
Zhu Xian: Lu Xueqi took the initiative to confess to the ghost, and the famous scene of deep marks finally arrived, which was too abusive

The trailer for the 48th episode of Zhuxian Anime has been updated, and this episode trailer can be said to be very exciting and very attractive. Because the heroine Lu Xueqi finally officially confessed to the ghost, the long-awaited scene of deep marks has finally arrived. Not to mention so much, let's take a look.

Zhu Xian: Lu Xueqi took the initiative to confess to the ghost, and the famous scene of deep marks finally arrived, which was too abusive

First, Lu Xueqi took the initiative to confess to Ghost Li

First of all, Lu Xueqi and Ghost Li. Judging from the preview, the beginning is the official reunion of Lu Xueqi and Ghost Li, and the two reunite on the wasteland outside Tianshui Village. Reunited again, Lu Xueqi was very excited, why wasn't it so ghostly? After all, Lu Xueqi is the person he loves deeply, but because there is a difference between good and evil, and Ghost Li has betrayed Qingyunmen, he has never dared to face Lu Xueqi, and he intends to keep a distance from Lu Xueqi.

Zhu Xian: Lu Xueqi took the initiative to confess to the ghost, and the famous scene of deep marks finally arrived, which was too abusive

Now that they are reunited, Lu Xueqi finally mustered up the courage and took the initiative to confess to Ghost Li, saying that I have been thinking about you for the past ten years and have always liked you. He also said that in the past ten years, I was obsessed, so I danced the sword in the back mountain, and finally directly issued an invitation, hoping that the ghost Li could abandon the ghost king sect, get rid of the devil, and return to Qingyunmen with himself.

Zhu Xian: Lu Xueqi took the initiative to confess to the ghost, and the famous scene of deep marks finally arrived, which was too abusive

After all, Lu Xueqi is a person in the righteous path and a woman with a great sense of justice, she really doesn't want Ghost Li to continue to be wrong, continue to devote herself to the Demon Dao, and continue to stay in the Ghost King Sect. But Ghost Li obviously has a very firm attitude, and he will not leave the Ghost King Sect, let alone return to Qingyunmen. Lu Xueqi saw that his persuasion was ineffective, so he stopped persuading, but drew his sword and wanted to fight with Ghost Li again. It could be seen that her Tianya sword had been stabbed out, and it could be said that it was only a few inches away from the ghostly face. Obviously, he could dodge, but he didn't dodge.

Zhu Xian: Lu Xueqi took the initiative to confess to the ghost, and the famous scene of deep marks finally arrived, which was too abusive

Lu Xueqi was very surprised by this, because she thought that Ghost Li would dodge and dodge her own attacks, but she didn't expect to dodge at all and let herself attack. Ghost Li may have felt guilty, so he let Lu Xueqi attack, or it may be because he is too tired to run around for so many years, physically and mentally exhausted, and wants to find relief through Lu Xueqi's hand. Xiaobai, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, wanted to make a move at first, but after seeing this scene, he understood, and understood that these two people liked each other, but they couldn't be together, and they couldn't help but sigh, feeling that love in this world is really heartbreaking.

Zhu Xian: Lu Xueqi took the initiative to confess to the ghost, and the famous scene of deep marks finally arrived, which was too abusive

Second, the famous scene of deep marks has finally arrived, which is too abusive

And then there's the Deep-Marked Famous Scene. Audiences who have read the original book are looking forward to this famous scene, hoping that this famous scene will be presented in the anime as soon as possible, and now it is finally here, and it can finally be seen. It can be seen that in the trailer, Lu Xueqi persuaded Ghost Li to fail, and she couldn't make Ghost Li change her mind and return to Qingyunmen, so she immediately drew her sword and drew a deep mark on the ground between her and Ghost Li, which was more than ten meters long.

Zhu Xian: Lu Xueqi took the initiative to confess to the ghost, and the famous scene of deep marks finally arrived, which was too abusive

This can be said to be obvious, Lu Xueqi was heartbroken by Ghost Li, and after seeing that Ghost Li resolutely did not leave the Demon Dao and did not return to Qingyunmen with him, he decisively drew a clear line, from now on you are you, I am me, no longer friends, and there will be no future between you and me.

Zhu Xian: Lu Xueqi took the initiative to confess to the ghost, and the famous scene of deep marks finally arrived, which was too abusive

This sword also cut off Lu Xueqi's lovesickness and hope for ten years, Lu Xueqi can't recover the ghost power after all, and after all, he can't guide the ghost power back to the right path. I have to say here that this sword is too abusive and has cut off the relationship between the two. After that, Lu Xueqi left, and returned to Qingyunmen shortly after.

So that's it for today, what do you think about it? Welcome to discuss and leave a message.