
In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?
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In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

"It's not hard to go up to the 5th floor in one go...... one piece at a time"? The catchy advertising slogan has echoed in front of the televisions of countless Chinese homes.

However, what few people know is that the energetic old man in the advertisement is actually a senior artist who has been working silently in the entertainment industry for more than half a century. In 2009, when the 83-year-old Li Ding passed away, his funeral unexpectedly became the focus of public opinion.

What was supposed to be a solemn and solemn farewell ceremony was thrown into chaos by the arrival of a popular star. This accident not only reveals certain phenomena in the entertainment industry, but also gives us a glimpse into the little-known legendary life of the old artist.

Let's step into the world of Li Ding and explore his wonderful artistic life.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

In the bright galaxy of the Chinese theater stage, Li Ding is a low-key and dazzling star. His stage name comes from a serendipitous chance, but it has achieved a legendary artistic life.

In 1926, in a prosperous business family, a baby who was given the nickname "Shui'er" fell to the ground, and he was the future Li Ding, formerly known as Li Shouhai.

The family ran a thriving silk cloth business, and the wealthy family opened the door to art for the young Li Shouhai. The family often invited opera troupes to perform at home, and the little Li Shouhai always watched intently, and the seeds of art were quietly planted in his young heart.

As he grew older, Li Shouhai's love for acting burned like a spark. During his studies, he actively participated in the school's literary and artistic activities, choreographed dramas with like-minded classmates, and even established the "77 Drama Club".

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

His dedication and talent for art soon attracted the attention of the party organization. In 1947, at the age of 21, Li Shouhai was introduced by a party member and comrade, honorably joining the Communist Party of China, opening a chapter in his life of striving for art and ideals.

However, fate always likes to play jokes with funny souls. When Lee Shou-hae decided to devote himself to acting, he needed a resounding stage name. By chance, he closed his eyes and casually pointed to a word in the newspaper - "meat".

This dramatic choice provoked him to think. "Plum Meat" is obviously not elegant enough, and "Plum Meat Ding" is too funny. In the end, he retained the character "Ding" and officially changed his name to Li Ding.

This seemingly random choice of name has become a label for his life. Behind Li Ding's unpretentious name, he carries his love for art, his enthusiasm for life and his persistence in his ideals.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

Since then, "Shui'er", the son of an ordinary businessman, has transformed into a young actor "Li Ding" with dreams, and embarked on his artistic road full of opportunities and challenges.

Li Ding's story teaches us that the seeds of art can take root and sprout anywhere. It may originate from a play-watching experience in childhood, an improvisation in adolescence, or a chance given by fate.

What matters is whether we have the courage and perseverance to care for this seed when it begins to grow, so that it can eventually grow into a towering tree. Li Ding used his life to interpret this truth, and also set an example for those who came after him.

Li Ding's acting career is like a drama full of ups and downs, full of hardships and ups and downs, but it also shines because of his persistence and love. In 1946, at the age of 20, Li Ding made his debut on the stage, and embarked on the road of art with his love and longing for performance.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

However, the reality is not as rosy as imagined. As an actor from a non-professional background, Li Ding is often regarded as having a weak foundation and lacking professional training in the industry.

Faced with such a disadvantage, Li Ding did not choose to back down. Instead, he threw himself into his studies with amazing perseverance. In 1956, when the opportunity came, Li Ding entered the director cadre training class of the Central Academy of Drama.

Here he showed amazing learning ability and dedication to art. I only slept three or four hours a day and devoted myself to the study of acting skills.

His efforts were not in vain, and it took only two years for Li Ding to master the knowledge and skills that ordinary people would take five years to comprehend.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

However, fate always seems to like to play jokes with people with lofty ideals. Li Ding's upright personality has made him offend many people in the entertainment industry. Eventually, he was transferred to the theater of his love and sent to work on the farm.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow for a person with artistic dreams. But Li Ding did not give up, he still maintained his love for life and dedication to art in a difficult environment.

The turning point came in 1979, when the 53-year-old finally returned to the stage. This hard-won opportunity made him cherish it doubly. No matter how big or small the role is, he puts his heart and soul into it, and strives to interpret each role to the fullest.

It is this dedication and rigor to art that has propelled Li Ding's career to the peak.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

In 1992, Li Ding ushered in the highlight moment of his career. His outstanding performance in the film "Heaven's Reply" won him the Best Actor Award at the Rimoski Film Festival in Canada, and he was also nominated for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor.

These honors are an affirmation of his years of hard work, and also mark a major breakthrough in his acting career.

However, success often comes at a cost. In 2002, Li Ding, who was 75 years old, played the old lady of the Liu family in the TV series "Old House". His deep devotion to the role led to him suffering from depression at one point.

Although he gradually recovered during the follow-up treatment, this experience also had a significant impact on his physical condition.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

Even so, Li Ding still can't let go of his beloved acting career. Until the age of 81, he was still active in the film and television industry, interpreting his love for art in his own way.

He once said: "Acting is my life, as long as I can still move, I will continue to act."

Li Ding's experience tells us that perseverance and love are the most powerful motivations on the road to pursuing dreams. No matter what kind of setbacks you encounter, as long as the flame in your heart is not extinguished, you will always have the possibility to realize your dreams.

His life is like a wonderful drama, with highs and lows, laughter and tears, but what always runs through it is his dedication to art and love of life.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

Li Ding has spent his life interpreting what a true artist is. His story is not just a personal legend, but a microcosm of an entire era. In that difficult era, there were countless art workers like Li Ding, who worked silently to lay a solid foundation for China's performing arts.

Their spirit deserves to be remembered and passed on forever.

Li Ding has been working silently in the entertainment industry for more than half a century, but what really makes him a household name is a seemingly ordinary advertisement. In the advertisement of the new cover, Li Ding, who is too old, shouted out the advertising slogan "One top five pieces, it is not difficult to go up to the 5th floor in one breath", this simple and powerful performance instantly entered the lives of thousands of households and became an unforgettable memory of a generation.

However, this advertisement is only a small episode in Li Ding's rich artistic career. In his long acting career, Li Ding has participated in many excellent film and television works and contributed his own strength to the Chinese film and television industry.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

In the popular TV series "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo", Li Ding created a character that impressed the audience, and his performance added a lot to this classic work.

And in the well-known sitcom "I Love My Home", Li Ding's excellent performance also adds a unique charm to this work.

Li Ding's acting talent has not only been recognized in China, but also shined on the international stage. In 1992, he starred in the film "Heaven's Reply", which won the Best Actor Award at the Rimsky Film Festival in Canada, which is the best praise for his superb acting skills.

In the same year, he was also nominated for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor for his outstanding performance. These honors are not only an affirmation of Li Ding's personal artistic achievements, but also an appearance of Chinese films on the international stage.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

However, behind the success is Li Ding's persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts in art. Even in his seventies, he still maintains his passion for acting. In 2002, during the filming of the TV series "Old House", the 75-year-old Li Ding played the role of the old lady of the Liu family.

His deep devotion to the role made him even suffer from depression at one point because he was too deep in the play. Although this experience had a certain impact on his health, it also showed his dedication and seriousness to art from the side.

Li Ding's artistic career tells us that a true artist needs not only talent, but also perseverance and infinite love for art. He used his life to interpret what concentration is and what persistence is, and also set an example for future generations.

Although he may not appear in the public eye as often as some popular stars, the footprints he left on his artistic path are undoubtedly worthy of our respect and remembrance.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

Li Ding's story is not only a personal legend of an actor, but also a microcosm of the development of China's entertainment industry. His achievements reflect the perseverance and perseverance of a generation of art workers, and also witness the journey of China's film and television industry from obscurity to vigorous development.

Even in the twilight of his life, Li Ding still maintained his love for acting. Until the age of 81, he was still active in the film and television industry, interpreting his dedication to art in his own way.

However, time is unforgiving after all. As he grew older, Li Ding's health gradually deteriorated.

In 2007, after completing the filming of the movie "Mimi Detective Ouchi", Li Ding gradually faded out of the public eye. It was later learned that the veteran artist had unfortunately fallen seriously ill and had to leave his beloved stage for a while.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

Despite this, Li Ding did not give up his love for life. In his own way, he quietly fought against the disease.

In the two years of battling the disease, Li Ding has always maintained an optimistic attitude. His strength and courage touched everyone around him. But there is an end to life.

In 2009, 83-year-old Li Ding left this world forever and left the stage he loved so much.

Li Ding's death is a huge loss for the entire entertainment industry. At his funeral, many industry leaders such as Zhang Tielin, Zhang Guoli, Guo Degang and others came to bid farewell.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

However, on this occasion that should have been solemn and solemn, an unexpected thing happened.

The arrival of popular actor Deng Chao caused an unexpected commotion. A large number of fans flocked to ask for photos and autographs with their idols, and for a while, the funeral scene turned into a fan meeting.

Faced with this situation, the respected teacher Zhang Guoli couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "Get out of here!" This scene became the most talked-about episode at Li Ding's funeral.

To some extent, this unexpected incident also reflects some problems in the contemporary entertainment industry. Compared with an old artist like Li Ding, who has worked silently all his life, the younger generation of stars seems to be more likely to gain attention.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

However, as Li Ding's life shows, the real value of art lies not in temporary fame and fortune, but in the persistent pursuit and lifelong dedication to art.

Li Ding's death is not only the end of an era, but also an opportunity for us to reflect on the nature of art. His life went from obscurity to fame and fame, and then to the final fade out, just like a complete drama.

In this play, Li Ding interprets in his own way what is the true spirit of an artist. His passing makes us cherish those who have paid for art even more, and it also makes us rethink how to maintain our pure love for art in this fast-paced era.

Li Ding's artistic spirit not only influenced the entire entertainment industry, but also deeply imprinted on his son Li Xiaoding. As Li Ding's eldest son, Li Xiaoding has been immersed in a strong artistic atmosphere since he was a child, and has developed an innate love for performance.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

However, Li Xiaoding did not rely on his father's reputation, but chose his own path of independent hard work. He started from the drama stage, and after decades of training, he finally made his mark in classic film and television dramas such as "Water Margin".

Although most of them are supporting roles, Li Xiaoding has always devoted himself to each role with 100% enthusiasm, winning praise from the audience and respect from industry insiders.

Fate always seems to favor this artistic family, but it also plays some jokes from time to time. In 2020, 67-year-old Li Xiaoding died of a sudden heart attack, 16 years younger than his father Li Ding when he died.

This bad news makes people sigh at the impermanence of life, and it also makes people cherish the precious spiritual wealth left by artists even more.

In 2009, Li Ding died, and he became a household name with the advertisement of the new cover, and the funeral was almost destroyed by Deng Chao?

The artistic career of the father and son duo is like a moving duet. They have watered China's performing arts industry with their life's work and interpreted their love for art in their own way.

Although they have all passed away, the artistic spirit they left behind will forever inspire future generations to continue to move forward on the path of art. The story of Li Ding and Li Xiaoding is not only an artistic inheritance of a family, but also a vivid portrayal of the Chinese performing arts industry passed down from generation to generation.

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