
"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life
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"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

In the Chinese film industry, Zhang Yimou's name is like a monument, standing at the junction of art and commerce. The director, who once amazed the world with "Red Sorghum", is now in a whirlpool of doubts because of "Man Jianghong" and the upcoming "League of Legends Web Drama Series".

From the pursuit of artistic ideals to the closer to business, what kind of transformation has Zhang Yimou's creative path undergone? Is it the coercion of the torrent of the times, or is it the independent choice of the heart? What's even more thought-provoking is whether this benchmark figure, who was once known as a "literary director", inadvertently deviated from his original intention? Let's trace the trajectory of the great director's life, explore the changes in his artistic pursuits, and the choices that are called "betrayal".

In an ordinary junior high school in Xi'an in 1964, the young Zhang Yimou was experiencing the purest competition and first love in his life. His tablemate Xiao Hua, a girl from an intellectual family, became his fierce rival and soul mate on the road to study.

The healthy competition between the two gradually evolved into a youthful love, which was precious in that era.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

However, fate always likes to play tricks on people. After graduating from junior high school, Zhang Yimou, who came from a poor family, had to give up the opportunity to continue his studies and inherit his father's mantle and enter the factory.

Xiao Hua continued to study in high school, and the life trajectories of the two began to diverge subtly. Despite this, their affection did not diminish because of this. In that era of material scarcity but rich emotions, Zhang Yimou used his own hands to make exquisite hairpins for Xiao Hua, and even traveled to find a cute puppy to give her.

These delicate actions all demonstrate the young Zhang Yimou's loyalty and persistence in love.

The restoration of the college entrance examination system in 1978 illuminated Zhang Yimou's life like a dawn. With his extraordinary talent and tenacity, he was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

However, just when he was about to step into the palace of art, he persuaded Xiao Hua many times to give up taking the college entrance examination. This decision may be the first "betrayal" of love in his life.

Zhang Yimou, who stepped into the Beiying campus, seemed to have entered a new world. Everything here fascinates him: the artistic atmosphere, the passion for creation, the pursuit of beauty.

He was immersed in it like a fish in water. However, whenever he returned home and faced the unpretentious Xiao Hua, a subtle sense of alienation began to arise in his heart.

Zhang Yimou began to realize that he was standing at a crossroads in his life. On the one hand, it is an infinite yearning for art, and on the other hand, it is the responsibility and commitment of first love.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

This inner contradiction may be the theme that Zhang Yimou often explores in his later artistic creations: the conflict between ideal and reality, the game between personal pursuit and social responsibility.

Every choice he makes is like adding a new plot to his life script, and these choices will also profoundly affect his future artistic path.

In 1987, Zhang Yimou became famous with "Red Sorghum", which not only made him famous in the international film industry, but also brought him the second "betrayal" in his life.

On the set, he met the young and beautiful Gong Li. The two sparked a spark of love in the passion of creation and began an eight-year secret relationship.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

Zhang Yimou's inner world seems to be ignited by Gong Li, and he sees his ideal muse in her. Gong Li is elegant, intellectual, and full of artistic atmosphere, which coincides with his pursuit of "literature and art".

However, this relationship is based on the betrayal of Xiao Hua. When Xiao Hua accidentally discovered the love letter given by Gong Li to Zhang Yimou, the marriage of many years collapsed.

In terms of career, the combination of Zhang Yimou and Gong Li is perfect. She became the inspiration for his artistic creations, and he became the guide for her career. The success of "Red Sorghum" not only established Zhang Yimou's status in the film industry, but also made Gong Li a hot star.

The artistic talents of the two men continue to sublimate under the inspiration of each other, creating one amazing work after another.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

However, as time went on, the relationship between the two began to crack. In 1995, when Gong Li expressed her desire to start a family, Zhang Yimou's response was chilling: "What about getting married? That's just a thin certificate.

This sentence not only negates Gong Li's years of waiting, but also exposes the other side of Zhang Yimou's feelings: he seems to value artistic creation more than children's affection.

This year, the relationship between Zhang Yimou and Gong Li came to an end. However, fate seems to play tricks on the director. Just when he was preparing for the new film "Something to Say", the investor withdrew his capital because he broke up with Gong Li.

Zhang Yimou fell into an unprecedented predicament for a while, as if he was in a boiling oil pot.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

At this critical moment, a man named Zhang Weiping appeared. He not only provided Zhang Yimou with much-needed financial support, but also co-founded the film company with him.

Zhang Weiping's appearance seems to be a timely rain that helped Zhang Yimou get through the trough of his career. However, this "redemption" also laid the groundwork for Zhang Yimou's future transformation.

To a certain extent, accepting Zhang Weiping's help may be Zhang Yimou's first "betrayal" of his artistic ideals. He began to realize that in the real film market, artistic pursuits alone were not enough.

Funds, markets, and audience preferences will all affect the success or failure of a movie.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

Zhang Yimou stands at another crossroads in his life: should he continue to insist on his artistic ideals, or should he compromise with business? This choice is not only related to his personal artistic career, but also represents a direction for the Chinese film industry to some extent.

And the results of this choice will gradually be revealed in the rest of his creative career.

In 2002, Zhang Yimou's "Hero" was born, causing a sensation at home and abroad. The film was not only a huge success at the box office, but also marked a major shift in Zhang Yimou's creative style.

The film gathers many popular stars, which is rare in Zhang Yimou's previous works. Behind this change is Zhang Weiping's growing influence.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

Zhang Weiping's addition has brought sufficient financial support to Zhang Yimou, but it has also brought pressure on commercialization. After "Hero", Zhang Yimou's movies began to frequently appear big-name stars, and the plot gradually moved closer to the public taste.

This shift, while bringing in significant box office revenues, has also disappointed some loyal viewers. They miss the Zhang Yimou who focuses on telling the stories of ordinary people, not the "new Zhang Yimou" who chases commercial success.

With the deepening of cooperation, Zhang Weiping's influence on Zhang Yimou's films has become more and more significant. During the production of "Three Guns Shooting Surprise", Zhang Weiping suggested inviting Zhao Jiaban to star in the film to add comedy elements to the movie.

In "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling", he proposed to add some "large-scale" scenes to attract more audiences. These interventions, while commercially successful, also troubled Mr. Zhang.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

He found himself drifting away from his original artistic pursuits, a feeling of "betrayal" of his ideals.

However, the allure of commercial success is enormous. Zhang Yimou found that as long as he put his name on the movie poster, he could cause a sensation. This influence was irresistible to him, and it tilted the balance between art and business.

Zhang Yimou began to wonder: can he find a balance between commercial success and artistic pursuits? He tried to incorporate his own artistic style into commercial films, but the results were not always ideal.

Audiences and critics are beginning to question whether the former master of art cinema has been lost in the sea of commerce.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

In the end, Zhang Yimou chose to part ways with Zhang Weiping. But that doesn't mean he can easily return to pure art. The sweetness of business has been tasted, the audience's expectations have changed, and Zhang Yimou finds himself standing at a crossroads.

He needs to reorient his creative direction, and while maintaining his artistic pursuit, he must also consider the needs of the market. This balance will be the biggest challenge of Zhang Yimou's next creative career.

As Zhang Yimou delved deeper and deeper into the field of commercial films, his works began to take on a state of contradiction. On the one hand, his films still maintain a high level of production quality and unique visual beauty, which is due to the artistic skills he has accumulated over the years.

On the other hand, more and more commercial elements began to appear in his works, sometimes even deliberately.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

In "Three Guns Shooting Surprise", Zhang Yimou boldly experimented with comedy elements, which was in stark contrast to his previous serious literary style.

And in "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling", he added more action scenes and sensory stimulation. The film's production is impeccable, but some critics felt that too much commercial elements obscured the depth of the story itself.

These attempts, while successful at the box office, have also raised some skepticism. Some people began to wonder whether the former literary director had been completely captured by commercial interests.

Zhang Yimou's inner struggle is obvious. He tried to find a balance between artistic pursuits and commercial success, but the path was not easy. Every compromise is like a small betrayal of one's original intention.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

However, he is also well aware that in today's film market, it is difficult for pure art films to gain widespread attention and support.

After parting ways with Zhang Weiping, Zhang Yimou had the opportunity to re-examine his creative direction. However, he seems to have become accustomed to the creative mode of commercial films.

He began to think more about the tastes of the audience than simply pursuing artistic expression. To a certain extent, this shift can be seen as another "betrayal" of his earlier artistic ideals.

However, we cannot simply attribute this transformation to the depravity of the artist. To a certain extent, this also reflects Zhang Yimou's realistic considerations as a mature director.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

He needs to find a balance between ideals and reality, which can meet the expectations of the audience without completely giving up his artistic pursuits.

This balance is perhaps the biggest challenge for Zhang Yimou in the new phase of his work. Each of his works is like the result of a game between art and commerce, and it is also the externalization of his inner struggle.

Audiences and critics alike are waiting to see if he can find an answer in this game that will satisfy everyone.

At the beginning of 2023, Zhang Yimou's new work "Man Jianghong" once again sparked heated discussions. The film, which could have been a slick low-budget masterpiece, was criticized for overcatering to market demand.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

The audience saw too many celebrity faces in it, but rarely felt the profound analysis and delicate reflection on reality in Zhang Yimou's early works. Although the film still maintains Zhang Yimou's usual high standard visually, it has disappointed many viewers in terms of depth of content.

Immediately afterwards, it was reported that Zhang Yimou would direct the "League of Legends Web Drama Series". The news initially drew a warm welcome from fans, but when the plot outline and cast were revealed, doubts arose.

The plot setting of "Skin-changing Idol Drama" and all the young idol actors make people wonder if this is still the former Zhang Yimou. This choice seems to be more about catering to the market than to artistic considerations.

In the face of these doubts, Zhang Yimou seemed to fall silent. He may be wondering: should he continue to follow in the footsteps of the market, or return to his original artistic intention? This choice is not only related to his personal artistic career, but also represents a direction for the Chinese film industry to some extent.

"Most of the negative hearts are scholars", Zhang Yimou betrayed several times in his life

The audience is looking forward to the return of "Literature and Art Zhang Yimou", and they miss the director who can tell ordinary life with the lens. However, the realities of the market are constantly demanding compromises.

In this contradiction, Zhang Yimou needs to face his heart again and make a difficult choice.

This may be the biggest "betrayal" in Zhang Yimou's life - betraying himself when he was young, betraying the young man with literary and artistic dreams. But at the same time, it may also be a reality that he has to face as a mature artist.

Between ideals and reality, Zhang Yimou's choice will determine his future artistic path and will also affect the development direction of Chinese films.

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