
At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

"Whoever sucked it, all three of them sucked, and yesterday they sucked it together!"

Who would have thought that this sentence came from the mouth of the "goddess of childhood" Fu Yiwei!

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

She was originally the "No. 1 beauty in the mainland" and recognized as the "most beautiful Daji"! could have slowly withdrawn from the entertainment industry with glory and aura, but unfortunately a good hand of cards was played poorly, and was reported by the enthusiastic masses for "gathering crowds to suck D", and was arrested by the police, becoming the most hated "bad artist" of the Chinese people!

So, how did Fu Yiwei ruin his future step by step, and what is the current situation after he was released from prison?

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

Beginners in the film industry

In 1964, Fu Yiwei was born in a well-off family in Harbin, formerly known as Fu Yiwei. Because of her boyish personality, her father let her learn music to cultivate her sentiments, and she was admitted to the conservatory.

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

When she was 14 years old, she happened to come across the movie "She Came from the Fog" to choose a young actor at school, and she was selected in this way. The director was very optimistic about her and suggested that she change the "Yi" in her name to a more feminine "Yi", and Fu Yiwei officially changed her name to Fu Yiwei.

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

Fu Yiwei didn't expect that she would become popular for the first time she took over the drama, and "She Came from the Fog" caused a lot of repercussions after its release, and her excellent acting skills in the film were impressive and left a deep impression on the audience.

Not only that, but she also won the honor of "Best Actress at the 1st China Film Association Performance Awards".

This can be regarded as the peak of her debut!

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

Since then, more and more directors and producers have made invitations to her. Fu Yiwei also continued to prove his strength through his outstanding performance, and gradually gained a firm foothold in the film and television industry.

Later, she became colleagues with Liu Xiaoqing, Chen Chong and other big stars who could only be seen on TV before, and their resources are getting better and better!

In 1990, she ushered in the highest point of her career!

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

Image subversion

This year, director Li Zhigang decided to put the mythological TV series "Fengshen Bang" on the screen, and the other roles were decided early, but the role of Daji could not find the most suitable candidate for a long time. After thousands of selections, he chose Fu Yiwei, who was only 26 years old.

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

In fact, Fu Yiwei initially resisted this role. After all, she is used to playing a good person, and suddenly she wants to play a charming and charming Daji, which is a huge subversion and challenge to her image.

The director firmly believes that she is the most suitable Daji, and she has to compromise if she can't help it! But soon she found out that things were not so simple, and the king who played against her was 30 years older than him.

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

At that time, he was not open-minded, and Fu Yiwei couldn't accept acting in an intimate scene with someone who could be his father. cried with the director many times and asked to reduce the intimate scenes, but she played Daji, and she couldn't play that feeling if she reduced it, so the director could only persuade Fu Yiwei to overcome the difficulties by herself.

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

In fact, there was originally a kiss scene in the script, but she didn't want to give the first kiss on the screen to a 56-year-old man, so she stopped filming noisily for a long time, and finally the director compromised and changed it to a forehead kiss. But because of this incident, it was not very pleasant to have a quarrel with Daqi who played the king of the ring!

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

Fortunately, the final effect is good, and her Daji vividly interprets the charm and cunning of the fox, the mysterious and vicious beauty.

Exploded overnight

After the launch of "Fengshen List", thousands of people were empty, and the fire became a household name. Among them, Fu Yiwei is the most famous, once surpassing Mr. Lan Tianye who played Jiang Ziya.

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

The seductive eyes she shows in the play are even more amazing. Through the use of her eyes, she conveys the evil and seductive power of Daji to the audience. This kind of winking is not only heartwarming, but also adds to the mystery and danger of the character's image.

Because of this, Fu Yiwei was named "the most beautiful eye in Asia".

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

However, the tragedy of Daji in the play ended, and the fate of Fu Yiwei outside the play was not smooth sailing!

The emotional road is full of ups and downs

Her first marriage was with her first love Yang Xiaodan, and the two could have gone hand in hand. But as Fu Yiwei became popular, her husband gradually couldn't keep up with her, and the husband and wife drifted apart, and finally chose to divorce.

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

The second marriage was in 1992, and the husband was a teacher of the Northern Dance. With her first failed marriage, she learned to balance family and work.

In addition, when she filmed "Tang Taizong Li Shimin", all the actors were from Taiwan and Hong Kong, and the language barrier made her feel excluded and pressured, and by chance she embarked on the road of abandoning art and business.

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

But her "business journey" did not go well, investors withdrew one after another, and her marriage with Gao also lit up a red light. The successive investment failures attracted a high degree of complaints, complaining about her: "If a good actor doesn't do it, he has to toss it himself, and he will be broken up by you." ”

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

In the end, the marriage ended after only 8 years! After the divorce, his son Gao Lenan was sentenced to Fu Yiwei!

Who wants to divorce after she is in the business circle, but she is thriving in the business district, and some media have exposed that she is worth more than 20 million and has more than 300 stores.

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

For a time, she became the object of envy of people. Soon, however, her delicate mask was broken!

go astray

In 2016, Fu Yiwei was reported by the Chaoyang masses for "gathering people in the apartment to suck D". When the police arrived, she, her cousin, and her sister were arrested. Faced with the evidence on the table, she could only confess and be lenient.

It turned out that she had been infected with this thing 7 years ago. The reason is that the two failed relationship experiences hit her too hard, and she couldn't hold back for a while and went astray.

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

After the incident was exposed, Fu Yiwei's son stood up for his mother and apologized for his mother as soon as possible, and staged a warm drama of "mother's love and filial piety".

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

It's a pity that the mainland has 0 tolerance for sucking D artists, no matter how much the mother and son explain, fans don't buy it! The crew of "Si Meiren" also terminated the contract with Fu Yiwei as soon as possible!

Fu Yiwei was arrested for more than a month before being released, and after her release, she apologized to the public and fans, but her reputation has fallen to the bottom, and her acting career is completely over.

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

Her son Gao Lenan was also implicated, and he had already stepped into the entertainment industry with one foot, and even signed a brokerage company. In the end, the contract had to be terminated.

Even so, Gao Lenan is firmly on his mother's side, since everyone scolds him, he says over and over again on Weibo: "I love you", "I will always be with you"...

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

The white-haired man sends the black-haired man

Fu Yiwei, with the encouragement of his son, quit D product little by little.

Without a film appointment, she just wanted to do self-media like other talents, but the inferior reputation caused her to not receive any business. Over time, she gave up!

At the age of 17, he became a prisoner at the age of 52, and lost his son at the age of 59

In October last year, her son, the only one who supported her, also left. Fu Yiwei, who experienced the death of his loved one, seemed to see it, and he didn't bother to ask for anything more.

Now, at the age of 60, she has long lost the light brought to her by "Daji". The only thing that will accompany her for the rest of her life is memories and lessons!

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