
Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Text: Tao Chan in the depths

Editor|Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review

United States presidential candidates, actually rely on physical ascension?

After Biden withdrew from the election, he expressed his full support for Harris.

The media around the world are asking, what has Harris done in the past few years as vice president?

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

It's really not that the media people have a bad memory, but that Harris really doesn't have a good political performance.

Even more impressive than his mediocre political achievements was Harris's trademark laugh.

At this time, Musk stood up: Harris was a mistress!

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Black Widow in United States politics

As the first African-American and Asian-American female vice president of the United States, Harris is not small in ambition.

Although it was Biden who pushed her to the front of the stage, in her heart, she has always longed for power.

Just as Harris was complacent about being the Democratic nominee, Musk gave her a head start.

Musk has publicly accused Harris of being a puppet of the Soros family and that she is nothing more than a puppet.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Faced with such serious allegations, Harris was caught off guard.

Before Harris could fight back, Musk hit another "king bomb".

"Harris can have today's status in United States politics because of her own body."

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Musk pointed out that Harris had an affair with former San Francisco Mayor Brown and had in-depth exchanges with Biden's eldest son.

Musk has completely lost face to Harris and stripped Harris's disgraceful private life!

He also publicly mocked Harris:

The smart friends around him originally supported the Democratic Party, but after Harris came to power, they all turned around to support Trump!
Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

In fact, Musk has long sided with Trump, and he will spend $45 million a month to support Trump's campaign.

Harris tried to clarify, but the gossip spread too quickly to little effect.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Although this belongs to Harris's private life, she is a politician after all.

A "mistress" who relied on her body to ascend to the throne could one day run for the presidency of the world's only superpower.

This made the United States people with a sense of superiority very angry.

The Republican Party, led by Trump, will definitely focus on Harris's black history in the future.

We will not give up until we clean up Harris's black history.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Now those who have had an affair with Harris are now probably already looking at their account balances.

But I have to sigh that the political resources that Biden left Harris are really useful.

Harris's approval rating is even higher than Trump's.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

People can't help but sigh:

"Girls who love to laugh are not bad luck."

Why is it emphasized that it is female? That's where Kennedy comes in.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Girls who love to laugh will not be out of luck

If you ask Harris what she has done in her years as vice president, you probably won't be able to answer.

But pull out a random United States and ask him what is his deepest impression of Harris?

That's basically it: she's a woman who loves to laugh.

This eldest sister has been the vice president United States for four years, and she has not made any political achievements that can be put on the stage, but laughs all day long.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

During the interview, laugh; When I speak, I laugh; When you are on the show, you have to laugh even more; Privately, laugh presumptuously.

To live, to live with a smile.

Harris? Hahahaha...... Reese!

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

As we all know, girls who love to laugh are not bad luck.

She became the first female vice president in United States history.

In addition, just looking at the life experience of Harris, it can be said that the buff of "political correctness" is stacked:

Blacks, India ancestry, Jewish dependents, divorced parents, California liberals.

Coupled with the status of the first female vice president, this is simply a representative of the "United States dream".

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

There are many people who believe that Harris is sharper and quicker than Biden and Trump.

And in terms of age, the 59-year-old Harris has an absolute advantage.

Even with the influence of the black history, her poll approval rating is still higher than Trump's.

She was able to become a presidential candidate thanks to that assassination.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Assassinations that changed the political landscape

On July 13, an assassination attempt occurred in Pennsylvania, United States, that changed the United States political landscape.

Or as fate would have it, the killer fired eight shots in a row, and Trump could not die.

At that time, Trump was turning his head to look at the big screen, and it was this action that saved Trump.

Bullets whistled past Trump's ears, and Trump, who is nearly 80 years old, reacted quite quickly and quickly lay down.

Regrettably, former United States President Donald Trump and former Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe canceled the meeting.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Bodyguards swarmed to protect Trump.

After the gunfire died down, Trump slowly got up, his ears visibly bloodied.

Wounded, Trump still hasn't forgotten the purpose of his speech.

On his head was an upside-down Star-Spangled Banner; By his side are the bodyguards who support him.

He raised his right hand and raised his arms and shouted: Fight!

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Compared with Trump's embarrassing departure, United States firmly remember this "hero" who raised his arms and shouted.

When Biden learned about this, he just said lightly: "It's okay if people are fine." ”

Trump's "heroic" image spread rapidly in the United States, which contrasts sharply with Biden's image of a confused old man.

The political balance between the two began to drift apart.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Harris took the stage to campaign

During the Trump administration, he offended many people in the United States.

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, hated Trump for saying a lot of "divisive and inflammatory remarks" after he stepped down.

Zuckerberg has also banned Trump's social media accounts.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Trump is not good at stubble, and has cursed Zuckerberg many times, believing that such people should be sent to prison to be sober.

After Trump's assassination, Zuckerberg changed his normal behavior and praised Trump in a loud voice:

"Standing up after being shot in the face, waving his fist with the United States flag fluttering behind him, is one of the most powerful things I've ever seen in my life."

Zuckerberg's softness means that many entrepreneurs in the United States feel that the probability of Trump coming to power has greatly increased.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Even Zelensky, who is mired in war, and seeing that Trump, who does not support Ukraine, is going to come to power, has begun to consider negotiations with Putin.

It seems that the whole world is waiting for King Understand's return to the White House.

Biden's performance during the presidential debate was quite a symptom of dementia, and his recent famous work is "Putin is the president of Ukraine."

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

His polls began to lag behind the "one-eared" Trump next door, and the "personal charisma" he showed was thrown a few streets by Trump.

Biden has claimed:

"Only God can make me stand out!"
Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

On July 8, Biden also published an open letter, in which he used heated rhetoric to the effect that:

"Ninety percent of Democrats support my candidacy, and if I drop out, won't I be betraying their trust?"

"If I drop out, doesn't that mean that the Democratic Party is a grass team? Resolutely do not retreat! ”

As a result, I don't know which day after this Biden met God, and God told him: the Democratic Party is really a grass platform.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Perhaps it is the trend of the times, rather than being ousted from office, Biden chose to withdraw voluntarily with more face.

On July 22, Biden, who was determined not to retreat, announced his withdrawal from the race, and Harris became the Democratic nominee.

The eldest sister who laughed at herself as a presidential candidate, Trump probably could point at Harris's nose and scold when he was campaigning:

"You haven't made an inch of success in your life, you can only shake your lips and help you to abuse, why do you campaign?"

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

With four years of presidential experience, Biden's political achievements are actually reasonable for United States.

After Harris becomes the Democratic presidential candidate, she can directly inherit Biden's political resources.

After receiving Biden's support, she said that she would unite all forces that could be united to defeat Trump.

Harris used to be a lawyer, and she must have thrown Biden eight streets away in terms of eloquence.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Trump is not absolutely dominant, and his life has been almost smooth.

To put it simply, it was his life history that firmly engraved the label of "elite" on him.

So he has been trying his best to please the people at the bottom, and he can even reverse black and white in order to curry favor.

Harris, who has the full support of Biden and the Democratic Party, can outperform Trump in approval ratings, even with the influence of a "black history".

Why did Biden choose Harris?

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Harris's "White History"

In 2003, Harris became an inspector for the city of San Francisco.

At that time, Harris, with the ambition of "helping the world and the people", began her political career.

Harris made a variety of proposals to promote improvements in the criminal justice system.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

She focused on juvenile delinquency and girl delinquency.

Let those children who have embarked on the path of crime due to the influence of their original family have the right to choose again.

Soon, Harris's abilities were recognized.

Many San Francisco citizens became her staunch supporters.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Harris has been prosperous ever since.

As for whether he used his body as a bargaining chip during the period, he still needs Musk's "Thor's hammer".

Seven years later, she became the first female state attorney general in United States history and was re-elected.

At this time, Harris can be described as radiant, and she broke the monopoly of United States men in the political arena.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

In 2016, she was elected to the U.S. Senate of California.

During her tenure, she proposed various philanthropic programs and bills of rights for women to promote women's emancipation.

This has given her the support of many female voters.

What's more, Harris was favored by Biden as a result.

But at the same time, Harris, who tasted the sweetness of power, also began to bend the law for personal gain.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

In 2019, Harris vowed to run in the next presidential election.

It wasn't long before a poor Harris gave up the campaign.

In 2020, after Biden was elected president, he appointed Harris as vice president.

She made history again, and she hopes that she can be a role model for women and bring more strength to them.

It's just that Harris, who was okay before, became the "laughing king" after serving as the vice president of the "sleeping king" Biden.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump


Now, Harris has been publicly exposed by Musk to the black history, and I don't know how she will respond.

But in any case, this is a United States thing, and the United States interests are in mind.

The focus should be on the candidates' attitudes toward China.

The United States election will be played out soon.

We just have to move the small bench and watch the excitement and watch the doorway.

Mistress Harris History Picked Up! Musk confronted her and announced his full support for Trump

Some references:

The latest poll: Harris's support rate is 2% ahead of Trump

Baidu Encyclopedia|Kamala. Devi. Harris

Biden withdraws from the election, do the Democrats surrender or want to stud?

CCTV News|Trump was shot

Musk supports Trump


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