. He was suffering from the blockage in the northern part of the mountain, and had to take a detour when he came out and went in, so he gathered his whole family and discussed: "I will try my best with you to dig up the steep mountain, so that [the road] can be reached to the south of Yuzhou and the south bank of the Han River, okay?" Everyone agreed. His wife asked, "With your strength, you can't even flatten the hill of Kuifu, what can you do with Taihang and Wangwu?" Besides, where do you put the earth and stones that have been dug up? They said, "Throw it to the edge of the Bohai Sea, to the north of the hidden land." So Yu Gong led three of his children and grandchildren who could carry the burden (up the mountain), chiseled stones, dug up the soil, and transported them to the shore of the Bohai Sea with a basket. The widow of the neighboring Jingcheng clan had an orphan, who was just seven or eight years old, and jumped up and down to help him. When the seasons change between winter and summer, you can only make a round trip once.

The wise man on the bend laughed at the fool and stopped him from doing it, saying, "You are so stupid! With the remaining years and the strength you have left, you can't even move a single grass on the mountain, what can you do with the dirt and stones? Beishan Yugong sighed and said: "Your heart is so stubborn, so stubborn that you can't open your mind, even orphans and widows can't compare." Even if I die, I still have my son; The son begat grandson, and the grandson begat son; Sons have sons, and sons have grandsons; There is no end to the children and grandchildren, but the mountains will not increase in height and increase, are you still afraid that they will not be able to dig up? "Hequ Zhisu has nothing to answer.

The mountain god holding the snake heard about this, and was afraid that he would dig it endlessly, so he reported it to the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven was moved by Yugong's sincerity and ordered the two sons of Hercules Kua'e to carry the two mountains, one in the east of Shuofang and the other in the south of Yongzhou. From this time on, from the south of Jizhou to the south bank of the Han River, there were no longer high mountains to block it.

Lesson 24 Zhou Yafu's army is fine

Author: Sima Qian

Six years after Emperor Wen, the Xiongnu entered the border. It is with Zongzheng Liu Li as the general, and the army is overlord; Zhu Zihou Xu Li as a general, the army thorn gate; With Hanoi Shouyafu as the general, the army is finely willowed: to prepare for Hu.

On the self-labor army. The Supreme Boss and the Thorn Gate Army, galloped straight in, and sent the following horses to welcome. The fine willow army, the sergeant was armored, sharpened with knives, bows and crossbows, and held full. The Son of Heaven is a pioneer and is not allowed to enter. Herald Day: "The Son of Heaven is coming." The military commander said: "The general's order said, 'The army hears the general's order, but does not hear the edict of the Son of Heaven.'" There is no dwelling, and no one is allowed to enter. So the envoy sent the envoy to the general: "I want to join the labor army." "The word of Afnai is to open the door. The bimen sergeant said that the subordinate chariot rider said: "The general is about to drive, and the army is not allowed to drive." So the Son of Heaven walked according to the reins. When he arrived at the camp, General Yafu held his troops and said: "The people who are in charge do not worship, please see them with military salutes." The Son of Heaven moved, changed the car, and made people thank: "The emperor respects General Lao." "Bow and go.

After going out of the army, the ministers were shocked. Emperor Wen: "Whew! What a general! If the overlord and the thorny army, if they play with their ears, they will be able to attack and capture. As for Yaf, can he gain and commit evil? "Those who praise the good will last for a long time.


In the sixth year of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu invaded the border on a large scale. So the imperial court appointed Zongzheng Liu Li to take charge of the army, and the garrison was in the overlord; Zhu Zihou Xu Li was appointed to take charge of the army, and the garrison was in Jianmen; appointed Zhou Yafu, the Taishou of Hanoi County, as a general, and the garrison was in Xiliu; It was used to defend against the invasion of the Huns.

Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty personally expressed his condolences to the army. When they arrived at the barracks of Bashang and Jianmen, the chariots and horses galloped straight into the barracks, and the general and his officers rode horses to greet and bid farewell. Soon they went to the barracks of Hosoliu, where the soldiers and officers of the army were wearing armor and holding sharp weapons, and their bowbows and crossbows were drawn with their bowstrings drawn. The emperor's advance guard arrived and could not enter the barracks. The advance officer said, "The emperor is about to arrive." The officer guarding the gate of the camp said: "The general has an order, 'The army camp only listens to the orders of the general, not the edict of the Son of Heaven.'" Soon after, the emperor arrived, but he still couldn't go in. So the emperor sent a messenger with the Son of Heaven's talisman to tell the general: "I want to enter the barracks to comfort the troops." Zhou Yafu ordered the camp gate to be opened. The guards at the camp gate said to the chariots and horses that followed the Son of Heaven: "The general has a rule that chariots and horses cannot gallop in the barracks. So the Son of Heaven took control of the reins of his horse and walked slowly. When he arrived at the barracks, General Zhou Yafu took his weapon and saluted Emperor Wen of Han and said, "Soldiers wearing armor can't bow down, please let me use the etiquette of the army to meet you." The Son of Heaven was moved, leaned over with a serious face, held the horizontal wood in front of the cart, and sent someone to tell Zhou Yafu: "The emperor comforts the general." "Finish the etiquette of the comfort army, and then leave.

After leaving the gate of the barracks, the courtiers were very surprised. Emperor Wen said: "Alas, this is the real general!" The armies that had previously dominated and thorned were like child's play, and their generals could really attack and be captured. As for Zhou Yafu, can he infringe on it?" Emperor Wen praised Zhou Yafu for a long time.


Lesson 25 Five poems

Alcohol Consumption (Part 5)

Tao Yuanming

The knot is in the human realm, and there is no noise of cars and horses.

How can you ask you? The heart is far away from itself.

Under the east fence of picking chrysanthemums, you can see Nanshan leisurely.

The mountain weather is good, and the birds are still together.

There is a real meaning in this, and I have forgotten to discern it.


He lives in the world, but there is no noise of cars and horses. If you ask me why I am like this, as long as I have high aspirations, I will naturally feel that I am in a secluded place. Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely, the distant Nanshan comes into view. The smell of the mountains and the evening scenery are very good, and there are birds flying and returning with children. This contains the true meaning of life, and I want to recognize it, but I don't know how to express it.

Spring Hope

Du fu

The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is deep in spring.

When I feel the tears, I hate the birds.

The beacon fire lasted for three months, and the family letter was worth 10,000 dollars.

The whitehead scratching is shorter, and the hairpin is overwhelming.


The national capital has fallen, only the mountains and rivers are still there, and the urban area in spring is overgrown with wild grass. I am sad and sad to see the flowers bloom but cry, and the birdsong of parting from my family makes my heart palpitate. The smoke of war has never stopped in March, and family letters are precious and worth thousands of gold. Depressed and upset, only scratching the head, causing the white hair to be sparse and unable to insert the hairpin.

Yanmen is too guarded

Li He

The black clouds crush the city and want to destroy it, and the light of the armor opens to the sun.

The sound of horns fills the sky with autumn colors, stuffed with swallow fat and night purple.

Half a roll of red flags is in the water, and the frost is heavy and the cold is silent.

repay the king's will on the golden platform, and carry the jade dragon to die for the king.


The enemy army is like a dark cloud pressing into the wall, and the wall is about to be destroyed. The defenders of the city were stubborn and ready for battle, and the sun shone on the armor, shining with golden light. A tragic horn fills the late autumn sky. The blood stains of the soldiers turned purple in the cold night. The cold wind swept the red flag, and the troops quietly approached Yishui. The heavy frost soaked the drum skin, and the drum beat was low and could not be raised. To repay the king's trust and reuse. Defend the borders of the motherland with a sword in hand!


Du Mu

The halberd sinks into the sand and the iron is not sold, and it will be washed and recognized by the previous dynasty.

Dongfeng does not have a relationship with Zhou Lang, and Tongque Chun locks Er Qiao.


A broken iron halberd sank in the sand at the bottom of the water and has not been eroded, after grinding and washing by itself, it was found that this is a relic of the battle of Chibi that year. If Dongfeng didn't give Zhou Yu convenience, the ending would probably be Cao Cao's victory, and Er Qiao would be imprisoned in Tongquetai.

Fisherman's pride (the sky is connected to the clouds and the fog)

Li Qingzhao

The sky is cloudy and foggy, and the galaxy wants to turn a thousand sails to dance. It was as if the dream soul had returned to the emperor's place, heard the words of heaven, and asked me diligently where I had returned.

I reported that the road was long and the sun was twilight, and there were amazing sentences in learning poetry. Ninety thousand miles of wind is moving. The wind rests. Pengzhou blows to take the three mountains!



The water and the sky meet, and the morning mist is cloudy. The Milky Way turns, like countless ships dancing their sails. The dream soul seemed to return to heaven and heard the Emperor of Heaven talking to me. He asked me warmly and sincerely where I was going. I have a long way to go to report to the Emperor of Heaven, and it is already dusk but has not yet arrived. Even if I can write amazing sentences when I learn poetry, what's the use? Ninety thousand miles in the sky, Dapeng soars into the sky. O wind! Don't stop, send my leaf light boat directly to Penglai Sanxian Island.

Extracurricular ancient poems

Huanxi Sand

Yan Shu

A new song and a glass of wine, last year's weather old pavilion. When does the sun set?

Helplessly, the flowers fell, and the familiar swallow returned. The small garden incense path wanders alone.


Listen to a new song and drink a glass of wine, or last year's weather, when will the sunset come back?

The flowers always have to wither and make people helpless, and the familiar spring swallow has returned, wandering alone in the flower path.

Mulberry picking

Ouyang Xiu

The light boat is short and the West Lake is good, and the green water is long. The grass embankment, faint sheng song everywhere.

There is no wind and the water surface is slippery, and the boat does not move. The slight ripples startled the sand birds to fly across the shore.


The scenery of the West Lake is good, and how easy it is to drive a boat and paddle a short oar. The turquoise waters of the lake are endless. The grass on the causeway is green, and the soft sound of sheng singing faintly comes from the spring breeze, as if floating on the lake with the boat. The windless surface of the water is as smooth as glass, and you can't even feel the boat moving. I saw a slight wave rippling beside the boat, and the waterfowl that were startled by the boat were flying across the shore of the lake.


Zhu Dunru

Jinling City on the west building, leaning on the Qingqiu. Thousands of miles of sunset drooping on the great river.

The Central Plains is in turmoil, the hairpins are scattered, when will they be collected? Try Qian's sad wind and tears through Yangzhou.


Climb the city tower on the west gate of Jinling alone, lean on the tower to watch the scenery of the early autumn season. Watch the 10,000-mile-long river flow under the sunset. Due to the invasion of the Jin people, the Central Plains was in turmoil, and the officials and nobles fled one after another, when will they be able to recover the land? I want to ask the sad wind to blow my tears to the front line in Yangzhou.


Like a dream

Li Qingzhao

I often remember the twilight of the Creek Pavilion, and I don't know the way back. Returning to the boat at night, he strayed into the depths of the lotus flower. Fighting, fighting, startling a shoal of gulls and herons.


I often remember playing in the pavilion by the stream until the sun was dusk, indulging in the beautiful scenery and forgetting the way home. After the pleasure of the wine banquet, he returned by boat and accidentally entered the depths of the lotus flower. Row the boat out! Fight to row the boat out! The sound of rowing startled a flock of gulls and herons.

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