
In the official history, the ending of the five metropolitan governors of Eastern Wu!

In the official history, the ending of the five metropolitan governors of Eastern Wu!

1. Zhou Yu

In the romance, Zhou Yu's image was greatly discounted, Wen Taowu was slightly inferior to the clever Kong Ming everywhere, and the strategies used could not escape Kong Ming's eyes, and the results were all empty bamboo baskets, annoyed and angry, and shouted: "Both Shengyu and He Shengliang!" "I'm dying!

In the official history, Zhou Gongjin is not only handsome, but also versatile. It was the founding father of Eastern Wu and Sun Ce's dying minister, when Sun Quan was young and did not change things, and asked Zhou Yu about foreign affairs.

The greatest credit was in the Battle of Chibi, winning more with less, and defeating Cao's army with fire. In one fell swoop, it established the status of Soochow as one of the three points in the world. In 210 AD, he died of illness on the way to capture Sichuan, at the age of 35. If Zhou Yu's wish came true, then there would be no Shu Han after Liu Bei. It can be seen that the real Zhou Yu is quite powerful! He is listed as one of the sixty-four generals in ancient and modern times.

In the official history, the ending of the five metropolitan governors of Eastern Wu!

Second, Lu Su

In the romance, Lu Suke is an authentic honest man, who was played by Kong Ming, and even acted as a guarantor, lent Jingzhou to Liu Bei, and repeatedly helped Kong Ming get out of danger, so that Zhou Yu's plan failed. Later, he failed to ask for Jingzhou, and became a thankless sinner.

In the official history, Lu Zijing is a great talent, who once presented "Couch Policy" to Sun Quan, and set foot in Jiangdong to seek the world. This is seven years earlier than Kong Ming's "Longzhong Pair", which shows that this person is indeed far-sighted.

In 215 A.D., in order to compete for Jingzhou, the two sides of Sun and Liu were about to break out, and Lu Su went to the meeting alone in order to take into account the overall situation and maintain the alliance between Sun and Liu. It can be seen that the protagonist is not Guan Gong as mentioned in the romance, but Lu Su. He died two years later at the age of 45.

In the official history, the ending of the five metropolitan governors of Eastern Wu!

3. Lu Meng

In the romance, Lu Meng is an out-and-out sinister villain, who thinks about how to take Jingzhou all day long, so that he is very attentive to Guan Gong, so as to paralyze and relax his guard. Later, he crossed the river in white, backstabbed his allies, and took Jingzhou in one fell swoop, which was the culprit who killed Guan Gong, but he deserved it, and was killed by Guan Gong's appearance, and he bled to death.

In the official history, Wuxia Amun, but the representative of Duzhi mechanics, Shibei three days, should be impressed. In the battle of Anhui City, he overrode public opinion, forcibly attacked the city, and fought a quick battle. Later, it worked, capturing Taishou Zhuguang and capturing tens of thousands of enemy soldiers. It turned out that Lu Meng was meticulous and saw that the city wall was dilapidated and vulnerable.

In the matter of seeking Jingzhou, it is almost the same as Romance, taking advantage of Princess Guan's fierce battle with Cao's army on the front line, let Wu Jun pretend to be a merchant and surprise attack Jingzhou, which is empty in defense. Soon after Guan Gong's defeat and death, Lü Meng also died of a sudden illness at the age of 42.

In the official history, the ending of the five metropolitan governors of Eastern Wu!

Fourth, Lu Xun

In the romance, Lu Xun is a proper beautiful man, eight feet long, with a face like beautiful jade and a body like a condensed crisp. has the talent of the heavens and latitudes, but compared to Kong Ming, who is full of strategy, he is still slightly inferior. once strayed into the gossip array set up by Kong Ming, but fortunately survived with the guidance of his father-in-law Huang Chengyan.

In the official history, Lu Boyan used soldiers like a god, comparable to Zhou Yu. He was once an unknown person, and he became famous all over the world for assisting Lü Meng in seizing Jingzhou.

In the Battle of Yiling, he skillfully used fire to attack and defeated Liu Bei, who had an advantage in troops. In the battle of Shiting, the Wei army was broken, more than 10,000 people were captured, and countless baggage were captured.

In 244 AD, Lu Xun was unfortunately involved in the dispute between Sun He and Sun Ba's crown prince, and was blamed by Sun Quan, and the following year, he died of grief at the age of 62. It was listed as one of the sixty-four generals in ancient and modern times.

In the official history, the ending of the five metropolitan governors of Eastern Wu!

Fifth, land resistance

In the romance, the friendship between Lu Kang and Yanghu is a good story, although they are enemies, each guarding the border, but the two sides have not committed any crimes, and give each other good wine and medicine, this is the reason why the heroes cherish each other!

In the official history, Lu Youjie is the son of Lu Xun, the pillar of the late Eastern Wu Dynasty, and has continued the national throne for nearly 20 years.

In 272 A.D., the Xiling Governor Buyan rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, and Lu Kang commanded the crusade. Yang Hu, a famous general of the Jin Kingdom, led a large army to support Bu Shen.

Seeing that his abdomen and back were under attack, Lu Kang had a wit, and built another city outside Xiling City overnight.

The generals didn't understand it very much, and felt that building the city was time-consuming and laborious, and it was better to attack the city quickly. Lu Kang explained: "Xiling City was personally planned and supervised by me before, it is unbreakable, it will not be able to be conquered in a moment and a half, if the enemy army should cooperate with the outside, the Wu army will be in danger!" Only then did the generals suddenly realize.

Later, he defeated the Jin army, invaded the city, and killed Bu Xian. Two years later, Lu Kang died of illness at the age of 48, one of the 64 generals in ancient and modern times.

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