
In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

On August 21, 2019, the summer sun in Xi'an was still shining, but 26-year-old Yang Chaoyu was lying in a hospital bed, and his life was quietly passing. Just 12 days ago, he was basking in the joy of starting his PhD career.

As an outstanding graduate of Northwest University, Yang Chaoyu has just made his mark at a national academic seminar, and the future seems bright. He and his girlfriend Han Yiwei plan to enter the marriage hall next year.

However, a surgery to correct a deviated septum, which was considered "zero risk", became the end of the young scholar's life. When the critical illness notice came at 4 a.m., Yang Chaoyu's father, Yang Cheng, couldn't believe the cruel truth.

Yang Chaoyu's story begins with an ordinary family in Nanzheng Township, Pingyao, Shanxi. When he was a child, his parents went to Taiyuan to work in order to earn a living, and he became a left-behind child, carefully cared for by his grandmother.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

Yang Chaoyu was lively and active in childhood, but his academic performance was not outstanding, and he always hovered at the lower middle level. It wasn't until the college entrance examination that he was reluctantly admitted to a second-class normal college.

However, the college period became a turning point in Yang Chaoyu's life. It seemed that overnight he found his direction in life and developed a strong interest in academic research.

Yang Cheng often called to ask about his son's current situation, and the answer he received was always the same: "Reading books in the library." Every time he goes home during the holidays, Yang Chaoyu locks himself in the study, immersed in the sea of books, as if he wants to make up for the wasted time in the past at one time.

Yang Chaoyu's learning method is amazing. Over the course of four years, he borrowed more than 400 books, and the books and notes he bought almost filled the bookcases in his dormitory. His intellectual curiosity was so strong that his classmates saw his dormitory as a place to discuss their studies.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

Yang Chaoyu can always interpret complex problems in a simple way, and at the same time can gain insight into the essence of the problem.

In order to deeply study the thoughts of the philosopher Xiong Shili, Yang Chaoyu even transcribed the full text of "The Complete Works of Xiong Shili", a total of 10 copies. In his acknowledgments for his master's thesis, he described his learning journey as follows: "From the initial half-day reading a page, to the ease of reading two volumes in a month, each step was a precious result that I had exchanged my life for."

This passage vividly illustrates his thirst for knowledge and his tireless efforts.

Yang Chaoyu's diligence was not in vain. He was admitted to the Institute of Chinese Thought and Culture of Northwest University with excellent grades and became a master's student. Here, his academic talents are fully developed and recognized.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

Tutor Wu Yisheng spoke highly of him, saying that he has a strong sense of mission and responsibility, and is a solid pillar in the field of Confucianism.

On July 12, 2019, Yang Chaoyu ushered in the highlight moment of his academic career. He was invited to participate in the "Centennial Confucianism Towards International Academic Symposium" and became one of the youngest scholars in the audience.

In the face of many senior experts, 26-year-old Yang Chaoyu talked eloquently and gave a wonderful speech on the topic of "On the Revision and Deviation of Mou Zongsan's "Body Theory" from Xiong Shili".

His performance won unanimous praise from the experts and scholars attending the conference, which made people see the hope of Chinese philosophical research.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

Yang's academic path has not been easy. He came from a poor background and knew that his parents had made great sacrifices to support him in his studies. Whenever he saw his parents' growing wrinkles, his heart was filled with guilt and motivation.

It was this sense of responsibility that drove him forward, and he finally succeeded in obtaining a doctorate.

From a left-behind child to an academic star, Yang Chaoyu's struggle is full of hardships and perseverance. He proved with his actions that as long as he finds the direction of life, anyone can shine brightly.

His story is not only a model of personal struggle, but also a microcosm of young scholars in the new era who bravely climb academic peaks.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

Yang's academic achievements are remarkable, but the pressures of real life are with them. The family's financial situation is not well-off, and his parents have made great sacrifices to support his studies.

At this difficult moment, his roommate Zhao Yang gave him a piece of advice: while preparing for the exam, try to write online novels to earn manuscript fees. Yang Chaoyu accepted this suggestion and began his "two-front operation".

During the day, he immersed himself in academic research; At night, he became an online writer, writing novels on various themes. During this period, Yang Chaoyu almost became a "sleepless person", and in order to balance his studies and creation, he often stayed up until the early hours of the morning.

Once, he accidentally broke a teacup, and his finger was scratched and blood flowed. But he just bandaged it and immediately returned to his computer to continue updating the novel. That night left a little bit of his blood on the keyboard, witnessing his persistence and hard work.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

In one year, Yang Chaoyu completed an astonishing 3 million words of creation, covering many themes such as urban, historical, and suspenseful. His hard work paid off, earning 130,000 yuan in manuscript fee income.

This money not only eased the financial burden on the family, but also gave him hope of continuing his education.

At the same time, Yang Chaoyu's love life also quietly sprouted on the road of academics. He met Han Yiwei at a book club, and the two were like-minded and often studied together in the library and study room.

Under the influence of Yang Chaoyu, Han Yiwei also fell in love with academic research and was admitted to graduate school with the first grade in his major.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

Yang Chaoyu actively participates in various campus activities, especially reading clubs. Even for the activities of other universities, he did not hesitate to sign up enthusiastically. His enthusiasm is infectious, making his dormitory an ideal place for students to discuss their knowledge and share their reading experiences.

In 2019, Chaoyu Yang and Yiwei Han were both admitted as doctoral students and graduate students with excellent results. What's even more gratifying is that Yang Chaoyu plans to stop asking for money from his family during his doctoral studies, and is ready to enter the palace of marriage with Han Yiwei in 2020.

This decision not only shows his confidence in the future, but also shows his sense of responsibility to his family.

The hardships of life did not defeat Yang Chaoyu, but inspired him to be more enthusiastic. He used practical actions to explain what it means to be a "top student", and also showed the tenacity and wisdom of the new generation of young people in the face of difficulties.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

Not only did he excel academically, but he also solved his financial problems through writing and found a partner in life.

Yang Chaoyu's story teaches us that even in the face of life's difficulties, as long as we maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, we can find a balance. He neither gave up his academic dreams because of the financial pressure of his family, nor did he neglect his personal life because of the heavy workload of his studies.

Instead, he used wisdom and perseverance to strike the perfect balance between academics, finances, and feelings.

Yang Chaoyu's experience is not only the epitome of his personal struggle, but also a portrayal of contemporary young students facing real challenges. He proved with his actions that as long as you have a dream in your heart and strength under your feet, you can carve out a path of your own in the face of adversity.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

August 2019 was supposed to be a hopeful time for Yang Chaoyu. The doctoral career is about to begin, and the marriage event is also being planned. However, fate played a cruel joke on him at this time.

Yang Chaoyu has been plagued by nose discomfort for many years. While studying in Xi'an, he was diagnosed with a deviated septum that needed to be surgically corrected. But at that time, he didn't want to spend his family's hard-earned money, so he put the matter on hold.

Now, before embarking on a new phase in his life, he has decided to solve this long-standing problem.

In the early morning of August 17, Yang Chaoyu, accompanied by his father Yang Cheng, came to the hospital in his hometown for an examination. The results showed that he had a deviated septum and chronic rhinitis, which required minor surgery.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

More reassuringly, the surgical risk assessment showed that this was a "zero risk" procedure, with an NNIS rating of 0.

Due to the need to wait in line, Yang Chaoyu was not officially admitted to the hospital until August 20. In the face of the upcoming surgery, he seems at ease and keeps in touch with his classmates and girlfriend from time to time.

The surgery lasted only 28 minutes and everything was fine at first. Yang Chaoyu was in good condition after surgery, and was even in the mood to joke with his dormitory friend Zhao Yang, and sent him a photo of himself after bandaging, humorously commenting that he was "handsome".

However, on this seemingly ordinary day, tragedy quietly struck. After the operation, Yang Chaoyu continued to receive infusions until 12 o'clock in the evening. When the infusion ended, he suddenly felt weakness all over his body, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and he couldn't even lift his legs.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

Yang Cheng immediately called the nurse, and the doctor diagnosed that it was a weakness caused by not eating in time after the operation. However, Yang Chaoyu vomited immediately after trying to eat, and his condition did not improve.

At two o'clock in the morning, Yang Chaoyu's face was pale and his legs were weak. Instruments showed that his blood pressure was extremely low. The surgeon, the physician on duty, and the cardiologist arrived one after another and decided to perform a blood test.

检验结果令人震惊:杨超宇的血清钾浓度竟然低至1。 4mmol/L远低于术前的3。 84mmol/L。

Although the cardiologist immediately administered potassium supplementation, Yang Chaoyu's condition took a sharp turn for the worse, and he developed serious symptoms such as incontinence. At four o'clock in the morning, Yang Cheng received a critical illness notice outside the operating room.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

He couldn't sign it for a while, so he could only call his wife and daughter tremblingly.

Finally, at 10 o'clock in the morning, the hospital announced that Yang Chaoyu had unfortunately passed away due to hypokalemia. An operation that should have been routine became the end of Yang Chaoyu's life.

This young man, full of hopes and dreams, left his beloved family, lovers, and academic career forever.

The impermanence of fate makes it difficult for all who know him to accept this cruel reality. How can a small surgery lead to such serious consequences? This problem not only troubled Yang Chaoyu's family, but also triggered extensive discussion and reflection in the medical community.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

Yang Chaoyu's sudden death was like a hammer, causing a huge shock in the academic community and his circle of relatives and friends. When the bad news came, many students immediately put down their work and rushed to Shanxi to attend his memorial service.

The air at the memorial service was filled with indescribable sadness, and the students read aloud the eulogy written by their mentor Zhang Maoze. One of the words brought tears to the eyes of everyone present: "After Yan Hui died, Confucius once shouted to the sky, 'Heaven mourns' and I feel this way now."

These words not only expressed the grief of the mentor, but also reflected the affirmation and regret of the academic community for Yang Chaoyu's talent.

Yang Chaoyu's girlfriend Han Yiwei made a moving decision in grief. She moved all the books of Yang Chaoyu back to her dormitory, and said softly: "The best way to keep you is to turn yourself into you."

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

This sentence is not only a deep remembrance of the deceased, but also the inheritance and development of Yang Chaoyu's academic spirit. Han Yiwei interpreted the meaning of love with his actions, and also allowed Yang Chaoyu's academic pursuit to continue.

Although Yang Chaoyu's life came to an abrupt end, his diligence, perseverance, and thirst for knowledge in his short 26 years of life left a deep impression on everyone around him.

His story became a beacon of inspiration for those who came after him. From left-behind children to academic stars, from obscurity to emergence, Yang Chaoyu's life trajectory all shows the power of hard work.

Yang Chaoyu proved with practical actions that as long as he finds his own direction in life, anyone can shine brightly. Even in the face of financial pressure, he was able to balance his studies and reality by writing novels, showing the wisdom and tenacity of a new generation of young people.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

He not only achieved excellent academic results, but also solved financial problems through creation, and found a life partner. This all-round success makes Yang's story even more enlightening and educational.

Yang Chaoyu's departure makes us think about the meaning of life. Although his life was short, he lived a wonderful and fulfilling life. He did not waste his time, but through unremitting efforts, he realized his self-worth, and at the same time brought a positive impact on the people around him.

As his mentor said, Yang Chaoyu is a solid pillar in the field of Confucianism, and his academic spirit will be passed on forever.

"The meaning of hard work will never go away." This is perhaps the most precious legacy that Yang Chaoyu left us. He used his life to interpret the profound meaning of this sentence.

In 19, the 26-year-old quasi-doctor died after surgery, wrote a novel to earn 130,000, and prepared to get married in 2020

Although he did not see the full results of his efforts with his own eyes, everything he gave in the limited time was enough for us to understand the value of life and the meaning of struggle.

Yang Chaoyu's story will always inspire us to cherish life and pursue our dreams, and to persevere no matter what difficulties we encounter. Because we never know what will happen in the next moment, but what we can be sure of is that the efforts of the present moment will shine in the future.

His life was short, but his spirit was eternal. This spirit will continue to inspire countless young people to forge ahead on the academic road and contribute to China's academic development.

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