
In this world, the most worthless thing is tears. He never thought about it and later regretted it because of this sentence


In this world, the most worthless thing is tears. He never thought about it and later regretted it because of this sentence

Chapter 1: Heavy snow in Beijing

On the sixth day of the third month of the third year of Yongshou, heavy snow filled Beijing.

A horse-drawn carriage drove slowly through the wind and snow.

A young woman sits alone in a car, her eyes slightly closed, and a tired green shadow can be faintly seen under her long eyelashes.

The carriage shook and woke her up.

"Is Tranquility there?" An urgent question sounded outside the car.

When Yan Anning heard this voice, his eyes moved, and he didn't make a sound.

"Tranquility!" The man seemed to know that she was in the car, and said quickly, "I have a way to prevent you from entering the palace!" ”

Hearing this, Yan Anning pondered for a moment and lifted the curtain.

In front of the carriage stopped a man, about the age of the weak crown, handsome, I don't know how long he had been outside, his face was red from the cold.

Seeing him, Yan Anning remembered what had happened in half an hour.


Half an hour ago, Jiangfu.

Yan Anning knelt in front of the bed, the old man on the bed wrapped cotton cloth on his head, closed his eyes and fell asleep, his sideburns stained with dried blood.

The housekeeper of the Jiang Mansion stood aside and whispered to Yan Anning: "Today in the imperial study, the lord heard that His Majesty intends to admit the girl into the palace, and there was a dispute with His Majesty...... I'm afraid there will be more than one luck. ”

Yan Anning looked at the old man's withered face and closed his eyes: "My father was seriously injured in defeat, and my eldest brother was on the battlefield to receive the troops, and my grandfather was worried that the emperor wanted to take me as a hostage and force the Yan family army to defend Liangzhou." ”

"Rest assured," the housekeeper comforted, "The master has asked me to send a message to the Zhu family on the way out of the palace, you and Young Master Zhu have a marriage contract, as long as you get married immediately, Your Majesty cannot forcibly rob other people's wives." ”

Yan Anning got up and looked at the flying snow foam outside the window: "Is there an echo from the Zhu family?" ”

The housekeeper said: "The post was only sent in the morning, and the Yan and Zhu families have not yet passed the ceremony, and the Zhu family will complete the set in a day or two, I'm afraid it will take some work." ”

As soon as the words fell, a small servant entered the house with a brocade box in his hand: "Housekeeper, the Zhu Mansion sent someone to send this." ”

The housekeeper was overjoyed: "Girl, this should be the marriage book prepared by the Zhu family." ”

Yan Anning opened the box, and the housekeeper whispered "Huh" beside him: "This is?" ”

The box contained not a marriage letter, but a dagger.

The dagger was thin and short, and it was covered with a black leather sheath with many signs of wear and tear on the sheath.

Yan Anning picked up the dagger, which was her father's self-defense, the Yan and Zhu families discussed marriage a few years ago, and the father exchanged the dagger as a token with the Zhu family, and agreed to wait for him to return to Beijing in the coming year, and the two families officially organized a marriage.

Yan Anning took out his dagger and looked at it: "What else did the people from the Zhu family say?" ”

"He said that he gave us a pair of green jade cable bracelets last year, and he wanted to find the master to exchange them back." The little girl was puzzled as she spoke, "That family is so rude, how can there be a reason to return the things they sent." ”

"Shut up." Although the butler didn't know the dagger in the box, he immediately understood when he heard the green jade cable bracelet.

The pair of green jade cable bracelets were the tokens given by the Zhu family, and they were collected by Jiang Hanzhi, who was his grandfather's substitute for Yan Anning, in Jiangfu.

At present, the Zhu family wants to get the bracelet back, which is clearly regretting the marriage.

"The Zhu family deceives people too much!" The butler shouted angrily, "Who did they send?" Get people out! ”

"Wait." Yan Anning stopped him, "Return the bracelet." ”

"Girl?" The housekeeper was indignant, "This is too cheap for them!" ”

"The world is hot and cold, and people are like this." Yan Anning inserted the dagger back into the scabbard and put it in his sleeve, "It has been five days since the news of my father's defeat came back to Beijing, and the Zhu family has never been to Yanfu to ask. ”

Since then, she has guessed the attitude of the Zhu family, but she just doesn't want her grandfather to worry, so she deliberately conceals it.

"Don't tell your grandfather about the Zhu family," Yan Anning advised, "I have asked the maid to go home and find a doctor, they have been in the army, and they are the best at treating external injuries. ”


Yan Anning boarded the return carriage and sat alone in the dim car with his eyes closed.

In the past few days, she has been worried about the safety of her father and brother, and she has worked hard to inquire about the news, and today her grandfather has an accident again, and the emperor still wants to admit her into the palace.

Now that the military situation in Liangzhou is tight, if the emperor wants her to enter the palace, I am afraid that it will be in these two days.

Yan Anning thought about his future plans, and before he could figure out his head, the carriage was stopped on the street.

She glanced around: "Master Zhu, if you have any high opinions, you might as well speak up." ”

The person who stopped the carriage was Zhu Siyuan, the son of the Zhu family and who divorced her.

Zhu Siyuan listened to her detached tone, and his eyes were slightly dark: "It's inconvenient here, let's find a place to talk about it?" ”

Yan Anning groaned slightly, and pointed to the side: "That's it." ”

There is a three-storey building on the side of the road, and the shop signs on the flagpole are covered with snow, and the three big characters of "Shanyue Tower" can be faintly seen. Shanyue Tower is a tea house, with an elegant room, and the privacy is excellent, no matter what you say, you are not afraid of being heard.

In order to avoid people's eyes, Yan Anning chose a tea room in the inconspicuous corner on the third floor.

"Say," she sat down at the table, "what is Zhu Gongzi's plan?" ”

Zhu Siyuan approached her: "An Ning, it is my mother's intention to withdraw from the marriage, I never thought of breaking the marriage contract with you, you have to believe me." ”

Yan Anning raised his eyes: "Your father has handed in his resignation yesterday, I heard that you plan to return to Lin'an's hometown?" ”

Zhu Siyuan was stunned: "How do you know?" ”

"You Zhu family avoids it, I have to ask what Master Zhu is busy with."

"I'm not going back to my hometown." Zhu Siyuan squatted down in front of her knees, "An Ning, let's go to a place where no one knows us, I promise, I will treat you well, even if you don't have fine clothes and food, I will never let you suffer." “

Yan Anning got up: "The Yan and Zhu families have nothing to do with each other, Zhu Gongzi, if your solution is to elope, you might as well go home." ”

"No, I'm not going back!" Zhu Siyuan stood up, "I don't want to listen to my mother!" Anning, I like you, from the first time I saw you, I loved it. ”

Yan Anning was very close to him, and faintly smelled a hint of wine, she stepped aside: "Master Zhu, farewell." ”

"Tranquility!" Zhu Siyuan suddenly hugged her, "I just want to marry you, if you go with me, I will be for the rest of my life-ah!" ”

He screamed in pain, and it turned out that Yan Anning stomped on his feet.

"Zhu Siyuan," Yan Anning said angrily, "My father was seriously injured, my father and brother were trapped by the enemy army in Liangzhou, such a big thing is known to the government and the public, but your Zhu family just wants to clear up the relationship, what kind of face do you have to say this!" ”

"It's my mother, and my mother said that she would arrange everything so that I could study without worrying about it." Zhu Siyuan squeezed her shoulders and refused to let go, "I didn't expect her to withdraw from the marriage, let alone that His Majesty would accept you into the palace." ”

Yan Anning showed a hint of ridicule on his lips: "Your father resigned yesterday, and the emperor is thorough today, what a coincidence." ”

"If you don't believe me, I can go back and ask my father." Zhu Siyuan held her face and said that he was going to kiss her.

"Presumptuous!" Yan Anning took advantage of his unpreparedness and pushed him away.

She is the daughter of the General's Mansion, although she doesn't know martial arts, but under the anger, her momentum is doubled.

Zhu Siyuan saw her speak harshly, only to feel that his heart was like a knife, and chased her back: "I know that you have always looked down on me, you are the noble daughter of the General's Mansion, let you marry me, I am Gao Pan." But Yan Anning, this family business was set by your father, how can you regret it! ”

Yan Anning stood unsteadily, his chin slammed on his shoulder, and tears broke out in pain.

Zhu Siyuan saw her tears and was pitiful and amiable, and couldn't help but press her down on the table.

"An Ning, as long as the raw rice is cooked and cooked, they can't separate the two of us, you listen to me, let's be husband and wife today!"

Chapter 2: Encounter

Across the wall, a man in black stood with his hands in his hands.

This is a secret room, and there is no room here from the outside, but it happens to be next door to the tea room that Yan Anning chose.

The woman's exclamations and beatings were heard, and the man in black walked to the hidden door.

"Baili," another young man in the same room called him, "are you really going?" ”

The man in black didn't look back, pushed open the door and walked out.

In the private room, the table was a mess.

The tablecloth had long since crumpled, several teacups were crooked, and the tea in the pot flowed to the ground.

Yan Anning was disheveled, leaning on the edge of the table with one elbow and holding a long hairpin in the other, pointing forward.

One end of the long hairpin was already bent, and the hairpin head was stained with blood.

Zhu Siyuan touched the hole in his neck, looked at the red blood on his hand, rolled his eyelids, and fell to the ground with a "bang".

Yan Anning was stunned.

Although she stabbed the two times with a hairpin, it was very serious, but it did not hurt the vital point, and Zhu Siyuan fainted no matter what she said.

She calmed down, remembering that her brother once said that some people are born with a fear of blood and faint at sight, not to mention that such a person goes into battle to kill the enemy, and even a small cut on his hand can't stand it.

Yan Anning straightened up and kicked Zhu Siyuan vigilantly, Zhu Siyuan's body moved softly and did not react.

Yan Anning was relieved and sat down on the stool tiredly.

She lowered her head to straighten her dress, and had just fastened the skirt when the closed door suddenly opened.

Hearing the movement, Yan Anning raised his head vigilantly.

The moment she looked up, she met a pair of eyes.

Those eyes, like wolves.

Yan Anning tensed her back and looked at the visitor quietly.

The cold wind blew in from the corridor outside, stirring the hem of the man's black clothes, and the messy hair on Yan Anning's forehead slid down to his ears.

Yan Anning didn't move, the man moved first.

He closed the door and walked in, and the light in the room suddenly dimmed.

He didn't look at Yan Anning, squatted down directly beside Zhu Siyuan, and pressed the middle index finger of his right hand to his neck and pressed it gently.

"No one is dead," he began, "and the girl is going to kill him?" ”

Yan Anning left the stool and quietly approached the window on the side: "Who are you?" ”

"A passing tea guest." The man got up, "I heard the movement in the house, and I was worried that there were wicked people, so I came to investigate." ”

He is tall and stands seemingly randomly, but he has a momentum that is ready to go.

Like a wolf.

Yan Anning once went to the border with her father and brother, and her brother Yan Changkong secretly took her up to the mountains to hunt, but unexpectedly encountered wolves.

The wolves at the border pass are tall and mighty, and their sharp fangs can pierce the bodies of their preys in an instant, tearing them to pieces. The wolves always go in groups, and even the bravest soldiers in the battalion don't want to go head-to-head.

Yan Anning and her brother hid in a high place, avoiding the patrol of this group of ghost hunters.

After returning to the city, the elder brother Yan Changkong was chased by his father and ran around the courtyard, and Yan Anning sat in front of the window, reminiscing about the excitement and excitement of encountering wolves alone.

She still remembered the majestic wolf king, under the moonlight, the wolf king was vigorous, leading the wolves through the mountains in an orderly manner, those eyes were full of cold wildness.

And the person in front of him is more calm and more refined than the wolf king's breath.

Yan Anning looked at the man: "Thank you, I will ask someone to deal with it here, don't bother Your Excellency." ”

The corners of the man's mouth lifted, and he put his hand behind him: "That's right, the girl from the General's Mansion shouldn't be so useless." ”

Yan Anning's eyes condensed slightly, this person revealed her identity in one word, I don't know how much I heard outside the door, seeing that he didn't look like an official eunuch, and his momentum was very different from the lazy forbidden army in Beijing, and he didn't seem to be from the capital.

Yan Anning secretly speculated about the origin of this person and remained silent.

The man smiled: "What is Miss Yan worried about?" Are you afraid that I will publicize today's events? ”

Yan Anning did not answer.

The man took a step with long legs, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Yan Anning.

The cold light flashed, and a dagger was pressed against his neck.

The man lowered his eyes and looked at Yan Anning's knife-wielding hand.

"Sure enough, there is a difference between intimacy and intimacy," he said lightly, "To deal with a fiancé who misbehaves, you use a hairpin, and you use a knife to deal with passers-by who act bravely." ”

Yan Anning held the knife on his neck.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I've never known Your Excellency, so please stay away from me." ”

The man snorted softly, and suddenly raised his hand.

With a "bang", the window next to Yan Anning opened wide, and the cold wind blew snow foam into her neck socket.

Yan Anning shuddered, her wrist suddenly hurt, and the man grabbed her hand and twisted it, snatching the dagger in her hand.

"Seeing that you are so guarded, I wanted to open the window for you," the man let go of her, "but with such a heavy snowstorm, even if you shout out the window, your voice will not be far away." ”

Yan Anning held her wrist, and the blow from the man just now made a circle of finger marks on her fine white skin.

The man raised his eyebrows: "The girl in the General's Mansion is so pampered, no wonder Dayan's army is not as good as day by day." ”

Yan Anning let go of his wrist: "What do I have to do with the army, Your Excellency, don't mix it up." ”

"Oh? Could it be that the news of the defeat of the Yan family army is fake? ”

Yan Anning sank his face: "Victory or defeat is a common thing in soldiers, although the Yan family army lost a game, the Beijin army still failed to step into Liangzhou, Your Excellency don't worry." ”

"The commander of the Yan family army was seriously injured, and his morale was greatly reduced," the man said, "In your opinion, how long can Liangzhou hold on?" ”

Yan Anning leaned against the window frame behind him, and his back was straight: "The mourning soldiers will win, the proud soldiers will be defeated, with the Yan family army, Liangzhou will never die." ”

The cold wind was howling outside the window, the snowflakes were rolling, Yan Anning's eyes were bloodshot, the tip of her nose was red from the cold, and the snow foam on her face quickly melted, leaving a little wet mark on the corner of her eye.

The man looked at her, and after a while, he leaned against the window with his arms folded: "Then I wish the Yan family army to regain its strength and turn defeat into victory." ”

His tone was lazy, and he couldn't tell whether it was true or false, Yan Anning didn't have time to pay attention to it, and stretched out his hand to the man: "Please return the knife to me." ”

It was the dagger that the Zhu family had returned, it was her father's belonging, and she didn't want it to fall into the hands of others.

The man pulled a knife flower, flipped the handle of the knife, and handed it to Yan Anning: "The knife is a good knife, but it is not suitable for you." ”

He returned it refreshedly, Yan Anning took the dagger, and his expression eased slightly: "I was in a hurry for a while, please forgive me." ”

"You're a woman, and having multiple eyes isn't a bad thing." The man didn't care, "But you don't know martial arts, and it may not be beneficial for you to have a sharp weapon." ”

"I understand," Yan Anning nodded, "Thank you, Your Excellency." ”

Seeing her put away his edge, the man looked at her twice: "It seems that your temper is not too bad." ”

Yan Anning said calmly: "Your Excellency's mouth is so much better than mine?" ”

The man laughed, and his deep voice shook his chest: "It's better for you to be fierce." ”


"You're not going to the palace?" The man said, "The palace is not a good place to go. ”

He heard Yan Anning's experience clearly next door, and the girl in front of him was destined to become a victim of the power struggle.

When I think about it, it's a pity for a while.

"Although that person is a bastard, he is right about one thing, you can escape if you don't want to enter the palace." The man was kind enough to analyze the pros and cons for Yan Anning, "Your father and brother are both in Liangzhou, and you have an army under you, you can go to them." ”

Chapter 3: A Word for You

Even if the emperor will be angry, as long as the Yan family army is still there, Yan Anning can be sheltered.

As for whether this method is rebellious, as far as men are concerned, he has done a lot of rebellious things.

Yan Anning looked at the stranger in front of him.

The two of them have never known each other, and the other party's idea can be described as a deception, but it is indeed a very good method.

It's a pity that this method can only save her.

Yan Anning smiled, turned around and pushed the window wider.

"That's my grandfather's house," she said, pointing in the direction of the Jiang Mansion, "and go east for six squares, and through two avenues, you will see the gate of my Yan family." ”

She faced the wind and snow and squinted slightly: "There are more than 100 men, women and children in the two families. ”

The man leaned against the windowsill and peered out with her.

The whole capital is covered with snow, the long bridge street, row upon row, the farthest place as far as the eye can see, faintly visible surrounded by vermilion walls, solemn and solemn, that is the palace where the emperor is located.

"That's why you won't go?" The man asked.

"There are no soldiers in the Yan family who have escaped from the battle," Yan Anning leaned against the window frame on the other side, "I have been pampered for eighteen years, and it is nothing to endure a little hardship." ”

The man glanced at her and raised half of his eyebrows: "As long as the Yan family army does not fall, you may not suffer when you enter the palace." ”

This was diametrically opposed to what he had just said, Yan Anning smiled lightly: "Thank you for your relief." ”

She met him in Pingshui, and when it came to this, she was already a shallow and profound conversation.

Yan Anning clasped the windowsill and said softly: "Today's matter, please keep it secret for me, don't let others know." ”

"What? Afraid of damaging your reputation? ”

Yan Anning shook his head: "Fame is the most important thing in this world, I just don't want to make a difference." ”

She turned to the man and bowed solemnly: "Please also fulfill it." ”

The man didn't expect her to make such a big gift suddenly, left the windowsill, and turned sideways: "Don't worry, I don't have that much to do, but I agree with you, reputation is the least important thing in this world." ”

Yan Anning was surprised and raised her eyes to look at him.

Dayan was founded in a troubled era, with endless wars for many years, and the trend of folk remarriage prevailing, and the defense of men and women has long been less important, but powerful families still have many requirements for women.

The Yan family was born in the army, never talked about those red tape, in the capital is not less by the aristocratic and famous squeezed out, even Yan Anning's reputation is also criticized, others only say that Yan Anning will be reincarnated, there is a father and brother shade, in fact, there is nothing to see, there is no dust.

Yan Anning has always lived in a simple place in Beijing because her father has a heavy army, and she has always lived in a low-key manner, and others have seen her rarely, which has confirmed those rumors.

If her remarks were spread, it would only provoke scolding and laughter, but she thought so in her heart, so she spoke frankly, but the man in front of her was not different, not only listened to her reasoning, but also echoed it.

The man met her puzzled gaze and smiled lazily: "Meeting is fate, I'll send you another word." ”


"In this world, the most worthless thing is tears, find a place where no one is there when you want to cry, don't expose your weakness to others."

When Baili Huan said this, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

But he never imagined that one day he would regret this sentence.


Outside Shanyue Tower, Yan Anning met the maid who came over, and the two got into the carriage.

"Girl, I have sent Dr. Zhang and Dr. Li to Jiangfu, by the way, why did you go to the teahouse?" The maid looked around, "Did you make an appointment?" ”

Yan Anning instructed the coachman to set off, and said to Ah Leek: "After returning home, you call the two guards to go to Shanyue Tower." ”

Ah Yun was puzzled: "What did the girl lose?" I'll look for it right away. ”

"No, you don't." Yan Anning grabbed her and explained a few words in her ear.

Ah Yun almost jumped up when he heard this: "Zhu Siyuan, that bastard, dare to bully the girl while I am away!" I'm going to castrate him! ”

"Sit down." Yan Anning dragged the person down, "How old are you, and you are not afraid of dirty hands when you castrate." ”

"I've castrated chickens, ducks, and pigs," said Leek, rolling up her sleeves, "don't stop me, girl, I'll go now." ”

Yan Anning patted her on the head: "I didn't suffer, you let the guards do what I said first." As for you, I have more important arrangements. ”

Ah Leek made a mistake and reluctantly sat back: "Girl, you say." ”

"You go to Feijingxuan for me, and ask them to use the drawings left by my eldest brother to make a few sets of jewelry and send them."

Ah Leek's eyes widened: "Girl, those jewelry are designed with mechanisms, didn't you say that you can't use them?" ”

"I didn't need it in the past," Yan Anning said, "but in the future, it will be necessary." ”

Inside the Shanyue Tower, Baili Huan returned to the secret room.

The young man who had been in the same room with him was still there, and when he saw Bailihuan, he asked, "That girl has been saved?" ”

"Didn't you hear?" Hundreds of miles of hustle and bustle lifted the hem of the clothes and sat down.

"It's not a gentleman's doing," said the young man, "and if you take action, the girl will not suffer." ”

"You're scolding me?" Baili Huan picked up the teacup, saw that it was empty and put it down.

The young man picked up the teapot and poured hot tea for him: "It's not to scold you, my kung fu is not good, it's better for you to listen carefully." Later, there was no movement next door, and I guess you have solved the trouble, so you should hurry up and write a letter, and let people send them away while the city gate is not closed. ”

"Write what?" Baili Huan picked up the letter paper on the table.

"Give peace to business and peace," said the young man, "you have been away from the army for many days, and the southwest is all guarded by him, and I am afraid that if someone hears the rumors, there will be chaos in secret." ”

Baili smiled and laughed: "Who dares to make trouble in the Southwest Army?" ”

"The Southwest Army will not, but the new city we acquired a few years ago may not." The young man said, "Although Songzhou and Chenzhou took the initiative to surrender, the state government still uses the original team, and they have deep roots in the local area, so they are not completely convinced by us. ”

Baili Huan turned his cup: "In the troubled times, everyone can raise the flag as the king, if they wanted to stand on their own, they would have done it a long time ago." ”

"I'm not afraid that they will make trouble, but I am afraid that they will cause trouble."

"That's not right." Baili Huan took a sip of tea, "Some people haven't been beaten, and they just hurt." ”

"Just a pain?" The young man did not agree, "If you make a move, I am afraid that there will be a river of blood." ”

"Qing Ran," Baili Huan put down the teacup, "Over the years, have you seen less scenes of rivers of blood?" ”

"I didn't mean that," Su Qingran said, "I'm just worried that business is not light or serious, in case it ruins your reputation, it will hinder our plans." ”

"Reputation?" Baili snorted coldly, "When did I care about reputation?" ”

"That's the past," Su Qingran persuaded him, "The purpose of our trip to the capital is to form an alliance with Dayan, Prime Minister Shi Shouyuan is cautious, he has avoided us many times, just to observe in secret." ”

Baili Huan glanced at him: "He has time to observe this, it is better to go outside and see what the world has become like." ”

Su Qingran was helpless: "If you didn't come, you have to come in person." ”

"If I don't come, how do I know what the capital looks like?"

Su Qingran was curious: "How do you feel when you see it now?" ”

"It's no different from other places," Baili Huan leaned back, "white bones, corpses all over the field." ”

Chapter 4: The walls of the palace are deep

"Yan Anning wants to enter the palace?"

In the Youlan Hall of the harem, Concubine Lan, who has always been favored, threw down the jade pestle that pounded incense, "Whose idea?" ”

Guixiang, the confidant palace maid, hesitated: "It's General Lan." ”

"My dad?" Lan Guifei paused, "What does he want to do?" ”

"I heard that it was because of the defeat in Liangzhou, Your Majesty wanted to severely punish the Yan family, but the Beijin army pressed the border, and the prime minister persuaded to stabilize the morale of the army, so General Lan offered advice from the side, let His Majesty admit the daughter of the Yan family into the palace, first, to show the emperor's grace, and secondly, to make the father and son of the Yan family dare not have two hearts."

Concubine Lan slowly softened her body and leaned on the smoked cage: "So, it wasn't Your Majesty who first came to mind?" ”

"Probably not." Guixiang picked up the jade pestle on the table and put it back in the incense box, "According to the slave maid, the Yan family is a hostage when she enters the palace, and the mother doesn't have to worry about her." ”

"That's nature." Lan Guifei said, "At most, I look at the jokes, even if I am not happy, it is the queen who is the most unhappy." ”

"What does Niangniang mean that the queen doesn't like the Yan family?"

"Why do you think the queen always sticks a flower with a flower?" Lan Guifei tilted her head and touched her neck.

Guixiang hurriedly put down the work in her hand, knelt beside her, and kneaded her shoulders for her: "I heard that the slave maid is because His Majesty likes it." ”

"This kind of nonsense can only deceive the uninformed." Lan Guifei said, "The queen is the best at pretending to be good in front of Your Majesty, but unfortunately she always wears it, not like a woman, but like a Bodhisattva, our Majesty doesn't love monks, only believes in national teachers, and the queen pretends to be like a Buddha again, and Your Majesty doesn't like it." ”

Guixiang echoed with a smile: "Your Majesty's favorite is only Niangniang, if it weren't for the one who entered the palace in front, the queen's seat should have been Niangniang's." ”

Concubine Lan glanced at her: "Palm." ”

Guixiang was stunned for a moment, hurriedly fell to the ground, and slapped herself a few times: "The slave is speechless, please don't blame the mother!" ”

Lan Guifei's eyes closed slightly: "It's for your own good to beat you, the person in Fengyang Palace has a cold face, if you don't want to cause trouble for this palace, take care of your mouth for me." ”

"Yes! Xie Niangniang mentions! ”

"I don't interfere with the queen's well water, if you are free, you might as well stare at that Li Meiren for me."

"Li and Li Meiren have only been in the palace for less than a month, and Your Majesty is just trying to ...... fresh"

"Fresh?" Concubine Lan sneered, "When she first entered the palace, she still looked high, and it has only been a long time, and she has been pestering Your Majesty every day." ”

"Don't worry, Niangniang, she just went to the Wanshou Palace to deliver a soup or something, this kind of method can't get into His Majesty's eyes."

"It's not a trivial matter for her to be able to enter the Hall of Longevity." Concubine Lan Guifei helped the smoke cage to get up.

The hall was warm as Lucky Star Chinese Restaurant, she only wore a light breast-length skirt, the cloud-like silk veil half-covered her skin, and the agate strung with precious stones fell between the undulating ravines.

Concubine Lan gently stroked the tassel on her chest: "In this palace, it's not a good thing to be too favored, but if you don't want to be favored, it must be a disaster." ”

Towards evening, the lead clouds dispersed, a light fell, and the snow that had been falling for five days finally stopped.

A eunuch ran up the steps through the snow: "Great joy! Your Majesty is overjoyed! ”

He came to the front of the temple and urged the eunuch guarding the door: "Open the door quickly, let me in." ”

The eunuchs guarding the door glanced at each other: "Your Majesty is still resting......"

"Nonsense!" The eunuch's eyes were puffed out, and he raised the jade box in his hand, "Of course, Your Majesty came to the Wanshou Hall to rest, but this is the golden pill sent by the national teacher, if the time is missed, who of you can afford it?" ”

When the eunuch guarding the door heard this, he hurriedly pushed open the door: "Father-in-law, please come in." ”

The eunuch of the summons held the jade box in his hand and quickly entered the hall with small steps.

The palace is magnificent, rare treasures can be seen everywhere, pearlescent jade, Rui brain is fragrant, and the bead curtain and treasure curtain are dragged to the ground layer by layer.

The eunuch stopped outside the curtain and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the newly refined golden pill of the national teacher has been completed, and the slave maid is here to present it to Your Majesty." ”

There was a faint sound in the inner room, and the eunuch listened attentively for a while, but when he didn't see the emperor's summons, he asked softly: "Your Majesty?" ”


Something fell to the floor in the inner room.

The eunuch was puzzled, and quietly lifted the curtain to peek in.

It's okay if he doesn't look at it, but he is shocked when he sees it.

"Someone! Help! ”

He dropped the jade box and rushed into the inner room.

On the large gold-carved bed, a half-naked woman was riding on a quilt and covering the heads of the people under her with a brocade quilt.

The people in the brocade quilt struggled and squirmed, one hand stretched out of the quilt, and a jade pillow fell on the ground.

When the woman saw the eunuch rushing in, she was anxious and angry, and her subordinates were even harder.

But she was delicate and frail, and she was in a hurry, and before the eunuch rushed closer, the brocade was already broken out of a gap by the people under her.

A gloomy owl's face was revealed.

The woman's arm went limp, and she spun around for a while, and was lifted under the bed.

Before she could get up, her neck was choked.

The emperor, who was almost covered by her, had scarlet eyes and pounced on her, his hands tightly gripping her neck bone.


One time.


Two clicks.


Three times.

The eunuch on the side couldn't bear to look directly, and secretly turned his face sideways.

Li Meiren's head hit the ground, and she was already dizzy for the first time, and then her skull was broken and her brain burst out after the next two blows.

The emperor seemed to be still angry, holding Li Meiren's head, smashing watermelons again and again, and slamming them into the jade-paved floor.

There was a puddle of red and white on the ground, and the sticky liquid splashed on the emperor's face, the young emperor licked the corners of his mouth, his face was rippling with tyranny and excitement, he pressed Li Meiren and smashed it dozens of times, and then he threw away the corpse and sat aside to gasp.

The hall was as quiet as a hollow valley, and the eunuchs and guards who came in were all around, silent.

After a long while, the emperor raised his head, and his gaze crawled over everyone like a poisonous snake.

He raised his finger and pointed out a few of them, "You, you, and you," the emperor said with an expressionless face, "Drag it out, Ling Chi." ”

"Your Majesty spares your life! Your Majesty spares your life! ”

"For the rest, a hundred rods."

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the eunuchs and palace maids on duty knelt on the ground one after another.

A hundred rods, if you don't die, you will become a waste.

They wailed and begged for mercy, kowtowed "bang", and in the blink of an eye, their foreheads were blurred with flesh and blood.

The emperor glanced at them, and suddenly waved his hand in annoyance: "Forget it, let's kill them all." ”

The palace people in the hall were quickly dragged down, and there was a cry outside, and soon everything fell silent again.

The messenger eunuch lying in the hall trembled like a sifting of chaff, trembling and presenting the jade box he had picked up: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this is the golden pill just sent by the national teacher, Your Majesty will be able to, your youth will last forever, and you will live a long life." ”

The emperor glanced at the jade box: "Bring it." ”

He opened the jade box, and just picked up the golden pill, when his body suddenly shook and fell backwards.

"Someone! ——”

In the palace, the screams of the eunuchs sounded again.

Chapter 5: Broom Star

The capital of Zhufu.

Early in the morning, Mrs. Zhu was standing in front of her son's bed sighing, and saw her husband Zhu Ming go and return.

"Didn't you go to the Yamen? Why did you come back so soon? Has the resignation been approved? ”

Mrs. Zhu asked three times in a row, and Zhu Ming shook his head: "The officials are still checking, and they will be submitted to Your Majesty when they are busy. ”

"Then when will we be able to leave Beijing?" Mrs. Zhu said hurriedly, "Your Majesty will not let you resign for a day, and I will have a hard time in my heart." ”

"I'm afraid it won't work out in the last few days."

"Why?" Mrs. Zhu was shocked and suspicious, "Could it be that Your Majesty knows about our relationship with the Yan family?" ”

"Not really."

Mrs. Zhu breathed a sigh of relief and stood up suddenly: "No, you urge the Ministry of Officials again and let them hurry up to do your business, I'm afraid that there will be many dreams at night." ”

"I'm a fifth-grade official, how can I have such a big face to urge the Ministry of Shangshu," Zhu Ming said, "What's more, Your Majesty has been exempted from the court recently, I'm afraid I can't take care of political affairs." ”

"What? Your Majesty is sick? ”

Zhu Ming wanted to speak and stopped.

"Say it quickly."

Zhu Ming couldn't resist his wife's urging, attached it to her ear, and whispered a few words.

"What!" Mrs. Zhu exclaimed, "Killing the king? ”

"Be quiet!" Zhu Ming covered Mrs. Zhu's mouth, "This can't be spread outside, otherwise the whole family will lose their heads." ”

Mrs. Zhu said "hmm" twice and nodded again and again.

Only then did Zhu Ming let her go: "Fortunately, Your Majesty is fine, but I fainted from excessive fright, otherwise I am afraid that this court will change the sky." ”

The corners of Mrs. Zhu's mouth twitched: "I just said that I can't marry Jiangmen, the first two generations of the Yan family are rolling in the pile of dead, that family is fierce, and that Yan Anning is even more of a broom star." ”

"Look at what you said," Zhu Ming said, "a little girl......

"What's wrong with the little girl?" Mrs. Zhu was displeased, "Are you still worried about this family business, let me tell you, thanks to General Lan's kind reminder of us, if he hadn't believed through it, our Zhu family would have been stupidly used as a gun by the Yan family." ”

Zhu Ming was scolded by his wife, and his face was uncertain: "I mean, let's talk less about the Yan family in the future." ”

Mrs. Zhu was still displeased, "In the past, I heard that Yan Anning's life is not good, you see, in just a few days, her father suffered a defeat, her grandfather was seriously injured, and even His Majesty ......" Mrs. Zhu paused and looked at her son on the bed, "And Siyuan, he just came back from Taixue, but after a day's work, he was stripped of his clothes and thrown on the street." ”

She cried bitterly as she spoke: "If I hadn't sent someone to find it, our Zhu family, our Zhu family would have been wiped out!" ”

Yesterday, Zhu Siyuan said that he went out for a walk, and he didn't return home until the evening. The servants sent by the Zhu family heard the news that their young master was found outside a brothel, and when he found him, he was full of alcohol, confused, and his clothes were missing.

Zhu Siyuan started a high fever when he came home, and he didn't retreat until this morning, and he was still asleep.

Mrs. Zhu cried sadly, but Zhu Ming was unhappy: "Whoever told him not to study well, just go to a brothel, he didn't even pay the money, and it was okay if others didn't beat him!" ”

"How can my son go to a brothel, don't listen to people's nonsense." Mrs. Zhu cried, "In my opinion, he must have been killed." ”

"In broad daylight, at the feet of the Son of Heaven, who can harm him."

"It's that broom star," Mrs. Zhu wiped her tears, "she must have been dissatisfied with our resignation, so she did this to my son." ”

Zhu Ming choked: "Don't talk nonsense without evidence, how can she come up with such a vicious trick as a little girl." ”

"Poisonous?" Mrs. Zhu sneered, "You haven't seen the methods of those high-ranking families, that's called vicious." They are all rough people, and they can only resort to such an unpopular method, I heard that when Yan Anning was in Liangzhou, he relied on himself to be the daughter of a general, and he hooked up with the men in the army. ”

Zhu Ming became more and more embarrassed when he heard her talk, and frowned: "Where did you hear this?" ”

"The capital is so big, and it's not an old person from Liangzhou, I used to just think that little girls gossip with each other, but now it seems that it's really right, that Yan Anning is a scourge."

"Enough!" Zhu Ming slapped the table suddenly, "Are you trying to say that I made the wrong betrothal for my son?" ”

"How is it right?" Mrs. Zhu replied, "It's not okay for you to choose the girl in the capital, you have to choose that broom star!" ”

She spat on Xingzi and splashed her husband's face, and Zhu Ming trembled with anger: "When I was engaged, who liked to burn high incense everywhere?" Now you're going to blame me? ”

"If it weren't for the fact that you have been an official for many years and are only a subordinate to the fifth grade, I would be guilty of letting our son be wronged?"

"Vexatious!" Zhu Ming shook his sleeves, "Your son is the one who makes me lose face!" Why do you think I'm taking a leave of absence today, now everyone knows that your son is a prostitute in a brothel, and his colleagues are laughing at me! ”

"They laugh at you and you just go home and hide?" Mrs. Zhu's voice was higher than his, "You haven't resigned yet, why are you so cowardly!" ”

The two of them blame me, I blame you, quarreled endlessly, and after a while, Zhu Ming slammed the door and walked out, and Mrs. Zhu threw herself in front of her son's bed and cried.

At the moment when the Zhu family was in a hurry, Yan Anning, who was called a broom star by Mrs. Zhu, also got up early and sat in front of the desk to write a letter.

After the snow stopped yesterday, the weather was even colder, and Yan Anning was dressed in winter clothes, wearing a red fox fur, and a charcoal basin was placed at his feet.

Ah Leek walked in from the outside, muttering in his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Yan Anning didn't raise his head.

"I heard from the guards that Zhu Siyuan was not frozen to death, and he was really cheap." Ahyun muttered.

Yan Anning smiled: "Mrs. Zhu protects her shortcomings, Zhu Ming loves face the most, and the news of Zhu Siyuan's white prostitution in a brothel is enough for the family to make trouble even when they go out of Beijing." ”

In the future, unless Zhu Siyuan does not enter Beijing, as soon as his name appears, others will think: Look, this is the guy who didn't give money for nothing, and was stripped naked and thrown in the snow.

In this way, let alone seeking officials, Zhu Siyuan doesn't even have the face to go to Taixue again.

Ah Yun pouted and put a brocade box on the table: "Girl, this is something sent by Feijingxuan." ”

Yan Anning stopped writing: "The jewelry I want is ready so soon?" ”

"It's not." Ah Yu opened the brocade box for her, "It's a bracelet that someone else set in Feijing Xuan, and I want to give it to the girl by name." ”

Yan Anning put down the pen when he heard this, and took the gold bracelet handed by Ah Leek.

The bracelet is red gold and silver, the lotus leaves are entwined with branches, and a line of small characters is engraved inside:

Jiangnan can pick lotus, lotus leaves He Tiantian.

This is a well-known Yuefu poem.

Nowadays, both men and women, love to wear ornaments engraved with poems, a dignitary once asked people to carve up to 800 words on the jade pendant, and there is no difference in the limelight for a while.

The gold bracelet in Yan Anning's hand is ordinary, the meaning is simple, and it is not anything special, but she took the bracelet and looked at it for a while, thoughtful.

"Who sent it?" Yan Anning asked.

Ah Yun said: "The shopkeeper doesn't know, that person is wearing a hat, he can't see his appearance clearly, and his voice is also very vague." The other party paid the money, kept the pattern, and let it be given to the girl after it was played, and never went again. ”

"When was that guy decided?"

"Three days ago."

"What else did he say?"

"It's gone." Ah Yun leaned on the table, "But the shopkeeper called someone to pass the word, asking me to remind the girl, this bracelet is different from the outside, girl, guess what's the difference?" ”

Yan Anning glanced at her with a smile, put the bracelet in the palm of her hand, picked it up again, and carefully explored the lines on it.

Suddenly, she snapped, and the red gold bracelet was disconnected.

In this world, the most worthless thing is tears. He never thought about it and later regretted it because of this sentence

Mingmei green bones