
The old man was deceived of 790,000 yuan and collapsed and cried, and the scammer dared to come to the door to withdraw money?! Police Alert: Scam has escalated!

Attention, attention, attention!

There are new ways to impersonate public prosecutors and prosecutors to defraud

Scammers stop mentioning "safe accounts"

Instead, he was so bold that he went directly to the door to withdraw the money

It's even more unpredictable

June 17

The Municipal Anti-Fraud Center reported a set of data

Recently, the fraud of impersonating the public prosecutor is in a state of high incidence

June 1-7

The number of cases increased by 100% month-on-month

And in 7 days, a total of 3 cases of more than one million yuan occurred

Two of them were fraudulent impersonations of public prosecutors

In the past, the anti-fraud police always reminded

"Any 'safe account' must be a fraud!"

Scammers no longer mention "safe accounts"

Instead, the victim was fooled into withdrawing cash

Then send someone to pick up the money directly

The old man was deceived of 790,000 yuan and collapsed and cried, and the scammer dared to come to the door to withdraw money?! Police Alert: Scam has escalated!

Weibo hot search on the afternoon of the 17th

A typical case in Ningbo reported by CCTV

On June 17, it was on the hot search

Mr. Hu (not his real name) is a retired employee

Some time ago, he received a strange phone call

The other party claimed that his identity information had been stolen

Involved in a criminal case that needs to be investigated

Immediately after that, the "people's police" came on the field

He even deceived and scared Mr. Hu to buy a new mobile phone

Change to a new number, and then add a QQ group

Listen to the command and prove your innocence


The old man was deceived of 790,000 yuan and collapsed and cried, and the scammer dared to come to the door to withdraw money?! Police Alert: Scam has escalated!

The victim recounted what had happened

After finding out Mr. Hu's family background

The liar demanded it

Take out all the money in the bank

At that time, there will be a "prosecutor" who will come to the door to check

Once confirmed, it will be returned to him

A few days later, one was carrying a backpack

Man wearing mask and hat

Came to Mr. Hu's house

After presenting the "ID", the man gestured

Signaled Mr. Hu to prepare hundreds of thousands of yuan in cash

Put it in his backpack and plastic bag

As soon as he got the money, he left

The old man was deceived of 790,000 yuan and collapsed and cried, and the scammer dared to come to the door to withdraw money?! Police Alert: Scam has escalated!

The fully "armed" man came to the door to pick up the money, and then left without saying a word

And that's not the end of the story

"Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee" in the QQ group

He also asked Mr. Hu to borrow money

Prove your relationships

Mr. Hu told his son about it

The son realized that it was a telecommunications network fraud

Call the police immediately

The old man was deceived of 790,000 yuan and collapsed and cried, and the scammer dared to come to the door to withdraw money?! Police Alert: Scam has escalated!

The crook gets in the car and prepares to flee

Why is this new method so difficult to prevent?

"Criminals, in order to evade the police's stop payment,

changed the routine of not showing his face and not touching in the past,

There has been a certain change in the way money is withdrawn. ”

The police handling the case said

This new type of fraud impersonating the public prosecutor's office

Most of the targets are people over the age of 60

There are two differences from the past

First, the scammers don't mention "safe accounts" anymore

Instead, the victim is asked to withdraw cash and wait at home for a "check"

Because in everyone's inherent thinking

Wire fraud itself is an act that does not see the light of day

Scammers don't have the audacity to come to the door

The second point is to evade the investigation of the public security organs

The person who came to the door to pick up the money covered his face

Do not have any physical contact with the victim

So that you don't leave your own traces

When the public security organs receive the report and conduct an investigation

He had long since fled

The old man was deceived of 790,000 yuan and collapsed and cried, and the scammer dared to come to the door to withdraw money?! Police Alert: Scam has escalated!

Police remind

Public security and law enforcement staff will not use it

Handle cases by telephone, text message, QQ, WeChat, etc

There will also be no so-called asset verification

They will not come to their homes to take citizens' property

This is the case for the general public

Be sure to keep a clear head

Don't listen to so-called "investigation assistance" and other rhetoric

So as not to fall into the trap of fraudsters

In case of suspicious circumstances

Please call the police immediately on 110 or 96110

Source: Ningbo Evening News

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