
The careless couple forgot to close the door when they went out, and the dog stood up to block the crack of the door and strictly guarded the house for 4 hours!

Title: Forgot to close the door and go out for 4 hours, my dog has become the most reliable "goalkeeper"!

Description: When a careless couple forgot to close the door when they went out, their dog stepped forward and blocked the crack in the door with his body, guarding the home for 4 hours. This heartwarming story not only shows the loyalty of dogs, but also makes us rethink the relationship between humans and pets.

The careless couple forgot to close the door when they went out, and the dog stood up to block the crack of the door and strictly guarded the house for 4 hours!


Hello everyone, my name is Li Ming, I am 35 years old this year, and I am an ordinary office worker. My wife Xiaofang and I have been married for five years, and we are both workaholics. In order to add some fun to life, we adopted a golden retriever two years ago and named it Rhubarb.

To be honest, when I first started getting a dog, I was quite resistant. I feel troublesome and afraid that it will affect my life. But Rhubarb's watery eyes and wagging tail soon melted our hearts. Gradually, rhubarb became a member of our family, and every day when we came home and saw it cheerfully greeting us, all the tiredness was swept away.

Last Saturday, Xiaofang and I decided to go on an outing to relax. We packed our things and got ready to head out. Rhubarb saw that we were going out and rubbed hard at our feet, as if to say, "Take me with you!" I squatted down and touched its head, and said, "Good, watch the house at home, and we'll be back in the evening." "

We hurried out the door and drove to the outskirts. After driving for about half an hour, Xiao Fang suddenly exclaimed: "Oops, did we forget to lock the door?" I was stunned for a moment, and when I thought about it carefully, it seemed that I really only cared about coaxing rhubarb and forgot to lock the door!

I panicked and quickly turned around and rushed back. On the way, Xiaofang and I were anxious. Although the security of the community we live in is good, but the door is open for 4 hours, who knows what will happen? My mind was already conjuring up images of my house being ransacked, and I slapped the steering wheel in frustration.

Xiaofang was also full of guilt: "It's all because I was too careless, I knew I should have checked it more." I comforted her and said, "Don't blame yourself, we are all responsible." Let's hope nothing happens. "

The careless couple forgot to close the door when they went out, and the dog stood up to block the crack of the door and strictly guarded the house for 4 hours!

We hurried home, entered the gate of the community and ran home. From afar, I saw that the door of our house was hidden! My heart suddenly rose to my throat, and I ran faster.

When we ran to the door out of breath, we were stunned by the sight in front of us. I saw that Rhubarb was pressing his body tightly against the crack in the door, and he was standing there motionless. Hearing our footsteps, it raised its head, its eyes full of vigilance. When it recognized that it was us, it immediately wagged its tail happily, but its body still did not move, as if waiting for us to confirm that everything was safe.

I crouched down and hugged the rhubarb tightly, almost crying. Xiao Fang also squatted down, touched Rhubarb's head, and said in a choked voice: "Rhubarb, you are amazing!" "

We quickly checked the home and found that everything was in perfect condition. Thinking that Rhubarb maintained that posture for 4 hours in order to protect his homeland, my heart was both moved and guilty.

That night, we added a lot of delicious food to the rhubarb and took it out for a long walk. When I got home, Rhubarb lay on the ground tired, and I sat next to it, gently stroking its fur, full of gratitude.

After this incident, my attitude towards rhubarb changed a lot. I used to think that it was just a pet, but now I really feel that it is a member of our family and our guardian.

I started paying more attention to the needs of rhubarb, taking it out for a walk every day after work and going to the park on weekends. I found that the time I spent with rhubarb turned out to be the most relaxing and happiest moment of my day.

Xiao Fang also became more attentive. She always double-checked that the doors and windows were locked, and installed a camera at the door so that she could check the situation at home at any time, even when she was not at home.

The careless couple forgot to close the door when they went out, and the dog stood up to block the crack of the door and strictly guarded the house for 4 hours!

This experience made me deeply realize that dogs are not only pets, but also family members. They love us and guard us in their own way. And we should cherish them and give them the same love and care.

Now, every time I see Rhubarb meekly lying at my feet, I remember the day it stood guard at the door. That loyalty and courage made me feel the preciousness of life and the preciousness of feelings.

This story also taught me that the small details in life are often the best indicators of a person's qualities. Just like Rhubarb, when we are negligent, silently takes on the responsibility of guardians. It illustrates what true loyalty and responsibility are.

I wonder if each of us could be like rhubarb, step up at critical moments and do our part in ordinary days, wouldn't the world be a better place?

Finally, I would like to say to all my friends who have pets: please be kind to your pets, because in their hearts, you are the whole world. And they may become your most reliable guardians at some point.

This experience not only added a sense of security to our family, but also made us experience the power of love. Thanks to rhubarb, our family has become warmer and more complete.


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