
Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting

On July 25, the 2024 celebration of the "August 1st" theme paper-cutting experience practice activity jointly organized by the Longxian Cultural Center and the Longxian Library was successfully held in the Longxian Library.

Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting

Yang Bingquan, the inheritor of the provincial intangible cultural heritage project, presided over the event, and invited three artists, Gao Dong'e, Wang Xiaoli and Liu Wenfang, intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting artists, to show and teach paper-cutting skills on the same stage. A total of more than 30 students and paper-cutting enthusiasts participated in the summer paper-cutting practice activity.

Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting

During the event, Yang Bingquan, the author of "Guguan Beacon Fire", first told everyone about the whole process of liberating the county seat of Longxian County and the "Battle of Guguan in Longxian County" from July 24 to 28, 1949. The victory in the battle of Guguan marked the liberation of Quanlong County and the opening of the prelude to the liberation of the great northwest. In Mr. Yang's narration, the students were deeply affected by the revolutionary spirit of their ancestors, and they were determined to study hard and work hard to serve the motherland.

Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting

Next, Liu Wenfang, the inheritor of paper-cutting, showed her paper-cut work of "Salute to the Heroes of the Battle of Guguan". The design intent and paper-cutting process of paper-cutting were introduced to everyone. The size of the Guguan Battle Heroes Monument was reduced to 28 centimeters, the prototype was cut, and the picture of the Young Pioneers saluting the martyrs was cut out, and the whole paper-cut expressed the deep remembrance and commemoration of the heroes and martyrs of the Guguan Battle. The work is delicately cut and creatively vivid, and everyone is deeply attracted by the author's creativity and cutting method.

Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting
Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting

Paper-cutting artist Gao Dong'e showed the students a series of paper-cut works created to commemorate the liberation of Longzhou. She told in detail that she added the pattern elements of the liberation of Longxian County to the original paper-cut pattern. Red flags, battle heroes, charges, and scenes of celebration by the people of Longzhou...... Mr. Gao's paper-cutting creativity is rich in imagination, and the composition is complex and vivid, showing the students a unique world of paper-cutting.

Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting
Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting

The paper-cut "I am the People's Liberation Army" and "National Flag" patterns created by the paper-cutting artist Wang Xiaoli are delicate and delicate, expressing his deep love for the People's Liberation Army.

Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting
Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting

After the paper-cutting demonstration, the three paper-cutting artists taught the students how to cut the "five-pointed star" pattern. The students picked up the scissors and red paper in their hands, and folded them in half one by one according to the teacher's demonstration, and soon everyone mastered the folding skills. Under the explanation of the artist teacher, everyone found the method and line of cutting. Folding, line drawing, and cutting are completed step by step. Soon one after another bright five-pointed star patterns were cut out, and everyone unconsciously became excited. They discussed their own experiences and exchanged their paper-cut works with each other, and the whole paper-cutting experience reached a climax.

Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting
Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting
Longxian: Continuing the roots of red culture and displaying the ancient charm of intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting

The "Continuing the Roots of Red Culture and Displaying the Ancient Rhyme of Intangible Cultural Heritage Paper-cutting" and the "August 1st" theme experience and practice activities came to an end in everyone's heartfelt admiration. This event not only allowed everyone to experience the beauty of the world of paper-cutting, but also brought a unique red education theme class to everyone. (Contributed by: Longxian Cultural Center)

Editor-in-charge: Du Pengfei

Editor: Fu Mingzhu

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