
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.

Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.
Do you understand the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarreling? It's too realistic, vivid and comic.

In the distant Song Dynasty, there lived a woman named Chen Xiaoyu in Kaifeng Mansion. She is smart and likes to debate with people, so she has made many like-minded friends. On this day, the sun was shining, and Chen Xiaoyu invited a few friends to come to the Tower Park to enjoy the flowers and chat.

The topic turned to the difference between a lover and a husband and wife quarrelling, and friends expressed their opinions. A man named Wang Dalang said: "When lovers and husbands and wives quarrel, the difference lies in the degree of difference. A quarrel between lovers is at most a bickering, and it will not hurt the muscles and bones; And when husband and wife quarrel, it is very painful, and sometimes it will get to the point of divorce. ”

Another woman named Li Cuihua disagreed: "What do you men know? Lovers and couples quarrel, the difference is that the purpose is different. Lovers quarrel in order to increase their interest, and they make love when they quarrel; When a husband and wife quarrel, they really want to hurt each other and make each other suffer. ”

Chen Xiaoyu listened, smiled and shook his head: "You all only see the surface, but not the essence. Lovers and couples quarrel, the difference is in the ability to bear. Lovers quarrel, and each other is afraid of hurting the harmony, so there will be room for each other; And husband and wife quarrel, because they are too familiar with each other, they can say anything cruel, and sometimes even do it. ”

Mr. Zhang, who was on the side, listened and patted his thigh: "It's still Chen Xiaoyu who makes sense!" When a husband and wife quarrel, it involves the family and the children, so it will become very realistic for each other. A lover's quarrel is at most a temporary happiness, and you don't have to worry about tomorrow. ”

At this time, a woman named Zhao Xiaomei interjected: "What you say makes sense, but I think that the biggest difference between lovers and husbands and wives is the basis of feelings. Between lovers, it is more based on passion and freshness, so it is easy to reconcile after a quarrel; Husband and wife, on the other hand, are based on family affection and responsibility, and although the quarrels are fierce, they can often tolerate each other. ”

While everyone was arguing, an old man came over and said with a smile: "You have all talked for a long time, but you haven't said the essence of the quarrel. Lovers and husbands and wives quarrel, in fact, it is because of love. It's just that the love of a lover, like a flame, is warm and short-lived; The love of husband and wife is like warm water, plain but long-lasting. Although the flame is hot, it can easily hurt people; Although the warm water is light, it nourishes people's hearts. ”

Everyone listened and nodded in agreement. Chen Xiaoyu said with a smile: "The old gentleman is really right! Lovers and husbands and wives quarrel, in fact, because of love, but in different forms. We must learn to understand and tolerate in order to make love more beautiful. ”

Since then, Chen Xiaoyu and her friends have a deeper understanding of lovers and husband and wife quarrels. They have learned to be in a sense of proportion in quarrels, cherish each other's feelings, and make life more harmonious and beautiful.

This story tells us that the quarrels between lovers and husbands and wives are actually because of love. We must learn to understand and tolerate in order to make love more beautiful. In real life, whether it is a lover or a couple, they should cherish the feelings in front of them, manage them with their hearts, and let the flower of love bloom forever.

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