
Xing Qingjie "Six Tales of Northern Lu"

Bai Pi Ji

Pizi is an animal that has the common characteristics of weasels and foxes, only active at night, because it is mostly white, so it is also called "white pico". —Epigraph

In the seventies of the 20th century, there were many picos in the Lubei Plain. There are countless stories about Pizi. Because most of the characters involved in the story are neighbors and friends of the surrounding villages, and the narrator is convincing, it is not unbelievable.

To the east of the author's village, there is the Tuxiao River, which is one of the nine major rivers channeled during the "Dayu water control". After thousands of years of history, the embankment is densely forested with shrubs and hides countless fox and badger burrows. At night, these creatures come out of their nests and move around. The dirt road on the embankment is the only way out from the village to the county seat, and it is too peaceful during the day, and at night, there will be some unbelievable strange things.

Zhao Scar, a butcher in the back village, helped people kill pigs in Shilipu on a winter evening, and after finishing it, he drank with the hired person, and when he went home, it was late at night. When I walked to the embankment of the Tuxiao River, I suddenly heard the sound of crying. Following the prestige, in the hazy moonlight, I saw a woman in white lying on a mound on the side of the road and weeping. Zhao Scar saw that she was crying pitifully, so he stepped forward and asked, girl, in the middle of the night, why are you crying here alone? The girl stopped crying, turned her head, and whispered, my mother just died, my father continued the strings again, and the mother was ruthless and drove me out, and I had nowhere to go but to cry on my mother's grave.

Zhao Scarqi took a look through the moonlight, saw that this girl's skin was like congealed fat, her eyes were charming, and she remembered that her wife had returned to her parents' house with her son, and she was immediately moved, and said, If the girl really has nowhere to go, if she doesn't dislike it, she can go home with me. The girl immediately nodded in agreement and thanked her with a thousand thanks. Zhao Scarry took the girl home, and after a lot of rain and clouds, she was so unhappy. On the morning of the second day, neighbor Zhao Si came to visit the door. I saw Zhao Scar sleeping soundly on the kang, and a pigeon with a snow-white body and red eyes was standing on the side, making a gesture of wanting to pounce. Zhao Si exclaimed, brute! The thing was frightened and went through the window! Zhao Scar woke up in shock, remembering the events of last night, in a trance, still in a dream.

The following year, at noon in the middle of summer, Zhao Scarqi went out to visit friends on his bicycle and walked alone on the embankment of the Tuxiao River. Suddenly, I saw a woman in white stopped in front of the car and said, "Big brother, can you give me a ride?" Seeing that the girl was a little familiar, Zhao Scarqi immediately agreed, so he made her sit in the back seat. Walking less than two miles, he met Liu from the same village on the opposite side, Liu was suddenly full of fear and shouted, butcher! What's behind you? Zhao Scar turned his head and saw a white light jump off the back seat, and then disappeared in the bushes. And the girl in white is gone. When asked about Liu, Liu said that he saw a man squatting in the back seat of the car. Zhao shook his head in disbelief. On the evening of the same day, Zhao Scar returned from visiting friends, and when he met Liu at noon, he saw a woman in white standing in front of him, which was vaguely what he saw during the day.

The woman repeated her old tricks and begged Zhao to give him a ride. Zhao Scar pretended to be obedient, and when the woman got into the car, he held the handle with one hand and put the other hand into his arms, took out the peeling knife, and stabbed him in the back! The woman fell to the sound of screams. Zhao Scar got out of the car and saw that the knife had been inserted into the woman's chest. The woman groaned, the little woman just wanted to play with her eldest brother, and she had no intention of harming her...... Before the words were finished, the original form appeared, which was originally a white pico. Zhao Scarqi took Bai Pi home, skinned it, and sold it to a leather merchant to get a renminbi. The pico meat was stewed in a pot and enjoyed by the whole family. Late at night on the second day, Zhao Scar woke up in a dream and saw a white pike standing in front of the kang, grinning his teeth. Then he took out the knife from under the pillow and stabbed it with a knife, and the thing fell down screaming, and the sound was different. Hurriedly took out the lamp and lit it, and it hurt a lot, and the person who was stabbed turned out to be a six-year-old son. After all-out treatment, he finally died of a knife in the heart. Later, Zhao Scar held a knife all day long on the embankment of the Tuxiao River to find Pi, for a long time, his hair and beard were white, longer than a foot, like a wild man. I don't know what to do.

In the rural areas of northern Lubei, every family has the wind of raising chickens, as few as a few and as many as dozens. The author lost his father when he was young, and his mother raised dozens of chickens every year in order to make ends meet. However, no matter how strong the chicken coop is, it will inevitably be plagued by wild animals. In order to protect themselves, the chickens use the two jujube trees in the yard as a habitat. Every evening, the chickens flapped their wings and flew up to the courtyard wall and then to the treetops. When wild animals struck, the chickens flew wildly, and the mother woke up and scolded loudly, and the wild animals fled. When I was 16 years old, I made my own earthen gun. Every day after dinner, I read and write at my desk in the back room. Before going to bed, the earthen gun is set up on the windowsill, and the muzzle of the gun is outward.

One summer night, the author had just turned off the lights, and had not yet fallen asleep, when he suddenly heard the sound of a rooster crowing outside, looked through the window, and saw a thing standing under the jujube tree, about a foot and a half high, with a snow-white body and two eyes that were bright green, swimming and flickering like a lantern. Then he held the gun in his hand and pulled the bolt of the gun. By this time, the mother had already gotten up and whispered not to shoot. However, it was too late, and the author pulled the trigger, and the gun did not go off, but the sound of the firing pin alarmed the object, and it disappeared. On the 2nd, the author consulted a senior hunter, who tied his gun to a tree and tied a long rope to the trigger. The author has palpitations and is puzzled: is it a misfortune? Is the gun flawed? No solution.

The Legend of Guqiu Mountain

My birthplace is Houxing Village, Yucheng County, Shandong Province (the county was withdrawn from the county and established as a city in 1993), and the village has less than 200 people. One of the nine rivers dredged when the village was in the east side of the village when "Dayu controls the water" - Tuxiao River, the east bank of the river is the county seat. In the west of the village, there is a mound, named "Guqiu Mountain". According to legend, when Yu ruled the water, he had been in this mound as a mountain, climbed this mound to inspect the terrain and water potential, and left this mound of "ten thousand high, wide times", known as Guqiu Mountain.

In the Ming Dynasty, in order to commemorate the merits of Dayu, the local government built the Yuwang Temple on Guqiu Mountain. In the 53rd year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, the county governor Zeng Jiugao raised funds to rebuild, and purchased temple properties and recruited monks. In the second year of Yongzheng, the local officials rebuilt, which was more magnificent than before, and the incense was more prosperous.

When I was young, I often went to play on Guqiu Mountain with my friends. Although the mountain is not tall, it has dense locust forests, lush flowers and plants, and bottomless caves, which are also interesting and often do not want to return. Sometimes, villagers with earthen guns are seen blocking the entrance of the cave, lighting the wild artemisia grass, and sending smoke into the cave with a pu fan, commonly known as "smoked badger". One autumn, the people of Mazhuang Village captured a badger. The badger was fat, and the black hair on its whole body was shiny and shiny. It could not withstand the smoke and fire, and jumped out of the hole, and as soon as it came out of the hole, it fell into the net and was pressed to the ground by the horse. It is said that the oil made from badger meat can cure burns and scalds, and it is very spiritual. Ma Sizheng was full of joy, and an old man who was cutting the grass next to him shook his head and sighed: "Evil, scourge the spiritual things on this mound, and you will be punished!" Ma Si didn't believe it, smiled and stuffed the badger into the back basket and left. A few days later, when Ma Si was working in the crop field, the ox was frightened, trampled him under his hoof, and one leg fell and he was disabled for life.

Once upon a time, the spirits on Guqiu Mountain lived in harmony with the local people. A fox with a gunshot wound, after being cured by the village doctor Mr. Zou, Mr. Zou, who suffers from infertility, suddenly picked up a big fat boy in the doorway of his house. But the fact that the second carpenter in our village repaired the house for the fox is still little known.

Our village is a well-known carpenter village, and every household has a carpenter. The second carpenter is an art learned from his eldest brother, and the eldest brother is a big carpenter, so he is the second carpenter. It was not long after liberation, and it was one night, and the second carpenter was walking home alone with a adze in his hand. There is a rule in the carpenter's shop that when you go out to work, when you come back in the evening, all other tools can be left in the owner's house, except for the adze, which must be brought back. What does this mean, no one can explain. But there are two more reliable theories: one is that if the blade of the adzes is blunt, it is more difficult to grind, and it is placed in the owner's house, for fear that the owner will use it indiscriminately and break the blade; Second, the adzes are the sharpest blades and the longest handles among carpenters' tools, which are most suitable for self-defense. At that time, when I went out of the village to work, I went out early and returned late, and I couldn't see the sun at both ends, and I relied on walking, so I could defend myself and strengthen my courage with a shovel in my hand.

The second carpenter drank a little wine, and walked past the south side of Guqiu Mountain, and when he was drunk, he suddenly saw an old woman holding a lantern in the middle of the road. He clenched the adzes in his hand and asked, "What are you doing?" The woman smiled and said, Don't be afraid, I have a little work at home, and if I want to work hard for my master, I will be rewarded. The second carpenter saw that it was too late, and hesitated a little, but then felt that the woman's words were earnest, and he answered. The old woman walked through a sorghum field and came to the door of a house. The woman said that this door was too narrow, and the family often hung torn clothes when they went in and out, so she begged the master to work hard to make the door a little bigger.

The second carpenter saw that the door had only a frame, no door leaf, and the border was staggered and uneven, and thought that it was also from a poor family, so he used a shovel to cut off a little on all sides of the door frame, and then flattened it all. The woman thanked him and gave him a delicate brocade box. The second carpenter was anxious to return home, and before he could take a closer look, he hurried home. Early the next morning, the second carpenter opened the brocade box, and there were ten silver dollars inside. Surprised, he felt that the remuneration was too heavy, so he sent it back. When he returned along the original road, the place he came to last night turned out to be Guqiu Mountain, and there was no house nearby. Suddenly, I found that there was a bottomless hole under an ancient locust tree halfway up the hill, and the roots of the intertwined roots at the entrance of the cave were neatly cut and the stubble was new. The second carpenter was stunned for a while, scattered the money at the entrance of the cave, and turned to leave.

In the evening, the second carpenter had a dream, and the old woman smiled at him and said, "Master, why did you return the money?" You deserve it. The second carpenter said, I don't dare to ask for so much money. The old woman said, "Well, if you have any trouble in the future, come here to me, and light incense under the tree, and if you see the tree moving, tell me about you."

When he woke up the next day, the second carpenter thought it was just a dream, and what happened that night might have been a hallucination caused by drinking too much, so he left it behind.

Soon, two carpenters were newly married. In the past, the tables and stools used in the village were all put together by the villagers. It just so happened that the day was excellent, and there were three happy events in the village. The two carpenters' family borrowed the whole village, but only borrowed two seats, which was far from the number of ten seats. In desperation, I suddenly remembered that dream. There was no other solution, so I decided to give it a try. That night, the second carpenter quietly came to Guqiu Mountain, and according to the old woman's instructions, he lit a stick of incense under the ancient locust tree. Before the incense burned half an inch, the locust tree was really windless. The second carpenter was afraid and happy, and said what he needed with trepidation. But the locust tree returned to calm, and he waited until midnight, but there was still no sound around him, so he had to return home. That night, the old woman appeared again in his dream, and said to him, "Before the sun rises tomorrow, you can get it in a chariot, and you must come yourself!" The second carpenter nodded in response, and the old woman disappeared.

The next morning, the second carpenter woke up, and although he was suspicious of what happened in the dream, he did not want to break his trust with the old woman. So he put on an ox cart and hurried to Guqiu Mountain. When he arrived, it coincided with the sunrise, and in the morning sun, a large number of tables and chairs were neatly stacked under the ancient locust tree.

In the following years, some people followed the example of the two carpenters, and went to Guqiu Mountain to borrow tables and stools. Later, after the "Cultural Revolution", the mountain was dug up, the pavilion was destroyed, and the tree was cut down, and there was no effect.

Snake Killing

Money is like that, successful businessmen. The daughter is studying abroad, accompanied by his wife, and lives alone in a villa in the suburbs.

Qian Ru has been in and out of star-rated restaurants all year round, tired of eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, and often faces a table full of delicacies, and has no way to get off.

On a business trip to the south, I occasionally tasted the snake feast, which was delicious and delicious, and I still remembered it after returning. However, because northerners do not eat snakes, all restaurants and restaurants do not operate snake dishes. Qian was so greedy that he remembered the famous saying "do it yourself, have enough food and clothing". So when he had a little leisure, he held a homemade snake tongs and a rattan basket to catch snakes along the edge of the ditch. Because there is no one to catch snakes in the local area, there are many snakes, and money is hunted every time he goes out. There are no venomous snakes in the north, so there is no danger.

Every time he came back from catching snakes, Qian Ru did it himself, peeled the skin, cut it into sections, washed it, or braised it, or stewed it, or spicy stir-fry, or braised it in a yellow stew, and ate it in a variety of ways, and he became addicted to eating for a long time.

In the early autumn evening, Qian Ru was looking for snakes in the grass under the embankment of the Tuxiao River. Suddenly, he saw that two red flower snakes, one large and one small, were entangled and playing together, so he stretched out his clamps and clamped the big snake first, and the little snake hurriedly fled to the depths of the grass. Qian Ru put the big snake into the rattan basket, covered the lid, and hurried to chase the little snake, but the little snake did not run far, caught up, clamped the "seven inches", and caught it back. He opened the rattan basket and was about to put the little snake in, but he didn't want to, but the big snake suddenly jumped out and ran away! Qian threw the little snake into the basket, covered the lid tightly, and went after the big snake. The big snake swam very fast, and several times the pincers did not clamp it, so he waved the tongs and cut it, and actually cut off a tail more than five inches long, and the snake swam faster under the pain, and disappeared into the grass after a few strokes. Qian Ru searched for a long time, but to no avail, so he had to pick up the snake tail and return in a huff.

That night, Qian Ru cleaned up the little snake and fried a plate of spicy food, poured himself a bottle of dry red, and fell asleep. On the morning of the second day, I suddenly remembered the snake tail yesterday, so I wanted to peel and chop it, temporarily store it in the refrigerator, and cook it together when I caught the snake again. No, the snake's tail actually disappeared. Where did it go? Qian Ru did not like pets, and only had a German "black back", which was chained in front of the yard door and could not get close to the kitchen. Because Qian Ru lives alone, he pays special attention to safety, closes the door every time he enters the house, and checks the door and window locks before going to bed, making it more difficult for wild cats and dogs to enter. Confused, the phone rang, and after answering the phone, he hurried out to meet an important client. The snake's tail was forgotten.

One night, Qian Ru was in his sleep, felt that someone was strangling his neck, after waking up, he turned on the bedside lamp, and saw a big red snake was wrapped around his neck, he suddenly felt that his soul was scattered, and he tried his best to pull it with both hands, but the snake body was slippery and slippery, and he couldn't use force, so he groped and pinched the snake's head hard, trying to force the snake to loosen, but the snake was tighter, his eyes were dark, and everything was over.

When Qian woke up, it was noon the next day. The snake was still wrapped around his neck, but it was weak and weak, and he killed the snake in the last moments of his life, and he recovered. Throw the snake on the ground, look closely, the snake's tail five inches, there is an obvious seam, suddenly recalled the lost snake tail, and suddenly felt shocked: the snake found here to continue the broken tail by itself, and the vitality is too tenacious.

Qian threw the dead snake on the kitchen floor and drove outside to a dinner.

When he returned in the afternoon, he came to the kitchen and wanted to peel off the snake, but when he reached out and lifted it, it was a snake skin.

Qian Ru was in a cold sweat, and the snake actually eased up and ran away. He knew that the snake was here for revenge, and it would not let itself go easily. Since then, every night, Qian Ru is so frightened that he does not dare to sleep, and as soon as he closes his eyes, he feels that the snake is wrapped around his neck again. I had to often invite friends to come to the house to drink, rub hemp, and use various reasons to keep friends to live and be brave for myself.

Winter is coming, and Qian Ru is finally relieved. He knew that snakes were meant to hibernate.

Money returned to normal life.

Qian Ru died in the summer of the following year. There were obvious strangulation marks on his neck, and the police concluded that he had been strangled to death in bed. But the doors and windows were locked and showed no signs of damage. There was no trace of the scene, and the detection work was blocked.

The case remains unsolved.


Lubei businessman Yan Shigao, love to drive, although the waist is full of money, but do not hire drivers, self-driving "BMW" in and out of various occasions, drunk driving has become commonplace.

One summer night, Yan Shigao rushed to two wine venues in a row, drank more than a pound, and when he returned, it was more than ten o'clock late. Walking to the embankment of the Tuxiao River, the wine is surging, the drunken eyes are hazy, and they are still barely supporting. Suddenly, I heard a scream, which was extremely miserable. Hurriedly stepped on the brakes, got out of the car and borrowed the lights to see, a girl fell in front of the car, her face covered in blood. Suddenly shocked, the wine was half gone. He squatted down and looked carefully, and saw that the girl was wearing a black suit, a red tie, a short black skirt, and a sign on her chest: Huang Yingying, the foreman of Wanchun Hotel. Yan thought about it fiercely, and finally didn't want to bear the heavy responsibility of causing an accident after drinking, so he saw that there was no one in front of him, so he drove away.

A few days later, Yan Shigao went out for entertainment and returned late, and walked to a no-man's road section at the junction of urban and rural areas, and suddenly saw a group of people in front of the car, slammed on the brakes, pressed the window glass, and was about to reprimand, but saw that there was no one in front of him. He turned on all the headlights, constantly changing the lights from far and near, and the headlights illuminated the road as bright as day, but there was still no human figure, suspected that it was dazzling, so he got into the car and continued to move forward. As soon as he picked up speed, the man appeared in front again, vaguely a woman, wearing a short black skirt and a black suit. He pressed the horn again and again, but the woman still walked slowly, not evading. He stopped the car, got out of the car, and was about to curse, when the man disappeared again. He got into the car again, and as soon as he started it, the woman appeared in front of the car again, walking lightly in the middle of the road. Yan Shigao already sensed something was wrong and decided to bypass the woman from one side. No, the woman seems to have eyes behind her back, Yan Che is on the left, she is on the left: Yan Che is on the right, she is on the right. When Yan Shigao got out of the car again and wanted to reason with him, the person disappeared again. If it was three times, Yan Shigao was angry and evil, increased the accelerator, and hit the woman's back! With a loud bang, the car crashed into a big tree, and Yan Shigao threw it out of the front windshield, and his soul immediately returned to the west.

On the morning of the second day, the police who went out of the scene saw a "BMW" car crashed into a large poplar tree, and the owner of the car was thrown in front of a new grave on the side of the road, and the body was stiff. There is a stele in front of the tomb, and there are words on the stele: Beloved daughter Yingying, twenty years old, in a car accident at night, seriously injured, delayed rescue, died, heartbroken for the father, set up a monument to die. Monument erector: Huang ××.

Killing the Pig

In the early spring of 1993, in the early morning, he and Brother Jingmin went to the Grange to buy pigs. Yesterday, Jingmin had already contacted and negotiated the price with the seller.

When I saw the pig, I was astonished: it was as big as a calf, and its mane was thick and long: its mouth was longer than a foot, and there was a fangs sticking out on the left and right, and it was a little white and gloomy. When I got closer, a thick stench came straight over, and I almost wanted to gause. This is a six-year-old breeding pig that has reached the age of retirement. In order to facilitate its daily mating, the owner has tied a pair of iron chains around its neck since he was a child, half of which was polished by it, and the half that was far away from it was rusty and sticky with a little feces. After paying the money, Jingmin took the iron chain with his hand, and I took a straw behind me to catch it, and the pig followed obediently, and the iron chain jingled for five or six miles, but there was no trace of breaking free.

It is regarded as a good thing to do on weekdays, can An not obey?

The slaughter was in the house of the people. Wrap the chain around an elm tree and tighten it. Then, we squatted down on the right side of the pig, Jingmin in front, I in the back, after exchanging glances with each other, we stretched out our hands together, I grabbed two hind hooves, Jingmin grabbed two front hooves, and together we exerted force, and dragged it horizontally, the pig first left the two hooves on the right side of the ground, and then the huge body suddenly fell sideways. The pig woke up, however, it was too late, although it was powerful, but the four hooves were facing the sky, and it could not kick the ground, and the power of a thousand catties could not be initiated, so it could only scream desperately and kick the sky. After a while, the two tied the front and back hooves of the pig with hemp rope. I pressed the back half of the pig's body, Jing Min pressed the pig's head with his knees, grabbed the pig's chin with his left hand, and broke it so hard that the pig's neck was exposed. Then, Jingmin picked up the air knife, which was narrow and long, and sharp. Jingmin held the knife in his right hand, the blade was facing outward, and he inserted the air knife into the throat of the pig, but the knife only went in half an inch and could not be inserted. The pig struggled desperately, and it seemed that he could no longer hold it.

Jingmin's face was sweating profusely, his right hand was trembling with strength, and the knife still did not enter. The pig was in pain, and with a loud howl, the race turned over, and both of them were thrown aside. As soon as the pig's four hooves hit the ground, and with only three or two blows, he broke the hemp rope and pounced on me! The chains that bind it were broken! The pig came violently, and his eyes were bloodshot. I was terrified, and when I saw a chicken coop against the wall, I jumped on it, and after a little reprisal, I jumped up to the earthen wall, and just sat down, the chicken coop had been collapsed by the pigs. The pig then struck the earthen wall, because the earthen wall had been damp and alkaline for many years, and the roots of the wall had become alkaline in many places, and it was very weak. Jingmin woke up in terror, picked up an iron shovel, and slapped it on the pig's head! The pig wailed, turned around and threw himself at Jingmin again! I jumped off the wall, found a pickaxe, and smashed it at the pig's head. When the pig saw that they had all taken the house, he stopped attacking and fled around the courtyard.

But the gate has long been locked, the pig has no way to escape, and the room for maneuver is small, so he is ruthless, ignoring the belongings in our hands, and attacks the two of us in turn! The two were invincible, and under the dodge of respecting the people, they stumbled under their feet and fell to the sky. The pig wanted to pounce, I held the shovel in front of Jingmin, aimed at the pig's temple, and hit hard! Center. The pig finally fainted and staggered down. Jingmin turned over and got up and said, hurry! I didn't wake up with it. Tie the pig again, combine the strength of the two, and insert the air knife into the pig's throat, and blood spurts out! More than five feet of squirting! The smell of the fish spreads. Jingmin wanted to vomit several times, and his wife took a towel and covered his mouth before he dared to approach the pig. Subsequently, unloading the hoof, beheading, shaving the tail, Jingmin is a veteran, holding a knife in the pig's trotters, pig's neck, pig's tail between the bone cracks, cooking, like a cow, it only took five or six minutes, has been picked up.

The next step is to peel the skin, I hold the peeling knife, first from the edge of the throat, along the middle of the chest and belly, all the way down to the anus, picking out a white flower in the middle of the line. Kyungmin and I stood on one side and peeled the skin on both sides, starting from the middle line of the pork belly. The pigskin is more than half an inch thick, and when you grasp it, it is straight and hard, and it cannot be bent, and it cannot be held tightly, which is completely different from the softness of the previous peeled pigskin. Jing Min sighed: No wonder the knife can't be stabbed, this guy is simply copper skin and iron bones. I had to keep the knife away from the skin and walk against the flesh before I could peel it off. Hearing the sound of "fluttering" is like cutting old grass. After peeling off, spread it out, a big skin, like a blanket. The skinned pig is snow-white and lies on its back like a snowdrift. After a short rest, they used an iron hook to hang the pig's hind buttocks, and wanted to use a crowbar to hang it on the horizontal frame, but the pig was too heavy, and the two were panting like cattle, and tried many times to no avail. Then he called Jingmin's sister-in-law and went out to invite two young and strong helpers to hang it upside down on the shelf. Disemboweling, still starting from the belly, with a sharp knife lightly, for fear of hurting the internal organs. Scratched to the chest, a large lump of intestines overflowed, wanting to fall. Jingmin put the knife in his mouth, grabbed the tail of the large intestine with both hands, pulled it hard, and the water poured out as soon as it hung up, and fell into the large basin on the ground, steaming hot, exuding a faint fishy smell. Between the water and the heart, liver and lungs, there is still a layer of diaphragm, respect the people to take a knife, stretch into the chamber, left and right each cut a knife, hear the sound of sneering, the diaphragm suddenly open. Reaching inside, digging and dragging, a set of heart, liver, lungs with residual blood, and even the air and throat pipes were unloaded and thrown into a clean basin.

Finally, divide the pork into two even slices. I stood on the back of the pig, held the leg with my left hand to stabilize it, and held the machete in my right hand, first lightly and shallowly, cutting a gap in the middle of the tailbone, and then, holding the knife tightly, aimed at the gap and slashing vertically, half a foot down, the knife was in the middle of the spine. Respect for the people, it's true. Then he made several slashes and finally divided the pork into two slices. Judging from the knife edge, the whole body of the pig is only a thin layer of white meat, like cotton wool, and the bread inside is full of red meat, and the shredded meat is coarse beef. Jingmin said that this pig is too long, ordinary people, it is not easy to make it cooked, only sent to the ham factory, high pressure and high temperature simmering and sterilization, can be eaten. I didn't want to go to the market to sell it, so I agreed to it. The two carried two large slices of pork on three rounds and sent them to the ham factory. After the settlement is completed, after the cost is discarded, each person will get more than 100 yuan, which is equivalent to one month's salary of ordinary workers. are all happy, and it is almost noon, I entered a restaurant, ordered a plate of bean sprouts and tofu, accompanied by a pound of sweet potatoes to burn down, and returned drunk.

That breeding pig is more than 500 catties, which is a masterpiece in my pig killing career. Later, I gave up the knife and followed the literature, and after 20 years of practice, I have not been able to surpass the masterpiece.

Chicken Fragrance

The author was poor when he was a child, and when he was eight years old, he didn't know what chicken tasted like.

People ask, what's the best to eat?

In short, fritters.

He who asks laughs, and he who listens laughs. I don't know why, but I also laugh.

One Sunday, I went to my classmates to do my homework, and at noon, I packed my schoolbag and went home. Ask classmates, what? So fragrant. The classmate replied that my mother was stewing chicken. After that, seeing that his mother was not there, he led me into the stove house. On a large cauldron, the lid of the wood is pressed, and the aroma is escaping from the perimeter of the lid and the cracks in the wood. The classmate lifted the lid, reached inside, and grabbed a piece of chicken. The meat was hot, and he couldn't bear it, so he quickly put it on my hand. I couldn't stand it, so I filled it into my mouth, although it was so hot that I "sizzled" and exhaled, I still felt that the fragrance was incomparable, and I swallowed it in a few bites, but I didn't even spit out the bones. When I got home, I felt a pain in my mouth, and when I looked in the mirror, I had two big blisters on my tongue. Since then, I have learned that chicken is the best thing in the world.

The mother raises chickens all year round, and uses the eggs laid by the chickens in exchange for the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar needed on weekdays. At that time, there were many raccoon dogs, picoons, weasels and other things in the countryside, and they often came to steal chickens, and it was impossible to prevent them. For every chicken that is lost, the mother will be sad for days. Therefore, I dare not have the luxury of eating chicken.

In the early hours of the morning, the rooster crowed. The mother opened the door and shook the with a flashlight as she spoke. A weasel dragged a chicken over the wall. After dawn, the mother followed the bloodstains to the reed bay behind the house, and found half of the weasel's leftover chicken. The mother defeathered the chicken, chopped it into pieces, washed it, and simmered it in a cauldron to create a yard-wide aroma. The four brothers and sisters, each of whom shared half a bowl, ate so much that there was no soup left.

After the autumn of this year, the corn was put into storage and the wheat was sown. A chicken eats a wheat seed mixed with pesticides, staggers home, and falls headlong. I was overjoyed and could vaguely smell the smell of chicken. But the mother did not panic, took a pair of scissors for tailoring, struck a match, and burned the scissors, which was counted as sterilization. Then, he held the chicken in his arms, reamed the chicken with scissors, removed all the wheat particles inside, rinsed it repeatedly with water, and then stuffed a few grains of corn into the chicken and sewed it with a sewing needle. After the mother gave it "surgery", she put it in the grass nest in front of the chicken coop and went to work. The chicken remained as if it were dead, half-open, half-closed, motionless. I thought it was going to die, so I took a mazar and sat beside it, and looked at it quietly. The autumn sun shone on the feathers of the chicken, reflecting a soft sheen, and I couldn't help but touch its feathers with my hands, smooth and soft, like a quilt freshly made of new cotton. As soon as my hand left, it moved. I thought I was dazzled, but when I looked closely, its little eyes were already open, blinking and blinking, and then, slowly, it stood up. I regret that the flesh that came to my mouth was alive like this.

A few days later, another old hen was lost in the house. The mother called in the reed bay behind the house for a long time, but there was no reply, so she had to give up. In the afternoon, I sneaked into Reed Bay, brushed aside the yellow reeds, and conducted a carpet search of the entire Reed Bay. What I want to see most is half of a chicken that has been eaten by a fox or a pico, and I can only eat the chicken when it is in this condition. It took me half a day to search Weiziwan to the bottom of the world, but I couldn't find a single chicken feather, but I actually picked up a nest of eggs, as many as seven or eight, and finally had a little comfort for my mother. Since then, I have developed a hobby of searching the grass and firewood stacks in my spare time, hoping to find eggs or chicks, but I have never been able to do so. To this day, whenever I go to the suburbs and villages, I see the grass and firewood, and I still subconsciously search for it, but it is difficult to change my bad habits.

The old hen disappeared into our lives without leaving a trace. Time slowly walked through my young life, and my desire for chicken grew day by day, even though I knew that it could only be a dream that could only be met but not desired. After the old hen faded out of our lives, she suddenly miraculously reappeared. It was a Sunday morning, at ten o'clock, and it paced slowly, like a triumphant general, and came to the middle of the courtyard, and suddenly it stretched out its wings, and from under the wings came down a flock of chicks chirping and joy, and I counted them, and it turned out to be eleven. When the mother heard the sound, she came out of the house, and when she saw this, she was overjoyed, and went back to the house, and grabbed a large handful of golden corn kernels, and scattered them beside it. The other chickens tried to come over and share, but their mothers drove them away with brooms. The hen has been hungry for a long time, greedy for food, but still does not forget to protect the chicks, every time she sees a chick go away, that is, she circles her wings back to her side. My heart warms: how much this is like our family. The old hen, who was the "hero", was finally killed by her mother. It has developed the habit of laying eggs outside and incubating its own chicks, commonly known as "out of tune". But it was really dangerous outside, and the eggs it laid were either swallowed by snakes or caught by others. After not seeing the eggs he laid for a month, my mother finally relented and used it to satisfy our brother and sister. It was the first time our family killed a chicken, and it was also the first whole chicken that the whole family ate.

At that time, the author was ten years old. I still remember that the smell of chicken is still in my chest. But today's chickens are far from the chickens of childhood, and if you eat them again, they taste the same as chewing wax.

(Shanhua, Issue 22, 2010)