
Did you find out? What is the reason why many people from rural areas are reluctant to return to the countryside to develop even if they are not in the city? For many young people in the countryside, back

Did you find out? What is the reason why many people from rural areas are reluctant to return to the countryside to develop even if they are not in the city?

For many young people in rural areas, returning to their hometowns is often seen as a sign of failure. Most of them want to make a difference in the city, make a lot of money, and return to their hometowns, and if they don't make any money and return to their hometowns, the people in the village may point fingers at them and think they can't get enough to get around.

In the end, it's all about saving face, and in order to avoid this psychological blow, they may choose a more difficult lifestyle, even if they are crawling around in the city, and they are reluctant to return to their hometowns.

On the other hand, there are indeed many objective shortcomings in rural areas, such as imperfect infrastructure, insufficient educational and medical resources, etc. For those rural youths who have accumulated a certain amount of experience and ability in the city, returning to their hometown is not only a frustration of their personal goals, but also means placing themselves in a relatively backward living environment.

On weekends, you have nowhere to watch movies, no place to drink milk tea, you can only face your mobile phone every day, and your quality of life is greatly reduced.

Cities have a wider range of economic opportunities, more diverse job markets and industry options, and for rural youth, these opportunities are not only reflected in higher wages, but also in the space for career development.

The infrastructure and public services in the city are more perfect, and compared with the medical and educational resources in the rural areas, the cities provide better medical conditions and higher quality education services, otherwise in the countryside, if you have a disease, you have to go to the next county.

Although many people have begun to try to start their own businesses in rural areas, such as opening "farmhouses", developing summer resorts or engaging in special planting projects, these entrepreneurial projects have many limitations.

They are often affected by the seasons, such as summer resorts that may be deserted in the winter and deserted in the winter, and specialty planting programs may be unable to guarantee a stable income due to fluctuations in market demand or climate change. Moreover, the benefits of these projects are often difficult to maintain in the long term and may decline over time.

In rural areas, dealing with human expenses is really a headache, and everyone knows that if you don't know how to deal with these people's feelings in the countryside, it is easy to be talked about behind your back.

In the cities, it's a little different. People in the city live at a fast pace, everyone is busy with their own work, and the sense of boundary between each other is relatively strong. Although this separation allows everyone to focus more on their own lives and not be bothered by too many human feelings, it also means that people are more distant from each other.

Whether it is in the countryside or the city, there are pros and cons to each other, ladies and gentlemen, where will you choose to live?

Did you find out? What is the reason why many people from rural areas are reluctant to return to the countryside to develop even if they are not in the city? For many young people in the countryside, back
Did you find out? What is the reason why many people from rural areas are reluctant to return to the countryside to develop even if they are not in the city? For many young people in the countryside, back
Did you find out? What is the reason why many people from rural areas are reluctant to return to the countryside to develop even if they are not in the city? For many young people in the countryside, back

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