
"Tang Dynasty Legends: Westward Journey": The water is out! The real culprit of the dry well murder case is actually him!

In the latest plot of the westward journey, Su Wuming and Lu Lingfeng went to Hanzhou to deliver the tongue relics, because the abbot of Hui'an Temple was in retreat, so they had to be delayed in Hanzhou for seven days, so Lao Fei went out and found a real estate agent to rent a house to live temporarily.

On the first night of Su Wuming's house, he had a nightmare, and then found a corpse in a dry well in the backyard, and a new case began.

"Tang Dynasty Legends: Westward Journey": The water is out! The real culprit of the dry well murder case is actually him!

After inquiring about Song Ami, the owner of the house, the truth gradually surfaced. It turned out that after Song Ami married the businessman Longfa, whenever Longfa lost money in gambling, he would punch and kick her when he went home, and whipped Ami with a leather whip all over her body, and was tortured by domestic violence for a long time, and Song Ami became murderous. She bought off the killer of Shitang to kill her husband, but she didn't expect Longfa to die, but the killer died in her own dry well.

Song Ami bought a murderer and explained the cause and effect clearly, but the problem that bothered Su Wuming was never solved, that is, how did this killer die? Not only did it not be resolved, but the same way of death also appeared in another deceased, Cao Shuangli.

Earlier, Su Wuming had analyzed the corpse in the well: "The back of the skull collapsed, and it should be a blunt instrument such as a hammer, which slammed the back of the head and died." ”

"Tang Dynasty Legends: Westward Journey": The water is out! The real culprit of the dry well murder case is actually him!

At that time, Su Wuming also guessed that the murder weapon should be a blunt weapon such as a hammer, but after examining Cao Shuangli's body, his conclusion changed, Su Wuming said: "The murder weapon is not a hammer, the back of the skull collapsed, leaving a deep pit, but the surrounding scalp is not damaged, what kind of weapon is this, I Su Wuming has never seen it." ”

Su Wuming's erudition, both in and out of the play, is obvious to all, he knows astronomy and geography, and even the names and habits of all kinds of fierce beasts in Zhiwei can be counted, but now he can't guess what kind of weapon it is, which is really a bit incredible.

The only explanation is that Su Wuming's direction has deviated, in fact, what caused the death of these two people with heavy head injuries was not a weapon at all, but a human fist. And in the play, the owner of such a lethal fist is none other than Ling Gushuo.

"Tang Dynasty Legends: Westward Journey": The water is out! The real culprit of the dry well murder case is actually him!

Just when Cao Shuangli's body was found in the beast bone field, Lu Lingfeng found that a figure flashed, so he chased out, and just fell into the trap set by Ling Gushuo.

Do you still remember the first fight between Lu Lingfeng and Ling Hushuo outside the Muji Iron Shop? At that time, Ling Hu Shuo not only split the wine gourd thrown by Lu Lingfeng with his bare hands, but also took the iron chain that Lu Lingfeng picked up with a spear with his bare hands.

It can still be easily dealt with by Tie Tuanzi, let alone a human skull? With Ling Hushuo's vigorous miracle, it is understandable to see the back of the skulls of the two deceased collapse without damage to the scalp.

"Tang Dynasty Legends: Westward Journey": The water is out! The real culprit of the dry well murder case is actually him!

Having solved the problem of the murder weapon, let's push the machine again. What is the relationship between Ling Hushuo and Longfa and Song Ami? Why did he kill the killer of the Taiyin Society and Cao Shuangli?

The only reasonable explanation is that Ling Hushuo may have two identities, he used Longfa's identity as a cover to facilitate his actions in Hanzhou, and Song Ami is very likely to find out that her husband's identity is strange, and he has been abusing himself for a long time, so he chose to buy murder and try to get out of the sea of suffering.

Song Ami's murder failed, the murderer was killed, and Cao Shuangli could not escape death. Ling Hushuo used a small punishment to cut off Song Ami's way of life, so that she didn't dare to act rashly, so she could only cooperate with him to set up Lu Lingfeng and others.

"Tang Dynasty Legends: Westward Journey": The water is out! The real culprit of the dry well murder case is actually him!

If the above assumptions are true, then what kind of game of chess did Ling Hushuo play in Hanzhou? Looking forward to the next plot, we'll wait and see.


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