
Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

Cool summer

Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

Fiery torches

Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

"Torches of Passion. The "Charming Stone Forest" festival is approaching, welcome to this special summer ice and snow ocean world. When the cool ice and snow meet the blazing torches, what kind of brilliant sparks will bloom?

The summer benefits of Stone Forest Ice and Snow Ocean World are coming

In this hot summer, let's escape the heat together and walk into this cool fantasy world.


Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

300 species of fish and more than 20,000 marine creatures

2 undersea tunnels, over 10,000 tons of water

A high-standard aquarium integrating interaction, marine science popularization, science and education

Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you


Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

Gentle by nature, lively sea elves

Amazing underwater and underwater interaction with dolphins

We invite you to enjoy it together

Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

Moby Dick Aquarium

Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you
Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

Underwater interaction at the beautiful Moby Dick Opera House

Melodious beluga whale song

There are also seals, arctic foxes, arctic wolves, Magellanic penguins, etc

Snow Park

Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you
Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

The snow park created by 5,000 tons of ice and snow has more than 10 kinds of amusement projects, such as super slides, polar adventures, romantic snow, and rapid slides...... Each one will make you feel great in this snow park!

Here, as far as the eye can see, there is snow and ice, exciting, and enjoyable super slides!

The indoor ski resort is nearly 200 meters long and nearly 60 meters wide, and you can also hire ski instructors for one-on-one teaching!

The Royal Circus

Presented by the century-old Cirque du Soleil Deyang Circus, known as "China's Cirque du Soleil", actors from five countries will perform together, performing in nearly 30 foreign countries, and cooperating with more than 5,000 foreign actors to take you to experience the exotic customs, which is definitely worth your visit!

Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you
Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

Reptile Pavilion

Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you
Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

The rainforest environment is ever-changing, animals need to have "amazing skills", in the ever-changing living environment to survive, behind each piece of glass is a small world, there are some wonderful plants and soil, respectively inhabited by various varieties of lizards, snakes, etc., as well as cute alpacas, ring-tailed foxes, chinchillas and other small animals waiting for you to pet!

Shell Pavilion

Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

The shells in the Shell Museum are a treasure of the sea! Here, you can get to know the four famous snails of China, and you can also experience the interesting mirror maze, weightless hut, and time tunnel, as if you have stepped into another magical world.

Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you
Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you


Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you
Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you
Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you
Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you
Cool summer, fiery torches! Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World is waiting for you

Reporter: Comprehensive report

Source: Stone Forest Ice & Snow Ocean World

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yikun

Review: Daniel Zhang

Executive Producer: Daniel Zhang

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